indescriminate leading
- Analysis tool
- A more universal version of the power net analyzer
- Currently only works on fluid networks though
- In addition to seeing links and subscribers, the analysis tool also displays subscriber positions as well as a log (up to 50 entries) of what block received how much fluid
- This should finally give more insight in the bug that rarely causes fluids to disappear
- Leadburster
- A 40mm launcher grenade that doesn't explode, instead it attaches itself to a block and starts firing bullets
- Fires in circles for 2 seconds before it self-destructs
- Congo lake
- A 40mm pump-action grenade launcher with a capacity of 4 rounds
- Lantern
- Cheap and fancy illumination
- Will blind glyphids in a small radius
- Glyphids don't actually have eyes, just don't think about it too much
- Ashpit
- An optional part that can be placed under fireboxes and heating ovens
- Collects ashes, producing one ash pile for every 10 furnace operations worth of fuel
- Ash comes in different types like wood (from planks, logs and saplings), coal (coal, lignite and coke) and generic (everything else)
- Ashes can be used as dyes, for making industrial fertilizer, as low-efficiency furnace fuel or for carbon in the crucible
- Coal ashes can also be centrifuged, returning the flammable content as unburned coal dust as well as a small amount of boron
- Updated polish and chinese localization
- Flechettes now get stuck in blocks for a few seconds
- NBT kits now display the amount of items in a stack
- Removed the special nuclear meteorite
- Fixed thermos crashing config hitting before the config is saved, resulting in an empty config the first time the server is launched
- Fixed heating oven not visually connecting to exhaust pipes
- Fixed loot blocks not correctly rendering items that require multiple render passes
- Fixed special meteorites spawning in worldgen
MD5: a71b96f5b1987f919989ea2c89198981
SHA1: c71aad9d6e48fcf6467284c7a472c4282fa3a324