- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS
- PostgreSQL
- GraphQL
- Prisma
- TypeScript
Jetcord is a social media platform similar to Twitter. It was developed using Next.js for the frontend, Tailwind CSS for design, PostgreSQL for data storage, and Prisma as the ORM.
- User Authentication: Implemented user authentication and signup features, allowing users to create accounts and post content securely.
- GraphQL Integration: Integrated GraphQL for efficient data fetching and manipulation, enhancing the platform's performance and scalability.
- Real-time Messaging: Utilized websockets to enable real-time messaging between users, providing seamless communication capabilities and enhancing the user experience.
To get started with Jetcord, follow these steps:
cd jetcord
yarn install
First, run the development server:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.