Mapping website displaying the open and closed sections of the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Project includes two (2) applications:
- scrape
- map
- Web scrapper and data parser
- Scrape open/closed data from National Park Service website
- Parse and convert mileposts to spacial data - (Lat, Long, Elev)
- Main site displaying map and route information
- MapQuest javascript API for mapping
- Leaflet library for creating routes on map
The Blue Ridge Parkway is a 469 mile scenic byway that connects Virginia to North Carolina. The road can be closed at mile marker gates for various reasons including weather, construction, etc. These closures are provided on the National Parks Service website and updated daily. The closure information is displayed in a simple HTML table, but no mapping feature is currently provided. brp_open was built to solve that.
Closure information provided by:
Much more to come...
Eric Hippler,, LinkedIn