- Phosphor vines
- Will be used for an upcoming dungeon, don't worry about it
- Raw bedrock ore taken out of the creative tab now has the stats of the position the player is in, instead of being worthless
- U233's color coded isotope indicator is now yellow instead of orange, making yellow standard code for "secondary fissile isotope" and orange for "radioisotope"
- NITAN powders can now be found in the creative tab
- Coltass' description no longer calls the player a dipshit
- Fixed raw bedrock ore tooltip not showing the density's color correctly
- Fixed T45 helmet not protecting against carbon monoxide
- Fixed general issues regarding the rotary furnace
- Fixed corrupted broadcaster noise having infinite range
- Fixed packet issues for explosive charges and custom machines
- Fixed one of the rotary furnace's visual connections now properly showing up
- Fixed dupe regarding items on a conveyor belt
- Potentially fixed chunkloading drones for real this time(tm)
- No, I did not test it
- Fixed missing localization for keybinds
MD5: 7e5f478346c262d47b363f3c0bfff6b1
SHA1: 3f8245ad008df8bf7547109679f4fa5447299ab9