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Note: HSBNE's official policy is managed in this repo so push access is restricted. Only the Website Approvers are able to approve pull requests. The master branch has a protection rule that disables direct pushing, all changes must be made through a pull request.

Quick Reference

This uses Jekyll on Github Pages. There are no plugins, and theres no server back end. Contribute by making pull requests.

Markdown vs HTML

Utilise markdown unless HTML is absolutely necessary to get correct presentation. Ie, all the first level pages are HTML, but the group rules page, meeting notes etc are in Markdown. Markdown is nice and portable for information like that.

About this implementation

This is the github pages version of We've moved over to this solution because:

  • It's free to run
  • We have no server to maintain
  • It's fairly accessible, although not WYSIWYG accessible
  • It's leaps and bounds better than google sites

There are some downsides:

  • HTML and Markdown is less accessible than WYSIWYG
  • The process of submitting changes via github is new to people who are not programmers
  • We're limited to githubs implementation of Jekyll, which means no plugins.

There are some tickets in the github system for features to make contributing easier. If you feel up for it, that would be an amazing way to help out.


Contribute like you would any other github project. Fork and make a pull request.

If you haven't tried this before goto and register an account, then either:

  1. Find the page you want to change here on github, view it and use the 'edit' button. This will automatically fork it and create a branch in your repository containing your changes when you press 'Propose File Change' to save your changes. Please use the commit summary to describe the change.
  2. Once you are happy with your changes create a pull request to ask the maintainers of the project to merge in your changes. There is an option to do this by selecting
    1. 'start a discussion about this comparison to create a pull request' at the top of the review page shown after you pressed 'Propose File Change'.
    2. You can add extra notes about the change before you finally click 'send pull request' to submit the changes.

If you realise you need to make more changes before making the pull request, or changes to other files, use the 'switch branches' option at the top of the page in the hsbne repository in your account to select the automatically created branch in your repository, make the changes and then choose 'Start Review' to review all the changes you've made. This will load the same review screen you saw in 2 above, and you can follow the steps there to complete your change.


  1. Go to our page and click on fork to create your own copy of all of the website pages and make the changes on your copy and then create a pull request to submit them back here. You need to know a bit more about GitHub to use this second option.

Help for how to use GitHub markdown for formatting is available here: GitHub Flavoured Markdown.

You can use as a more WSIWYG editor for markdown pages instead of just the github edit. For html pages, you can go through the github edit button.

If you become a trusted contributor, I'm happy to give you direct commit rights to this repo.

For now, all changes are going through pull requests just for visibility. The project maintainers can accept all or some of your changes.

If you want to make larger changes to the site, you might want to setup your own working copy of the website so you can test your changes before making a pull request.

How to make your own development copy of the website

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone your fork to a local drive ( git clone git://[email protected]:YOURUSERNAME/ )
  3. cd
  4. Tell your local installation of git to track the upstream master (git remote add upstream
  5. You can now get the latest version from the original site using (git fetch upstream)
  6. Now go ahead and make your changes

OSX / Linux

  1. System ruby sucks. Install RVM
  2. If you're not in the hsbne directory, cd to it.
  3. rvm use
  4. gem install bundler
  5. bundle install
  6. bin/serve
  7. The site is now running on port 4000, and it's watching the directory for changes. Edit things and see how hilariously broken everything becomes. Some changes aren't picked up by auto, just restart the server.

Once you have changes you like:

  1. git commit -am "My amazing changes"
  2. git push origin master
  3. Go to your repo on github, make a pull request.
  4. Wait for me to accept it.

If it says that you have no changes, you may have to run git add FILENAME


Install Github for windows

login and clone the repository to you local drive mine is C:\users\denominator\Documents\GitHub\\

Install Ruby

For this, you'll want to use Just download the latest version of the installer from their site, and run it.

Once installed you'll need to append the newly-created bin directory for Ruby, in my case C:\Ruby200\bin, to your PATH system environment variable. To do this:

  1. Right-click My Computer and click Properties.
  2. In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab.
  3. In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variables button.
  4. In the Environment Variables window, highlight the Path variable in the Systems Variable section and click the Edit button.
  5. Append the directory separator, and the relevant Ruby bin directory path to the current value (e.g. ;C:\Ruby193\bin)


  1. Hold down the windows key and press R.
  2. type cmd in the command box
  3. type set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Ruby193\bin
Install the Ruby Installer DevKit

Due to some of the dependencies in later steps, you’ll also need to download and install the RubyInstaller Development Kit. This is

When you run the executable, you'll be asked where to place the setup files. For simplicity, store them in C:\DevKit and once the extraction is complete, open up a command prompt window and navigate to that same directory, 'cd C:\DevKit`.

Execute the command ruby dk.rb init

followed by ruby dk.rb install to install the development kit.

#####Install Jekyll and its Dependencies

Its pretty simple now, just run the following three commands in windows command line:

  1. gem install jekyll
  2. gem install RedCloth
  3. gem install rdiscount

#####Fire-Up Jekyll

If everything has gone well then you should now be able to navigate to the location of your source files* and start up Jekyll's web server instance with jekyll serve. This will then allow you to browse the generated site locally at http://localhost:4000

TIP: Jekyll should be available on the path so you can run jekyll serve -w the -w makes it watch the directory to change the server everytime something changes. If Jekyll is not available on the path you will need to run Jekyll from the install directory. eg. C:\Ruby200\bin\jekyll.bat -w serve Edit the Start In: int the properties of the shortcut to point it to the directory where the website is C:\users\denominator\Documents\GitHub\\

to close running server just hit ctl-c and it y enter

Note: If you get an error when you first try to run jekyll, telling you that RedCloth is not installed, then simply run the following command

sh C:\Ruby193\bin\redcloth

This document

I'd love contributions to this readme also, go nuts.