Get a list of official public holidays and the dates they fall on for any country and year. A wrapper around the Yasumi library, exposing it as a Kirby site method. Anything Yasumi can do, you should be able to chain in to the site method.
To use this plugin, place all the files in site/plugins/kirby3-yasumi
git submodule add site/plugins/yasumi
composer require hashandsalt/kirby3-yasumi
This plugin is free but if you use it in a commercial project please consider to
Get all the holidays for the United States in 2020 - be warned, this is a huge array containing translations. If you literally just want the dates, keep reading.
$site->holidays('USA', 2020);
If you want it to keep rolling with the current year, use date()...
$site->holidays('Netherlands', date("Y"));
$holidays = $site->holidays('France', 2020);
$days = [];
foreach ($holidays->getHolidayDates() as $date) {
$days[] = $date;
The example below uses Yasumi in combination with my Recurr plugin to filter out repeating event dates that fall on public holidays. Thanks to Bruno Meilick for the filter array code.
// Get set of dates from Recurr
$events = $site->recurr('2020-01-01 20:00:00', '2020-01-01 22:00:00', 'WEEKLY', ['WE', 'TH', 'FR'], '2021-01-26');
// Get Holidays for USA for Current Year
$holidays = $site->holidays('USA', date("Y"));
// Turn those holidays in to an array of just dates
$filter = [];
foreach ($holidays->getHolidayDates() as $date) {
$filter[] = $date;
// Filter out those dates from events
$filteredEvents = array_filter($events, function($event) use ($filter) {
$event = implode('//', $event);
foreach($filter as $day) {
// if contains then discard
if (strstr($event, $day) !== false) {
return false;
// else keep
return true;
If you'd like to display holidays in the panel, you can use the provided holidays
collection. It features title, date and type of all holidays. This requires Roman Steiner's Pages Display Section plugin.
type: pagesdisplay
headline: "Holidays"
text: "{{'Y-m-d')}}: {{page.title}}"
query: kirby.collection('holidays')
Country, year and used locale can be set in the configuration:
return [
'hashandsalt.yasumi' => [
'country' => 'Germany/LowerSaxony',
'year' => '2020',
'locale' => 'de_DE'