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For hsg-project users, all instructions are at

1. Build


You need to have ant, git, asdf and nodeJS installed.

  1. You will need to have asdf installed: Install asdf.

  2. If you have already used asdf before and have various ant / node versions already installed, you can skip this. Now just make sure to use the project's required nodejs / ant version is running

     asdf plugin add nodejs
     asdf install nodejs 18.18.2
     asdf global nodejs 18.18.2
     asdf plugin add ant
     asdf install ant 1.10.13
     asdf global ant 1.10.13
  3. Install gulp

     npm install -g gulp

    The project's gulp file depends on gulp 4 (or higher) syntax, so make sure in the next step, that you'll have gulp 4.x running.


  1. Clone the repository

     git clone
     cd hsg-shell
  2. Build the application package For a ready-to-install xar file, run the command

    • ant will build a XAR file after automatically running npm start and gulp (build).
    • At least on macOS, the asdf shim for ant produces an error if the command has no flags. As a workaround, use ant -Dfoo=bar.
  3. Install the package build/hsg-shell.xar with the Package Manager or, as described below, xst

  4. Click on the icon on the eXist Dashboard

Troubleshooting npm Problems

If you encounter errors while running npm start (this is called when building the xar file by running ant), or during npm install, please delete file package-lock.json, delete the entire node_modules folder and finally npm start again. This should install all node modules with the required node version.

A new package-lock.json file will be created, which should be added to version control.

Check currently installed versions

  1. node: node -v => Should output v18.18.2
  2. npm: npm -v => Should output at least v9.8.1
  3. gulp: npx gulp -v => Should output at least CLI version: 2.3.0, Local version: 4.0.2


If HSG_ENV environment variable is set to production the XAR is build with minified and concatenated styles and scripts. This build will then include google-analytics and DAP tracking.

HSG_ENV=production ant for a single test

export HSG_ENV=production in the login script on a production server

2. Update

To create an up-to-date build package to install in eXist-db, this should do

git pull && ant

Optional: Install bootstrap documentation

  • Clone bootstrap via
  • Install Jekyll to be able to view bootstrap docs locally: gem install jekyll
  • See this tip for working around jekyll installation errors brew unlink libyaml && brew link libyaml
  • In the bootstrap clone directory, run jekyll serve, then view bootstrap documentation at http://localhost:9001/

3. Development

Use the hsg-project Docker Container. Make sure you have Docker Desktop installed and docker is running.

Download the latest Docker image of hsg-project

docker pull joewiz/hsg-project:latest

Start the hsg-project Docker Container

docker run -p 8080:8080 joewiz/hsg-project:latest

One the docker container is started point your browser to http://localhost:8080 to verify everything is working

Deploy local changes via xst into a local eXist-db

Install xst by executing npm install --global @existdb/xst.

Create a file called .env in the root folder of this project with the following content:


Run ant to create the XAR file and afterwards xst package install build/hsg-shell.xar to install the created XAR file in your local database.

Deploy local changes via existdb-vscode into a local eXist-db

Make sure you have Visual Studio Code installed and open it. In Visual Studio Code open View > Extensions from the menu and make sure the existdb-vscode extension is installed.

Open .existdb.json in Visual Studio Code and click "save". This opens a dialog with the following text

This package requires a small support app to be installed on the eXistdb server. Do you want to install it?

Click on the "Install" button.

Open the "Command Palette" in Visual Studio Code either via menu ( View > Command Palette) or keyboard shortcut Shift + Command + Pfor Mac or Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows and Linux and type exist-db: Reconnect to Server followed by exist-db: Control folder syncronizationt to database and confirm the popup hsg-shell: start syncronization. To stop the syncronization simply run exist-db: Control folder syncronizationt to database again, if the sync is still active the popup will now say hsg-shell stop syncronization. If the syncronization is active every file you store in Visual Studio Code will always be synced into the database.

To deploy a full XAR file make sure you build the latest version by callling ant, open up the Command Palette and run exist-db: Deploy package to the database. In the following popup select the XAR file to be deployed and confirm by pressing Return. This will install the XAR file in your local eXist-db.

4. Web Tests

Verify you have a local hsg-project running at localhost:8080/exist/apps/hsg-shell. See the Docker section for easy installation.

How to run local web tests

1. Install Chrome

Make sure you have Google Chrome >= 110 and all required node_modules installed (npm install).

Troubleshooting Chromedriver Problems

If you have problems with installing or running Chromedriver, have a look at these resources:, stackoverflow

It might be helpful to run

npm install chromedriver --detect_chromedriver_version

All available chromedriver versions are listed here:

If your current Chrome version doesn't match the required one. This command will check the required version and install a suitable Chromedriver for you.

Note: If you are using an Apple M1 computer, the filename for chromedriver has been changed by Chrome between version 105 and 106 See fix for node_chromedriver: When running this project's ant script on an M1 with a Chrome version <=105, you should either update Chrome to 110 like defined in file package.json, or change the chromedriver version to your current Chrome version to match the expected chromedriver filename.

2. Optional: Edit configuration

  • Optional: Edit which test files or suites you would like to run. Here is the part where to define the test suites:
      suites: {
        dev: [
        prod: [

3. Run the web test

Basic syntax of starting an entire test suite is

npm test

Use npx to execute different test suites

npx wdio wdio.conf.js --suite <name-of-the-testsuite>

for example (runs all development environment test that have been listed in the wdio configuration in suites: {prod : ...}):

npx wdio wdio.conf.js --suite test-prod

and for a single test it is

npx wdio wdio.conf.js --spec path-to-the-testspec

for example:

npx wdio wdio.conf.js --spec tests/specs/error/prod_404.spec.js

In addition, you can define running the test commands in package.json within the scripts key, for example:

"test": "./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js --suite test-prod"

and run this command with

npm run-script test-prod

This test runs in "headless" mode. It means the test will run in the background without opening a browser window. If you want to observe all actions in the web test in a browser, just comment out the headless argument in the wdio.conf.js:

chromeOptions: {
  args: [
  binary: process.env.WDIO_CHROME_BINARY

4. Further documentation

This web test is configured to use the framework Mocha with Chai and activated Chai plugin assert (global.assert = chai.assert;) for assertions.

Have a look at the documentation:


Releases for this data package are automated. Any commit to the master branch will trigger the release automation.

All commit message must conform to Conventional Commit Messages to determine semantic versioning of releases, please adhere to these conventions, like so:

Commit message Release type
fix(pencil): stop graphite breaking when too much pressure applied Patch Release
feat(pencil): add 'graphiteWidth' option Minor Feature Release
perf(pencil): remove graphiteWidth option

BREAKING CHANGE: The graphiteWidth option has been removed.
The default graphite width of 10mm is always used for performance reasons.
Major Breaking Release

When opening PRs commit messages are checked using commitlint.