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TDSP Tutorial and Example
Compile and install the code from the github gsoc-tdsp branch.
cmake -DWITH_DD=ON
sudo make install
To make sure the time_dependent_shortest_path function is installed, log in to pgrouting-worskhop database.
Psql pgrouting-workshop
Now, to make sure you have installed the tdsp function, type:
\df+ 'time_dependent_shortest_path'
It should show the installed function. If not perform the following command:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgr_time_dependent_shortest_path
sql text,
source_id integer,
target_id integer,
directed boolean,
has_reverse_cost boolean,
time_dep_sql text,
query_start_time integer
RETURNS SETOF path_result AS '$libdir/librouting_tdsp'
Along with the ways table in pgrouting-workshop, we need an additional table time_dep_costs. Give the following command:
create table time_dep_costs
edge_id integer,
start_time integer,
end_time integer,
travel_time double precision
Now we create a function which will populate the time_dep_costs table with time_dependent_data:
create function generate_time_dep_data() returns integer as $$
way ways%rowtype;
FOR way IN SELECT gid,class_id,length from ways
IF way.class_id in (101,111,102) THEN
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 0, 6, (1 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 6, 7, (1.10 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 7, 8, (1.25 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 8, 9, (1.55 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 9, 10, (1.45 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 10, 11, (1.15 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 11, 17, (1 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 17, 18, (1.15 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 18, 19, (1.30 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 19, 20, (1.55 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 20, 21, (1.45 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 21, 22, (1.10 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 22, 24, (1 * way.length));
IF way.class_id in (106,108,109,110,100) THEN
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 0, 6, (1 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 6, 7, (1.05 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 7, 8, (1.20 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 8, 9, (1.50 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 9, 10, (1.40 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 10, 11, (1.10 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 11, 17, (1 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 17, 18, (1.10 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 18, 19, (1.25 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 19, 20, (1.50 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 20, 21, (1.40 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 21, 22, (1.05 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 22, 24, (1 * way.length));
IF way.class_id in (112,119,117,114,122,401) THEN
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 0, 6, (1 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 6, 7, (1 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 7, 8, (1.10 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 8, 9, (1.15 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 9, 10, (1.15 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 10, 11, (1.05 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 11, 17, (1 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 17, 18, (1.05 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 18, 19, (1.10 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 19, 20, (1.15 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 20, 21, (1.15 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 21, 22, (1 * way.length));
INSERT INTO time_dep_costs(edge_id,start_time,end_time,travel_time) values (way.gid, 22, 24, (1 * way.length));
$$ language plpgsql;
You can play around with the values and times. Example to disable the roads with class_id 106 from 9 AM to 10 AM, perform following command:
update time_dep_costs set travel_time = 100000 where edge_id in (select gid from ways where class_id = 106) and start_time = 9;
Now we are ready to try out the queries.
Perform the following query:
SELECT * FROM pgr_time_dependent_shortest_path(' SELECT gid as id, source::integer, target::integer, length::double precision as cost FROM ways', 81, 359, true, false,'SELECT edge_id, start_time ,travel_time from time_dep_costs',14);
Expected output:
vertex_id | edge_id | cost
81 | 76 | 0.676679124019778
82 | 2685 | 0.0142730120969233
2025 | 2686 | 0.0527643566935966
2026 | 2687 | 0.0503186783997734
1352 | 2688 | 0.040045224972895
891 | 2689 | 0.102585749616445
2027 | 2690 | 0.00393013769016461
2028 | 2691 | 0.0783080282246671
2029 | 2692 | 0.00809624716133584
2030 | 2693 | 0.0549300905337169
2031 | 2694 | 0.00932766708191147
206 | 2934 | 0.0649937724873396
2153 | 3606 | 0.0243462412382438
2435 | 3607 | 0.0121329190032456
1528 | 3608 | 0.0275302530244288
2436 | 3611 | 0.0157673263340369
2437 | 3612 | 0.0237076055549008
565 | 3613 | 0.0592997162617984
358 | 366 | 0.120471497765379
359 | -1 | 0
(20 rows)
Now if you perform the following query:
SELECT * FROM pgr_time_dependent_shortest_path('SELECT gid as id, source::integer, target::integer, length::double precision as cost FROM ways', 81, 359, true, false,'SELECT edge_id, start_time ,travel_time from time_dep_costs',9);
The outputs are different. The path returned by second query where query_start_time is 9 avoids the edge (81,82) since its cost is too high, its class_id = 106, and instead takes a longer route of 39 hops. On other hand, path returned by 1st query where query_start_time is 14 returns shortest path of 20 hops.