Investigate a Dataset (No-show appointments!) using pandas, numpy and matplotlib.
In this project, we’re going to investigate medical appointments dataset collected from Brazil. The dataset focused on answering whether the patients show up for their ap- pointment or not. The dataset has multiple characteristics about the patient such as gender, age, insurance & ...etc. Furthermore, the dataset has 110527 rows in total with 14 columns.
Our analysis will focus on answering two questions: First, the important factors to know whether a patient will show up for their scheduled appointment or not. This will be done by taking No-Show variable as a dependent variable and the rest as inde- pendent and test the whole dataset to come up with applicable correlation. Second, we will focus on the significant factors if exist together could prevent patients from show- ing the same dependent & independents variables as the first part but with significant changes in the dataset. We’re going to separate the dataset and dive in the actual no show cases only.