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Maxime edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Catrina wiki!

This wiki is split into a few parts:

Getting Started



You can grab the executable in the releases section of this repo, or use the gh cli tool to download it.

gh release download --repo HiiGHoVuTi/Catrina --pattern "*linux*"

replace linux with windows or macos if needed

you might need to chmod +x the file

Manual Building

You can build the rina executable on any system supporting either cabal or nix. First, clone the project from the home repo

git clone
cd Catrina


Nix will take care of any requirement you might need !


You will find the executable in ./result/bin/rina/, you can now add it wherever you want. You can also install it on the system:

nix-build -i


Cabal can install the executable for you, and will most likely work too.

cabal install

Editor support

For now, editor support is very limited, but we will work on a language server at some point.


In ./tools/vim there is a syntax file you can add to your ~/.vim/syntax / ~/.config/nvim/syntax that gives you syntax highlighting with set syntax=rina.

Using the REPL

with the rina executable in path, you can use the REPL (comes with prettier colours):

$ rina repl
Rina> "hello world !"
"hello world !"
Rina> 1 + 1
Rina> { name = "Catrina", last_name = unknown. }
{ last_name = unknown., name = "Catrina" }
Rina> { name = "Catrina", feeling = "love" } .feeling
Rina> :q
Thanks for using Rina 

Interpreting files

rina can interpret (and soon compile) files ending in .rina.

$ echo "ar Base main : {} -> {} = \"Hello from rina !\" stdout" > main.rina
$ rina interpret main.rina
"Hello from rina !"


In case you forget some elements of the syntax of language patterns, we made you a cheatsheet


Here's a small language tour if you want to catch up to speed.


The documentation for the catrina standard library will appear as it is made !


January 2022

This is a new start for Catrina ! The language is born recently and basic features are being added.

  • Primitives
  • Sum and Products
  • a REPL and interpreter

learn more about the basics on the tour