Manage and practice chess studies.
- docker-compose up
- lein figwheel
- open http://localhost:3449/ in your browser
I use "lein-test-refresh" to automatically rerun tests for Clojure.
lein test-refresh :changes-only
To run the Clojurescript tests involves more setup: The package.json of the project install karma [] which is then called by doo [].
To run tests I use:
lein doo chrome test auto
To run the whole application using figwheel.
lein figwheel
For simple maintenance/debugging tasks the Mongo shell can be used:
docker exec -it chessdojo_mongo-db_1 mongo
Some sample commands:
show dbs
use <db>{_id : "b1a22603-2828-4835-bbcc-408a22f28008"});{_id : "74860980-4c1c-4e5a-a6b4-da5d4e1726f2"});