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Alexandra Bozec edited this page Apr 23, 2019 · 1 revision

Domain-independent source code for plotting HYCOM archive files, and plotting 2-D fields from any HYCOM *.a file, using NCAR graphics.


Alternatively, fields similar to those plotted here can be output in several common data formats by programs in HYCOM-tools/archive/src. These fields can then be plotted by your favorite graphics package.

mod_plot.F and several other source routines are identical to those in HYCOM-tools/archive/src, because both sets of programs are doing similar archive "processing". These are not hardlinked together, so any modifications in one directory must be manually propagated to the other.

All programs read regional.grid.b at run-time to get idm and jdm for the particular region being processed.

There is a fixed size workspace buffer in conrec.f. If you get the run time error "AREA-MAP ARRAY OVERFLOW" try increasing the size of lgthmp in conrec.f. Similarly, "MCS TOO SMALL" refers to lgthwk in conrec.f.
These parameters are now set relatively large by default.

The Makefile is configured to key on ../../config/$(ARCH)_setup for machine-dependent definitions, see the Config Setup wiki page. When running on (say) a Linux PC, ARCH is "intel*" and an individual make command for gfortran might be:
make hycomproc ARCH=intelGF >& Make_hycomproc.log

Typically all executables are created just once by editing Make_all.src for the correct ARCH and then issuing the command csh Make_all.csh.

The same configuration file is used for all pre and post-processing programs, but here the Makefile uses ncargf90 in place of $(LD) in order to link in the NCAR graphics package. Make sure this is in your path and consistent with $(LDFLAGS) as defined in ../../config/$(ARCH)_setup.
If you don't have the NCAR graphics package, download it from If you prefer to use another graphics package, then hycomdata, archv2data and field2data from HYCOM-tools/archive/src provide similar functionality to hycomproc and fieldproc except they output data fields in one of several common formats rather than creating plots of the fields.

Inside Makefile, OPNGKS_OBJ selects the default output type (metafile or PostScript portrait or PostScript landscape). All three output types can be used by making the specific executables (hp_meta, hp_psp, hp_psl).

The program fieldproc will plot any 2-d horizontal scalar field from a HYCOM ".a" data file. It is based on hycomproc and has similar input.

The program fieldcell will plot any 2-d horizontal scalar field from a HYCOM ".a" data file. It is based on fieldproc and has similar input, but the output is a pixel-based image, rather than a vector-based contour, and the plot is drawn on one of a large selection of projections, rather than on logical array space.

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