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Hiram·Wong edited this page Jun 4, 2024
1 revision
本项目对市面上主流视频播放器技术的基础整合, 旨在成为视频播放领域的“瑞士军刀”, 打造既统一又灵活的播放解决方案,满足多样化的业务场景。
- VidstackPlayer(频繁维护 Stars:1.8k): 构建并发布可用于生产的视频或音频播放器!功能强大、可定制、易于访问。作为备受推崇的Plyr3.X和Vime5.X的继承者。
- Plyr(现合入Vidstack Stars:25.5k): 一个简单、轻量级、可访问和可定制的支持现代浏览器的 HTML5、YouTube和Vimeo媒体播放器。
- Vime(现合入Vidstack Starts:2.7k): 可定制、可扩展、可访问和框架无关的媒体播放器。
- DPlayer(停更 Stars:15.1k):一个简洁、易用的 HTML5 视频播放器,支持弹幕功能,常用于视频网站和在线教育平台。
- XgPlayer(频繁维护 Stars:7.9k):字节开源的一款带解析器、能节省流量的HTML5视频播放器。
- ArtPlayer(频繁维护 Stars:2.3k):现代和功能齐全的HTML5视频播放器。
- NPlayer(停更 Stars:1.2k):可定制、插件化、响应式(支持移动、平板等多种设备)的弹幕视频播放器。
- MuiPlayer(看心情更新 Stars:489):一款优秀的 HTML5 视频播放器组件。
为何不集成TcPlayer(维护)、AliPlayer(维护)、VePlayer(维护)播放器, 这些均为商业播放器, 会上报云端数据, 因此不做集成。
仅代表自己使用后的感受, 没有数据支撑。
- H266:AliPlayer(需开授权)
- H265:VePlayer > AliPlayer(需开授权) > (DPlayer|NPlayer|ArtPlayer) > XgPlayer 该部分不准,现在基本都支持了,只要浏览器支持
- 其他:VePlayer > TcPlayer > (DPlayer|NPlayer|ArtPlayer) > AliPlayer
- DPlayer 和 NPlayer 和 ArtPlayer 都需基于hls.js|flv.js|webtorrent|dash扩展,因此兼容性一致。
- TcPlayer 5.0版本后需要注册账号后才能使用
- VePlayer 必须配置日志上传id才能使用(可使用官方demo的ID: 348293)
- XgPlayer
兼容性好 - VePlayer和XgPlayer均支持软解和硬解,虽然是同一底层但VePlayer软解明显比XgPlayer好用
- VidstackPlayer|Plyr|Vime不支持flv.js和webtorrent
- MuiPlayer弹幕功能需购买专业版本🆒
- Chrome启用HEVC硬解码说明
- HEVC测试地址
- Chrome渲染引擎导致黑屏
- 播放器抽象层:设计一个统一的播放器接口,该接口封装了各播放器库的公共方法和属性,如 play(), pause(), seek() 等,确保上层应用无需关心底层使用的是哪个播放器。
- 适配器层:针对每个播放器(XGPlayer、DPlayer、NPlayer、ArtPlayer)开发适配器模块,将它们的功能映射到统一接口上,实现对特定播放器特性的调用和配置。
- 配置管理器:提供一个中心化的配置管理系统,允许通过简单dom操作定制播放器皮肤、图标等。
- 资源加载器:实现动态加载不同播放器库的逻辑,根据目标平台或用户需求自动选择最适合的播放器实现。
- 动态脚本加载:利用动态脚本加载技术,根据客户端条件按需加载相应的播放器库,减少不必要的资源请求。
- API 转换:在适配器层,通过精细设计的转换逻辑,确保各播放器的特有功能能被正确映射到统一接口,隐藏底层实现细节。
.dplayer-danmaku .dplayer-danmaku-right.dplayer-danmaku-move { will-change: transform; -webkit-animation-name: 'danmaku'; /* 兼容性问题,需要加上-webkit- */ animation-name: 'danmaku'; -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; animation-timing-function: linear; -webkit-animation-play-state: paused; animation-play-state: paused; }
- 在大量弹幕数据下, 请勿开启海量弹幕[炮火模式], 应设置
unlimited: false
, 否则会造成主进程阻塞, 个人测试1w条数据毕现 - 开启海量弹幕再使用
方法, 会导致seek
前的弹幕重叠显示, 而不是直接跳过seek
- 在大量弹幕数据下, 请勿开启海量弹幕[炮火模式], 应设置
获取的不是真实地址, 需使用dp.options.video.url
获取, 但是切换地址后该值不会变需要在dp.seitchVideo
后手动赋值 -
取消时间变动监听进度条不动: 如果
会将组件内部事件也清空, 导致Nplayer
在使用切换下集时画面正常, 进度条渲染不变 - 暂停事件: 触发暂停事件后, 时间变动监听不会立即暂停,实测会多出一次数据返回,且数据和最后一次返回一致
art.on('artplayerPluginDanmuku:emit', () => {art.plugins.artplayerPluginDanmuku.emit({})})
, 不用在监听发送事件在发送一次 - ArtPlayer实例: 初始化两个实例挂载在同一个DOM上会导致报错, 多次创建要么先做判断,要么不挂在同一DOM元素上
弹幕清洗卡死: 如使用
) -
异步加载依赖: 按播放器拆封模块, 如在主程序里调用
const xgplayer = await import('./playerModule/xgplayer')
即可。(文件太多懒得在文档写测试用例, 所以如下展示为一次性导入, 异步加载参考项目多播放器异步加载依赖)
* @module multi-player
* @brief 多播放器集成方案
* @author HiramWong <[email protected]>
* @update 2024-06-01
* @version 0.0.6
* **ChangeLog说明**:
* - 2024.5.12:
* - 初步实现方法集成[xgplayer|nplayer|dplayer|artplayer]
* - 2024.5.13:
* - 除xgplayer外增加弹幕发送逻辑
* - 优化xgplayer兼容性-xgplayer-flv.js替代xgplayer-flv, xgplayer-hls.js替代xgplayer-hls
* - 2024.5.14:
* - 优化公共流逻辑-先检测环境是否支持
* - 修复seek方法xgplayer进度跳转失败
* - 修复playerNext方法nplayer会退出全屏
* - 2024.5.15:
* - 修复取消监听事件导致组件内监听事件失效-提取为公共方法[时间变动|弹幕发送]
* - 修复自定义dplayer的off传入func匹配错误
* - 2024.5.16:
* - 扩展dplayer画中画功能、控制栏弹幕开关
* - 调整dplayer参数unlimited为false-解决阻塞主进程问题
* - 修复触发playerNext方法在触发playerBarrage方法切换失败-没有赋值dp.options.video.src导致地址一直不变
* - 2024.6.1:
* - 修复playerNext方法nplayer类型为mp4不生效
* - 统一风格-nplayer音量进度条改为垂直|扩展画中画控制栏显示|live模式去进度条
* - 统一风格-live模式去除相关弹幕组件[减少内存]
* ---
import Artplayer from 'artplayer';
import artplayerPluginDanmuku from 'artplayer-plugin-danmuku';
import dashjs from 'dashjs';
import DPlayer from 'dplayer';
import NPlayer, { EVENT as NPlayerEvent, Icon as NPlayerIcon } from 'nplayer';
import nplayerDanmaku from '@nplayer/danmaku';
import flvjs from 'flv.js';
import Hls from 'hls.js';
import WebTorrent from './components/webtorrent';
import XgPlayer, { Events, SimplePlayer } from 'xgplayer';
import Danmu from 'xgplayer/es/plugins/danmu';
import LivePreset from 'xgplayer/es/presets/live';
// import FlvPlugin from 'xgplayer-flv';
import FlvPlugin from 'xgplayer-flv.js';
// import HlsPlugin from 'xgplayer-hls';
import HlsPlugin from 'xgplayer-hls.js';
import Mp4Plugin from 'xgplayer-mp4';
import { checkMediaType, checkLiveM3U8 } from '@/utils/tool';
const publicOptions = {
hls: {},
flv: {
mediaDataSource: {},
config: {},
webtorrent: {},
dash: {},
class CustomDPlayer extends DPlayer {
constructor(options) {
super(options); // 调用DPlayer构造函数初始化实例
* 扩展的off方法,用于移除事件监听器。
* 如果没有提供回调函数,则清空该事件类型的所有监听器;
* 如果提供了回调函数,则仅移除与之匹配的监听器。
* @param {string} name - 事件名称。
* @param {Function|undefined} [callback] - 要移除的事件处理函数。默认为undefined,表示移除所有同名事件监听器。
* @returns {CustomDPlayer} 返回当前实例,支持链式调用。
off(name: string, callback: Function | undefined = undefined) {
// @ts-ignore 获取或初始化events.events对象, 用于存储事件监听器
const e = this.events.events || (this.events.events = {});
// 获取特定事件名称下的所有监听器
const evts = e[name];
// 创建一个新数组,用于存放那些不符合移除条件的监听器
const liveEvents: any = [];
// 如果存在事件监听器且指定了回调函数
if (evts && callback) {
// 遍历当前事件名称下的所有监听器
for (let i = 0, len = evts.length; i < len; i += 1) {
// 如果当前监听器的函数与要移除的函数不匹配[考虑直接引用和_.once包裹的情况]
if (evts[i] !== callback) {
liveEvents.push(evts[i]); // 保留该监听器
// 如果有监听器存活下来,更新events.events[name]
if (liveEvents.length) {
e[name] = liveEvents;
} else {
// 否则,没有匹配的监听器,直接删除该事件类型
delete e[name];
// 返回当前实例,便于链式调用
return this;
const publicIcons = {
danmu: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="2 2 17 17" fill="none" class="xgplayer-danmu-open-svg"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.5 4.106h-13a.3.3 0 00-.3.3v11.186a.3.3 0 00.3.3h7.111v1.7H3.5a2 2 0 01-2-2V4.406a2 2 0 012-2h13a2 2 0 012 2V10h-1.7V4.406a.3.3 0 00-.3-.3zM6 7.722c0-.42.34-.76.76-.76h6.58a.76.76 0 110 1.52H6.76a.76.76 0 01-.76-.76zm0 3.037c0-.42.34-.759.76-.759h3.543a.76.76 0 110 1.519H6.76a.76.76 0 01-.76-.76z" fill="#fff"></path><circle cx="15.1" cy="14.201" r="3.4" fill="#3370FF"></circle><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.185 13.756a.5.5 0 01.707 0l.866.866 1.78-1.78a.5.5 0 11.707.707l-2.133 2.134a.5.5 0 01-.707 0l-1.22-1.22a.5.5 0 010-.707z" fill="#fff"></path></svg>`,
play: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-icon-play"><path d="M14.121 8.299a2 2 0 010 3.402l-7.94 4.91c-1.332.825-3.051-.133-3.051-1.7V5.09c0-1.567 1.72-2.525 3.052-1.701l7.939 4.911z" fill="#fff"></path></svg>`,
pause: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-icon-pause"><rect x="5.313" y="3.75" width="3.125" height="12.5" rx=".625" fill="#fff"></rect><rect x="11.563" y="3.75" width="3.125" height="12.5" rx=".625" fill="#fff"></rect></svg>`,
playNext: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-play-next"><path d="M11.626 6.457L3.452 1.334C1.937.384.042 1.571.042 3.471v11.057c0 1.9 1.894 3.087 3.41 2.137l8.174-5.123c1.875-1.174 1.875-3.91 0-5.085zM16.5 1c-.825 0-1.5.675-1.5 1.5v13c0 .825.675 1.5 1.5 1.5s1.5-.675 1.5-1.5v-13c0-.825-.675-1.5-1.5-1.5z"></path></svg>`,
fullscreen: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-get-fullscreen"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.778 2h4.444v1.778H3.778v4.444H2V3.778C2 2.796 2.796 2 3.778 2zM2 11.778v4.444C2 17.204 2.796 18 3.778 18h4.444v-1.778H4.823l2.313-2.313a.9.9 0 00-1.272-1.273l-2.086 2.086v-2.944H2zm14.222 0v4.444h-4.444V18h4.444c.982 0 1.778-.796 1.778-1.778v-4.444h-1.778zM18 8.222V3.778C18 2.796 17.204 2 16.222 2h-4.444v1.778h2.945l-2.587 2.586a.9.9 0 101.273 1.273l2.813-2.813v3.398H18z" fill="#fff"></path></svg>`,
exitFullscreen: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-exit-fullscreen"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.892 2h4.445v1.778H3.892v4.444H2.114V3.778C2.114 2.796 2.91 2 3.892 2zm4.445 16v-4.444c0-.982-.796-1.778-1.778-1.778H2.114v1.778h2.944L2.264 16.35a.9.9 0 001.272 1.273l2.988-2.987a.918.918 0 00.035-.037V18h1.778zm8-6.222v4.444h-4.445V18h4.445c.981 0 1.777-.796 1.777-1.778v-4.444h-1.777zM11.892 2v4.445c0 .981.796 1.777 1.778 1.777h4.444V6.445H15.17l2.568-2.568a.9.9 0 10-1.273-1.273L13.67 5.4V2h-1.778z" fill="#fff"></path></svg>`,
volumeSmall: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-volume-small"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.867 2.5h.55c.44 0 .799.34.83.771l.003.062v13.334c0 .44-.34.799-.771.83l-.062.003h-.55a.833.833 0 01-.444-.128l-.064-.045-4.867-3.744a.831.831 0 01-.322-.59l-.003-.07V7.077c0-.235.099-.458.271-.615l.054-.045L9.36 2.673a.832.832 0 01.43-.17l.078-.003h.55-.55zM2.5 6.667c.23 0 .417.186.417.416v5.834c0 .23-.187.416-.417.416h-.833a.417.417 0 01-.417-.416V7.083c0-.23.187-.416.417-.416H2.5zm11.768.46A4.153 4.153 0 0115.417 10c0 1.12-.442 2.137-1.162 2.886a.388.388 0 01-.555-.007l-.577-.578c-.176-.176-.156-.467.009-.655A2.49 2.49 0 0013.75 10a2.49 2.49 0 00-.61-1.636c-.163-.188-.182-.477-.006-.653l.578-.578a.388.388 0 01.556-.006z" fill="#fff"></path></svg>`,
volumeLarge: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-volume"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.867 2.5h.55c.44 0 .799.34.83.771l.003.062v13.334c0 .44-.34.799-.771.83l-.062.003h-.55a.833.833 0 01-.444-.128l-.064-.045-4.867-3.744a.831.831 0 01-.322-.59l-.003-.07V7.077c0-.235.099-.458.271-.615l.054-.045L9.36 2.673a.832.832 0 01.43-.17l.078-.003h.55-.55zm6.767 2.278A7.474 7.474 0 0118.75 10a7.477 7.477 0 01-2.128 0 01-.57-.004l-.587-.586a.442.442 0 01.005-.617A5.812 5.812 0 0017.083 10c0-1.557-.61-2.97-1.603-4.017a.442.442 0 01-.003-.615l.586-.586a.4.4 0 01.57-.004zM2.5 6.667c.23 0 .417.186.417.416v5.834c0 .23-.187.416-.417.416h-.833a.417.417 0 01-.417-.416V7.083c0-.23.187-.416.417-.416H2.5zm11.768.46A4.153 4.153 0 0115.417 10c0 1.12-.442 2.137-1.162 2.886a.388.388 0 01-.555-.007l-.577-.578c-.176-.176-.156-.467.009-.655A2.49 2.49 0 0013.75 10a2.49 2.49 0 00-.61-1.636c-.163-.188-.182-.477-.006-.653l.578-.578a.388.388 0 01.556-.006z" fill="#fff"></path></svg>`,
volumeMuted: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-volume-mute"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.045 2.5h.55c.44 0 .8.34.831.771l.003.062v13.334c0 .44-.34.799-.771.83l-.063.003h-.55a.833.833 0 01-.443-.128l-.065-.045-4.866-3.744a.831.831 0 01-.323-.59l-.003-.07V7.077c0-.235.1-.458.272-.615l.054-.045 4.866-3.744a.832.832 0 01.43-.17l.078-.003h.55-.55zM2.68 6.667c.23 0 .416.186.416.416v5.834c0 .23-.186.416-.416.416h-.834a.417.417 0 01-.416-.416V7.083c0-.23.186-.416.416-.416h.834zm10.467.294a.417.417 0 01.59 0l1.767 1.768L17.27 6.96a.417.417 0 01.589 0l.59.59a.417.417 0 010 .589L16.68 9.908l1.768 1.767c. 0 01-.59 0l-1.767-1.768-1.768 1.768a.417.417 0 01-.59 0l-.588-.59a.417.417 0 010-.589l1.767-1.768-1.767-1.767a.417.417 0 01-.035-.55l.035-.04.589-.589z" fill="#fff"></path></svg>`,
pipIcon: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-get-pip">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.5 4.3H3.5C3.38954 4.3 3.3 4.38954 3.3 4.5V15.5C3.3 15.6105 3.38954 15.7 3.5 15.7H8.50005L8.50006 17.5H3.5C2.39543 17.5 1.5 16.6046 1.5 15.5V4.5C1.5 3.39543 2.39543 2.5 3.5 2.5H16.5C17.6046 2.5 18.5 3.39543 18.5 4.5V8.5H16.7V4.5C16.7 4.38954 16.6105 4.3 16.5 4.3ZM12 11.5C11.4477 11.5 11 11.9477 11 12.5L11 16.5C11 17.0523 11.4478 17.5 12 17.5H17.5C18.0523 17.5 18.5 17.0523 18.5 16.5L18.5 12.5C18.5 11.9477 18.0523 11.5 17.5 11.5H12Z" fill="white"></path>
pipIconExit: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" class="xg-exit-pip">
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// 流公共部分参数
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create: {
customHls: (video: HTMLVideoElement, url: string): Hls | null => {
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const hls = new Hls(options);
return hls;
} else {
console.log('Hls is not supported.');
return null;
customFlv: (video: HTMLVideoElement, url: string): any => {
if (flvjs.isSupported()) {
const flvPlayer = flvjs.createPlayer(
Object.assign(publicOptions.flv.mediaDataSource || {}, {
type: 'flv',
url: url,
publicOptions.flv.config || {},
return flvPlayer;
} else {
console.log('flvjs is not supported.');
return null;
customTorrent: (video: HTMLVideoElement, url: string) => {
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const client = new WebTorrent(options);
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file.renderTo(video, {
autoplay: true,
controls: false,
return client;
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console.log('Webtorrent is not supported.');
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customDash: (video: HTMLVideoElement, url: string) => {
const dashjsPlayer = dashjs.MediaPlayer().create();
dashjsPlayer.initialize(video, url, true);
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switch: {
customHls: (video: HTMLVideoElement, hls: any, url: string): Hls => {
// 重新加载新的M3U8 URL
// 等待新流解析完成并开始播放
hls.once(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, () => {
return hls;
customFlv: (video: HTMLVideoElement, flv: any, url: string) => {
flv = flvjs.createPlayer(
type: 'flv',
url: url,
enableWorker: true,
return flv;
customTorrent: (video: HTMLVideoElement, client: any, url: string) => {
// 如果之前有正在加载或播放的任务,先停止并移除
if (client.torrents.length > 0) {
client = new WebTorrent();
// 使用新的磁力链接或.torrent文件URL加载种子
client.add(url, (torrent) => {
const file = torrent.files.find((file) => file.name.endsWith('.mp4') || file.name.endsWith('.mkv'));
file.renderTo(video, {
autoplay: true,
return client;
destroy: {
customHls: (player: any) => {
delete player.hls;
customFlv: (player: any) => {
delete player.flv;
customDash: (player: any) => {
delete player.mpd;
customTorrent: (player: any) => {
// player.torrent.remove(player.video.src);
delete player.torrent;
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closeDanmu: publicIcons.closeDanmu,
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handlePip() {},
init(player, _: any, tooltip) {
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dispose() {
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dp.torrent = torrent;
dp.on('destroy', () => {
// torrent.remove(video.src);
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setting: publicIcons.setting,
customType: {
customHls: (video: HTMLVideoElement, url: string, art: Artplayer) => {
art.loading.show = true;
if (art.hls) art.hls.destroy();
const hls = publicStream.create.customHls(video, url);
art.hls = hls;
art.on('destroy', () => {
delete art.hls;
art.loading.show = false;
customFlv: (video: HTMLVideoElement, url: string, art: Artplayer) => {
art.loading.show = true;
if (art.flv) art.flv.destroy();
const flv = publicStream.create.customFlv(video, url);
art.flv = flv;
art.on('destroy', () => {
delete art.flv;
art.loading.show = false;
customDash: (video: HTMLVideoElement, url: string, art: Artplayer) => {
art.loading.show = true;
if (art.mpd) art.mpd.destroy();
const mpd = publicStream.create.customDash(video, url);
art.mpd = mpd;
art.on('destroy', () => {
delete art.mpd;
art.loading.show = false;
customWebTorrent: (video: HTMLVideoElement, url: string, art: Artplayer) => {
art.loading.show = true;
if (art.torrent) art.torrent.destroy();
const torrent = publicStream.create.customTorrent(video, url);
art.torrent = torrent;
art.on('destroy', () => {
// torrent.remove(url);
delete art.torrent;
art.loading.show = false;
nplayer: {
container: document.getElementById('nplayer'),
src: '',
live: false,
videoProps: { autoplay: 'true' },
bpControls: {
9999: [
['play', 'volume', 'time', 'spacer', 'danmaku-settings', 'settings', pipControl, 'fullscreen'],
controls: [
['play', 'volume', 'time', 'spacer', 'settings', 'danmaku-settings', pipControl, 'fullscreen'],
plugins: [new nplayerDanmaku({ autoInsert: true })],
// 播放器公共部分
const playerMethod = {
xgplayer: {
barrge: (player: XgPlayer, comments: any, url: string, id: string) => {
player.plugins.danmu.updateComments(comments, true);
// player.getPlugin('danmu').updateComments(comments, true); // 效果一样
// player.plugins.danmu.sendComment({
// duration: 5000, //弹幕持续显示时间,毫秒(最低为5000毫秒)
// id: nanoid(), //弹幕id,需唯一
// start: player.currentTime * 1000, //弹幕出现时间,毫秒
// color: true, //该条弹幕为彩色弹幕,默认false
// txt: '', //弹幕文字内容
// style: {
// //弹幕自定义样式
// color: '#FFFFFF',
// },
// }); // 应插件内实现
create: (options: any): XgPlayer => {
const plugins = options.plugins;
switch (options.type) {
case 'customMp4':
options.plugins = [...plugins, Mp4Plugin];
case 'customFlv':
options.plugins = [...plugins, FlvPlugin];
case 'customHls':
options.plugins = [...plugins, HlsPlugin];
case 'customWebTorrent':
delete options.type;
if (options.isLive) {
SimplePlayer.defaultPreset = LivePreset;
return new SimplePlayer({ ...options });
} else {
options.plugins = [...plugins, Danmu];
return new XgPlayer({ ...options });
currentTime: (player: XgPlayer): number => {
return player.currentTime || 0;
destroy: (player: XgPlayer) => {
duration: (player: XgPlayer): number => {
return player.duration || 0;
pause: (player: XgPlayer) => {
play: (player: XgPlayer) => {
playNext: (player: XgPlayer, options: any) => {
switch (options.type) {
case 'customMp4':
options.plugins = [Danmu, Mp4Plugin];
case 'customFlv':
options.plugins = [Danmu, FlvPlugin];
case 'customHls':
options.plugins = [Danmu, HlsPlugin];
case 'customWebTorrent':
player.playNext({ url: options.url });
seek: (player: XgPlayer, time: number) => {
player.once(Events.LOADED_DATA, () => {
time: (player: XgPlayer) => {
return {
currentTime: player.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.duration || 0,
offBarrage: (player: XgPlayer) => {
// player.offAll();
// 无该事件
onTimeupdate: (player: XgPlayer) => {
player.on(Events.TIME_UPDATE, ({ currentTime, duration }) => {
return { currentTime, duration };
offTimeupdate: (player: XgPlayer) => {
// player.offAll();
player.off(Events.TIME_UPDATE, publicListener.timeUpdate);
toggle: (player: XgPlayer) => {
if (player.paused) player.play();
else player.pause();
volume: (player: Artplayer, volume: number) => {
player.volume = volume;
dplayer: {
barrge: (player: DPlayer, comments: any, url: string, id: string) => {
const video = player.options.video;
let danmaku: any = player.options.danmaku;
danmaku.id = comments;
const { currentTime, playbackRate } = player.video;
player.switchVideo({ ...video }, { ...danmaku });
if (currentTime) player.seek(currentTime);
if (playbackRate !== 1) player.speed(playbackRate);
create: (options: any): CustomDPlayer => {
if (options.live) {
delete options?.danmaku;
const player: any = new CustomDPlayer({ ...options });
// 元素替换,原生太丑
publicElementDeal.dplayer.replace('.dplayer-comment-icon', publicIcons.danmu);
publicElementDeal.dplayer.replace('.dplayer-setting-icon', publicIcons.setting);
publicElementDeal.dplayer.replace('.dplayer-full-icon', publicIcons.fullscreen);
class="dplayer-icon dplayer-pip-icon"
style="padding: 7px 8px"
if (!options.live) {
<div class="dplayer-subtitle-btn">
<button class="dplayer-icon dplayer-subtitle-icon" data-balloon="${player.template.showDanmakuToggle.checked ? '显示弹幕' : '关闭弹幕'}" data-balloon-pos="up">
<span class="dplayer-icon-content" style="">
${player.template.showDanmakuToggle.checked ? publicIcons.openDanmu : publicIcons.closeDanmu}
// 画中画事件处理
const handlePipClick = () => {
const videoElement: HTMLVideoElement = document.querySelector('.dplayer-video');
try {
videoElement !== document.pictureInPictureElement
? videoElement.requestPictureInPicture()
: document.exitPictureInPicture();
} catch (error) {
console.error('画中画功能异常:', error);
// 弹幕事件处理
const handleDanmuClick = () => {
let showDanmaku: any = document.querySelector('.dplayer-setting-showdan');
(player.template.showDanmakuToggle.checked = !player.template.showDanmakuToggle.checked),
? ((showDanmaku = !0),
publicElementDeal.dplayer.replace('.dplayer-subtitle-icon', publicIcons.openDanmu))
: ((showDanmaku = !1),
publicElementDeal.dplayer.replace('.dplayer-subtitle-icon', publicIcons.closeDanmu)),
player.user.set('danmaku', showDanmaku ? 1 : 0);
document.querySelector('.dplayer-pip-icon')?.addEventListener('click', handlePipClick); // 画中画图标点击事件
document.querySelector('.dplayer-subtitle-icon')?.addEventListener('click', handleDanmuClick); // 弹幕图标点击事件
return player;
currentTime: (player: DPlayer): number => {
return player.video.currentTime || 0;
destroy: (player: DPlayer) => {
duration: (player: DPlayer): number => {
return player.video.duration || 0;
pause: (player: DPlayer) => {
play: (player: DPlayer) => {
playNext: (player: DPlayer, options: any) => {
const { playbackRate } = player.video;
player.switchVideo({ ...options });
player.options.video.url = options.url;
if (playbackRate !== 1) player.speed(playbackRate);
seek: (player: DPlayer, time: number) => {
speed: (player: DPlayer, time: number) => {
time: (player: DPlayer): { currentTime: number; duration: number } => {
return {
currentTime: player.video.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.video.duration || 0,
onTimeupdate: (player: DPlayer) => {
player.on('timeupdate', () => {
if (player?.video) {
return {
currentTime: player.video.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.video.duration || 0,
offBarrage: (player: DPlayer) => {
// 弹幕组件会直接提交后端
offTimeupdate: (player: CustomDPlayer) => {
player.off('timeupdate', publicListener.timeUpdate);
toggle: (player: DPlayer) => {
volume: (player: DPlayer, volume: number) => {
player.volume(volume, true, false);
artplayer: {
barrge: (player: Artplayer, comments: any, url: string, id: string) => {
danmuku: comments,
publicListener.sendDanmu = (danmu: any) => {
const options = {
player: id,
text: danmu.text,
time: danmu.time,
color: danmu.color,
type: danmu.mode == 1 ? '5' : '0',
publicBarrageSend(url, options);
// @ts-ignore
player.on('artplayerPluginDanmuku:emit', publicListener.sendDanmu);
create: (options: any): Artplayer => {
if (options.isLive) {
delete options?.plugins;
Artplayer.PLAYBACK_RATE = [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2];
return new Artplayer({ ...options });
currentTime: (player: Artplayer): number => {
return player.video.currentTime || 0;
destroy: (player: Artplayer) => {
duration: (player: Artplayer): number => {
return player.video.duration || 0;
pause: (player: Artplayer) => {
play: (player: Artplayer) => {
playNext: (player: Artplayer, options: any) => {
// player.switch = options.url;
danmuku: [],
seek: (player: Artplayer, time: number) => {
player.once('ready', () => {
player.seek = time;
time: (player: Artplayer): { currentTime: number; duration: number } => {
return {
currentTime: player.video.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.video.duration || 0,
onTimeupdate: (player: Artplayer) => {
player.on('video:timeupdate', () => {
return {
currentTime: player.video.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.video.duration || 0,
offBarrage: (player: Artplayer) => {
// @ts-ignore
player.off('artplayerPluginDanmuku:emit', publicListener.sendDanmu!);
offTimeupdate: (player: Artplayer) => {
player.off('video:timeupdate', publicListener.timeUpdate!);
toggle: (player: Artplayer) => {
volume: (player: Artplayer, volume: number) => {
player.volume = volume;
nplayer: {
barrge: (player: NPlayer, comments: any, url: string, id: string) => {
publicListener.sendDanmu = (danmu: any) => {
const options = {
player: id,
text: danmu.text,
time: danmu.time,
color: danmu.color,
type: danmu.type,
publicBarrageSend(url, options);
player.on('DanmakuSend', publicListener.sendDanmu);
create: (options: any): NPlayer => {
NPlayerIcon.register('play', publicElementDeal.nplayer.createIcon(publicIcons.play));
NPlayerIcon.register('pause', publicElementDeal.nplayer.createIcon(publicIcons.pause));
NPlayerIcon.register('volume', publicElementDeal.nplayer.createIcon(publicIcons.volumeLarge));
NPlayerIcon.register('muted', publicElementDeal.nplayer.createIcon(publicIcons.volumeMuted));
NPlayerIcon.register('cog', publicElementDeal.nplayer.createIcon(publicIcons.setting));
NPlayerIcon.register('enterFullscreen', publicElementDeal.nplayer.createIcon(publicIcons.fullscreen));
NPlayerIcon.register('exitFullscreen', publicElementDeal.nplayer.createIcon(publicIcons.exitFullscreen));
if (options.live) {
options.bpControls = {
9999: [['play', 'volume', 'time', 'spacer', 'settings', pipControl, 'fullscreen'], []],
options.controls = [['play', 'volume', 'time', 'spacer', 'settings', pipControl, 'fullscreen'], []];
delete options?.plugins;
const player: any = new NPlayer({ ...options });
switch (options.type) {
case 'customMp4':
case 'customFlv':
if (player.flv) player.flv.destroy();
const flv = publicStream.create.customFlv(player.video, options.src);
player.flv = flv;
player.on('destroy', () => flv.destroy());
case 'customHls':
if (player.hls) player.hls.destroy();
const hls = publicStream.create.customHls(player.video, options.src);
player.hls = hls;
player.on('destroy', () => hls!.destroy());
case 'customDash':
if (player.mpd) player.mpd.destroy();
const mpd = publicStream.create.customDash(player.video, options.src);
player.mpd = mpd;
player.on('destroy', () => mpd.destroy());
case 'customWebTorrent':
if (player.torrent) player.torrent.destroy();
const torrent = publicStream.create.customTorrent(player.video, options.src);
player.torrent = torrent;
player.on('destroy', () => torrent.destroy());
player.mount(options.container); // bug container参数不生效只能使用 mount 挂载
// 元素替换,原生太丑
`<div class="nplayer_icon">${publicIcons.danmu}</div>`,
return player;
currentTime: (player: NPlayer): number => {
return player.currentTime || 0;
destroy: (player: NPlayer) => {
duration: (player: NPlayer): number => {
return player.duration || 0;
pause: (player: NPlayer) => {
play: (player: NPlayer) => {
playNext: (player: any, options: any) => {
if (player?.hls) publicStream.destroy.customHls(player);
if (player?.flv) publicStream.destroy.customFlv(player);
if (player?.mpd) publicStream.destroy.customDash(player);
if (player?.torrent) publicStream.destroy.customTorrent(player);
switch (options.type) {
case 'customMp4':
player.video.src = options.url;
case 'customHls':
player.hls = publicStream.create.customHls(player.video, options.url);
case 'customFlv':
player.flv = publicStream.create.customFlv(player.video, options.url);
case 'customDash':
player.mpd = publicStream.create.customDash(player.video, options.url);
case 'customWebTorrent':
player.torrent = publicStream.create.customTorrent(player.video, options.url);
seek: (player: NPlayer, time: number) => {
player.once(NPlayerEvent.CANPLAY, () => {
time: (player: NPlayer): { currentTime: number; duration: number } => {
return {
currentTime: player.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.duration || 0,
onTimeupdate: (player: NPlayer) => {
player.on(NPlayerEvent.TIME_UPDATE, () => {
return {
currentTime: player.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.duration || 0,
offBarrage: (player: NPlayer) => {
player.off('DanmakuSend', publicListener.sendDanmu!);
offTimeupdate: (player: NPlayer) => {
player.off(NPlayerEvent.TIME_UPDATE, publicListener.timeUpdate!);
toggle: (player: NPlayer) => {
volume: (player: NPlayer, volume: number) => {
player.volume = volume;
// 映射媒体类型
const mapVideoTypeToPlayerType = (videoType: string): string | undefined => {
switch (videoType) {
case 'mp4':
return 'customMp4';
case 'flv':
return 'customFlv';
case 'm3u8':
return 'customHls';
case 'mpd':
return 'customDash';
case 'magnet':
return 'customWebTorrent';
return 'customHls';
// 创建播放器
const playerCreate = async (
url: string,
type: string,
container: string | Element,
playerMode: string,
videoType: string = '',
) => {
const isLive = type === 'iptv' ? await checkLiveM3U8(url) : false;
videoType = videoType || (await checkMediaType(url)) || '';
const creators = {
xgplayer: playerMethod.xgplayer.create,
artplayer: playerMethod.artplayer.create,
dplayer: playerMethod.dplayer.create,
nplayer: playerMethod.nplayer.create,
let config = playerConfig[playerMode];
const creator = creators[playerMode];
if (playerMode === 'xgplayer') {
config.id = container;
config.url = url;
if (isLive) config.isLive = true;
config.type = mapVideoTypeToPlayerType(videoType);
} else if (playerMode === 'artplayer') {
config.container = container;
config.url = url;
if (isLive) config.isLive = true;
config.type = mapVideoTypeToPlayerType(videoType);
} else if (playerMode === 'dplayer') {
config.container = container;
config.video.url = url;
if (isLive) config.live = true;
config.video.type = mapVideoTypeToPlayerType(videoType);
} else if (playerMode === 'nplayer') {
config.container = container;
if (isLive) config.live = true;
config.src = url;
config.type = mapVideoTypeToPlayerType(videoType);
return creator(config);
// 摧毁播放器
const playerDestroy = (player: any, playerMode: string) => {
const destroys = {
xgplayer: playerMethod.xgplayer.destroy,
artplayer: playerMethod.artplayer.destroy,
dplayer: playerMethod.dplayer.destroy,
nplayer: playerMethod.nplayer.destroy,
const destroy = destroys[playerMode];
// 进度跳转
const playerSeek = (player: any, playerMode: string, time: number) => {
const seeks = {
xgplayer: playerMethod.xgplayer.seek,
artplayer: playerMethod.artplayer.seek,
dplayer: playerMethod.dplayer.seek,
nplayer: playerMethod.nplayer.seek,
const seek = seeks[playerMode];
seek(player, time);
// 暂停
const playerPause = (player: any, playerMode: string) => {
const pauses = {
xgplayer: playerMethod.xgplayer.pause,
artplayer: playerMethod.artplayer.pause,
dplayer: playerMethod.dplayer.pause,
nplayer: playerMethod.nplayer.pause,
const pause = pauses[playerMode];
// 下一集
const playerNext = (player: any, playerMode: string, options: any) => {
const nexts = {
xgplayer: playerMethod.xgplayer.playNext,
artplayer: playerMethod.artplayer.playNext,
dplayer: playerMethod.dplayer.playNext,
nplayer: playerMethod.nplayer.playNext,
const next = nexts[playerMode];
let data = {
url: options.url,
type: mapVideoTypeToPlayerType(options.mediaType),
next(player, data);
// 播放进度
const playerTimeUpdate = (player: any, playerMode: string, callback: any) => {
switch (playerMode) {
case 'xgplayer':
publicListener.timeUpdate = ({ currentTime, duration }) => callback({ currentTime, duration });
player.on(Events.TIME_UPDATE, publicListener.timeUpdate);
case 'dplayer':
publicListener.timeUpdate = () => {
if (player?.video) {
currentTime: player.video.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.video.duration || 0,
player.on('timeupdate', publicListener.timeUpdate);
case 'artplayer':
publicListener.timeUpdate = () => {
currentTime: player.video.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.video.duration || 0,
player.on('video:timeupdate', publicListener.timeUpdate);
case 'nplayer':
publicListener.timeUpdate = () => {
currentTime: player.currentTime || 0,
duration: player.duration || 0,
player.on(NPlayerEvent.TIME_UPDATE, publicListener.timeUpdate);
// 取消进度监听
const offPlayerTimeUpdate = (player, playerMode) => {
const offTimeUpdates = {
xgplayer: playerMethod.xgplayer.offTimeupdate,
artplayer: playerMethod.artplayer.offTimeupdate,
dplayer: playerMethod.dplayer.offTimeupdate,
nplayer: playerMethod.nplayer.offTimeupdate,
const offTimeUpdate = offTimeUpdates[playerMode];
publicListener.timeUpdate = null;
// 弹幕加载
const playerBarrage = (player: any, playerMode: string, data: any, options: any, id: string) => {
const barrges = {
xgplayer: playerMethod.xgplayer.barrge,
artplayer: playerMethod.artplayer.barrge,
dplayer: playerMethod.dplayer.barrge,
nplayer: playerMethod.nplayer.barrge,
const barrge = barrges[playerMode];
const { start, mode, color, content, url } = options;
let comments: any = [];
let cleanedData: any = [];
if (playerMode !== 'dplayer') {
cleanedData = data;
switch (playerMode) {
case 'xgplayer':
comments = cleanedData.map((item: any, index: number) => ({
duration: 5000,
id: String(index + 1),
start: item[start] * 1000,
txt: item[content],
mode: ['left', 'right'].includes(item[mode]) ? 'scroll' : item[mode],
color: true,
style: { color: item[color] },
case 'dplayer':
comments = data;
case 'artplayer':
comments = cleanedData.map((item: any) => ({
text: item[content],
time: parseInt(item[start]),
color: item[color],
border: false, // 是否显示描边
mode: item[mode] === 'scroll' ? 1 : 0, // 弹幕模式: 0表示滚动, 1静止
case 'nplayer':
comments = cleanedData.map((item: any) => ({
color: item[color],
text: item[content],
time: parseInt(item[start]),
type: ['left', 'right'].includes(item[mode]) ? 'scroll' : item[mode],
isMe: false,
force: true,
if (playerMode !== 'dplayer') {
comments = comments.concat([]).sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time);
barrge(player, comments, url, id);
// 取消弹幕监听
const offPlayerBarrage = (player, playerMode) => {
const offBarrages = {
xgplayer: playerMethod.xgplayer.offBarrage,
artplayer: playerMethod.artplayer.offBarrage,
dplayer: playerMethod.dplayer.offBarrage,
nplayer: playerMethod.nplayer.offBarrage,
const offBarrage = offBarrages[playerMode];
publicListener.sendDanmu = null;
export {
集成多播放器是一个吃力的事情, 主打的就是文档方法搬运工, 写法上不太优雅但是能用, 其实如果只是一个页面上调用多播放器可以堆屎山if else