This a an implementation of the new context react context api in pure ReasonML
It seems to cover the base api. If there is something missing, please file an issue :D
npm install --save reason-react-context
Creating a context:
type t =
| Light
| Dark;
module Context =
type state = t;
let name = "Theme";
let defaultValue = Light;
Using the Provider module:
type action =
| ChangeTheme(Theme.t);
type state = {theme: Theme.t};
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("App");
let make = _children => {
initialState: () => {theme: Light},
reducer: (action, _state) =>
switch action {
| ChangeTheme(newTheme) => ReasonReact.Update({theme: newTheme})
render: ({send, state}) =>
<div className="App">
<Theme.Context.Provider value=state.theme>
<button onClick=(_e => send(ChangeTheme(state.theme === Dark ? Light : Dark)))>
(ReasonReact.stringToElement("Toggle Theme"))
<Title message="Reason Context" />
Using the Consumer module:
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("background");
let make = children => {
render: _self =>
theme =>
~props={"className": theme === Light ? "background-light" : "background-dark"},
If you want to see more there is a full theme example and a global state example in the /example folder of this repo.