MicroServer is a modular server built for Microsoft .NET Micro Framework (NETMF).
Based on jgauffin's MVC Web Server framework .
- Regex Routing Module
- Model Binding (coming soon)
- Views with Token Replacement
- Controller Handling
- Action Results (View, JSON, Content, Files, Redirects and Errors)
- Basic Authentication
- Extendable Modules
- Form/File Handling
- Static File Handling with File Listing
- Body Decoding (Multipart and UrlEncoded)
- Header Decoding
- Cookie Encoding/Decoding
- Custom Pool Range
- Custom Reservations
- Add/Remove Options
- Simple Packet Debugging
- Local (Hardware) Time Source
- Remote (relay) NTP Server Time Source
- Client Synchronize
- Simple Packet Debugging
- Local Zone File Lookup
- Remote Relay Lookup
- Supported Resource Records (A, CNAME, MX, NB, NS, PTR, SOA, TXT)
- Simple Packet Debugging
Software: Microsoft .NET Micro Framework 4.3 or higher.
Hardware: In addition to the emulator console application example projects, this project was developed
using GHI Electronics Raptor and Cobra II mainboards.
This project contains the following simple example (see 'example' folder) project demonstrating how to implement a basic server with all modules loaded. Modules can be enabled or disabled.
Available through Nuget
PM> Install-Package MicroServer.ServiceManager
Start a new emulator console application, install MicroServer Service Manager package and create a Program.cs file with the following source code:
using System;
using MicroServer.Service;
using MicroServer.Net.Http.Mvc;
using MicroServer.Net.Http.Routing;
namespace MicroServer.Example
public class RouteConfig : HttpApplication
public override void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
regex: @"^[/]{1}$",
defaults: new DefaultRoute { controller = "example", action = "gethello", id = "" }
name: "Allow All",
regex: @".*",
defaults: new DefaultRoute { controller = "", action = "", id = "" }
public class ExampleController : Controller
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
// Any public IActionResult method inherited from Controller is made available as an endpoint
public IActionResult GetHello(ControllerContext context)
string response = "<doctype !html><html><head><title>Hello, world!</title>" +
"<style>body { background-color: #111 }" +
"h1 { font-size:3cm; text-align: center; color: white;}</style></head>" +
"<body><h1>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "</h1></body></html>\r\n";
return ContentResult(response, "text/html");
public class Program
public static void Main()
using (ServiceManager Server = new ServiceManager(LogType.Output, LogLevel.Debug, @"\winfs"))
//INITIALIZING : Server Services
Server.InterfaceAddress = System.Net.IPAddress.GetDefaultLocalAddress().ToString();
Server.ServerName = "example";
Server.DnsSuffix = "iot.local";
// SERVICES: Enable / disable additional services
Server.DhcpEnabled = false; // disabled by default as this could be disruptive to existing dhcp servers on the network.
Server.DnsEnabled = true;
Server.SntpEnabled = true;
//SERVICE: Enable / disable directory browsing
Server.AllowListing = false;
Server.DhcpService.PoolRange("", "");
Server.DhcpService.GatewayAddress = "";
Server.DhcpService.SubnetMask = "";
//SERVICES: Start all services
Access the controller endpoint by launching a web browser using: http://[emulator ipaddress]/example/gethello
If your project only needs to support one or two of the protocols, each protocol service can be loaded without using the service manager.
Any contribution to this project are welcome.
Licensed under Apache License 2.0
In the case where this code is a modification of existing code under a separate license, the separate license terms remain in effect. The modifications to the code are licensed under the Apache license.