2.1.33 (2021-10-20)
- 修复 ccp 指标错误
- 更新 performance 文档
2.1.32 (2021-10-19)
- 修复 ccp 指标错误
2.1.31 (2021-10-18)
- 优化 ccp 指标
- 更新 performance 文档
2.1.30 (2021-10-13)
- 新增 ccp 指标
- 更新 WebVitals 配置,删除customPaintMetrics属性,新增needCCP属性
2.1.29 (2021-09-24)
- getNavigationTiming: 修复navigation-timing中ssl不存在,计算错误 (e1c1610)
- manual fix change log (d4c1f9f)
- 修复navigation-timing中有值小于0时,不做上报处理,FP和FCP在页面隐藏后不做上报处理 (8d0280b)
- 修复roundByFour中toFixed报错 (2a30f4d)
2.1.27 (2021-09-02)
2.1.22 (2021-08-27)
2.1.20 (2021-08-15)
- download and upload file method (8cc1af9)
- packagejson (220a5e9)
- remove console (52b3231)
- remove console (ce8a23e)
- add mini-performance e2e (621d200)
- adjust api-extractor.json (422cb31)
- adjust path (f1cb78a)
- change scope (11bc77f)
- performance: 增加计算fps总次数配置项 (71ef644)
2.1.18 (2021-07-13)
- add cls metrics (7914d22)
- 在PerformanceObserver不支持时,通过performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')获取navigationTiming (17e619d)
2.1.17 (2021-06-25)
- core/options: add maxDuplicateCount field avoid duplicate error report (bb1acc6)
- core/options: maxDuplicateCount default to 2 (e484a49)
2.1.16 (2021-06-12)
- 修复lcp指标存在时,不重复上报;pageInfo新增screen resolution (155fb39)
2.1.15 (2021-06-01)
- add device code (a837362)
- add fps code (f7cd37b)
- add network info (bed9a3a)
- add web performance example (8d2fc96)
- edit calculateFps.ts (fbfd34b)
- edit constants code (647d094)
- init web-performance (b081a24)
- update navigationTiming (10f74b1)
- update navigationTiming (3593cf6)
- update navigationTiming (1044aec)
- web-performance (8fd47d8)
- web-performance: add version types files (7bf3d4d)
2.1.14 (2021-05-17)
2.1.11 (2021-05-12)
2.1.5 (2021-05-08)
2.1.1 (2021-04-28)
2.0.4 (2021-04-12)
2.0.0 (2021-03-09)
1.2.7 (2021-02-24)
- wx-mini: 修复Page多次调用注册事件问题 (14ad198)
- wx-mini: 支持behavior中的手势收集 (73830f8)
- wx-mini: 收集Component中的手势收集&构造页面收集 (f87b7e8)
- wx-mini: 添加component中手势行为收集 (48cb940)
1.2.5 (2021-01-23)
1.2.4 (2021-01-19)
- wxmini: 处理小程序onUnhandledRejection (e28bfda)
- wx: 优化request代码 (2dd4ebc)
- wx: 优化touchmove上报逻辑,添加节流控制 (582348d)
- wx: 修复onError是apply调用问题&getCurrentRoute问题 (ceabd16)
- wx: 修复replaceApp中replaceOld的this指向 (cae4f0a)
- wx: 处理request statusCode error (70e304e)
- wx: 添加downfile uploadfile (94b7fbf)
- wx: 添加page onshow和onhide记录 (05c6d16)
- wx: 添加pageOnShareAppMessage (61e9ed2)
- wx: 添加request error handler (64032ec)
- wx: 添加route failhandler, 优化router处理 (4f00cc5)
- wx: 添加wx路由相关的用户行为收集 (c8427e6)
- wx: 添加全局onPageNotFound处理 (9779baa)
- wx: 添加分享到朋友圈的tab点击 (4facf65)
- wx: 添加用户手势行为记录 (ae8c573)
- wx: 移除多余代码 (0172f7e)
1.2.2 (2021-01-01)
1.2.1 (2020-12-23)
1.2.0 (2020-12-21)
1.1.8 (2020-11-27)
- add cz (3a1afb2)
- handle React Error (70b4d84)
- init react (7b44c10)
- React test (0317dbd)
- src: 把interface改为types (d39df63)
- 优化调用文件 (b262eb7)
- 去除循环调用