Simple todo list built with Appcelerator® Titanium™ SDK using Alloy MVC framework, just i'm trying my first live coding.
- Data model (id, text, lastModifiedDate, status[completed|pending], image)
- List todos sorted by lastModifiedDate descending
- Mark completed
- Add new todo
- Filter Pending or Completed
- Search in tasks
- Edit task
- Form validation
- Add/Edit can attach image from camera and gallery
- Share it (Why you need to share task on social media)
- Test app on Android, package and upload on Github
- TiSocial.Framework module to use iOS share APIs.
- SocialShare CommonJS Module for Appcelerator that implements cross-platform sharing of text and images over social networks.
- SlideTabButtonBar Pretty TabbedBar to iOS and Android.
Open source under MIT License