This is a fork off of rael9/token-replacement-ckeditor-plugin.
The main reason for the fork is that this plugin is being used within a Drupal module and I needed to change the regex to work with the tokenStart
string format I wanted to use which is [personalization:
. I also changed the editor icons and language files. Everything else has been left as-is.
This plugin allows you to insert tokens into the CKEditor for replacement with data. For instance, it can be used for variables in mako or twig templates, or your own custom token replacement code.
The default token style is currently for mako template variables (e.g. - ${tokenName}), as that is what I initially developed this for, but it is configurable for any strings to start/end a token. You can also configure what tokens are available in the dropdown.
This plugin is largely based on the placeholder plugin made by the CKEditor folks. I haven't supplied all of the translations that they did in that plugin, but I will add in any contributed translations that folks would like if they supply them.
Put the token
folder in the ckeditor/plugins
Add the plugin along with any other configuration items you would like to the config.js
file in the ckeditor
// Enable token plugin
config.extraPlugins = 'token';
// Configure available tokens
config.availableTokens = [
["", ""],
["token1", "token1"],
["token2", "token2"],
["token3", "token3"],
// Configure token string
config.tokenStart = '[[';
config.tokenEnd = ']]';
CKEDITOR.replace('some-class', {
extraPlugins: 'token',
availableTokens: [
["", ""],
["token1", "token1"],
["token2", "token2"],
["token3", "token3"],
CKEDITOR.replaceAll(function (textarea, config) {
if (textarea.className == 'some-class') {
// Enable token plugin
config.extraPlugins = 'token';
// Configure available tokens
config.availableTokens = [
["", ""],
["token1", "token1"],
["token2", "token2"],
["token3", "token3"],
return true;
return false;
None of these are required, per se, but the plugin will be pretty useless if you don't configure the list of available tokens. I may add a configuration to allow the user to type in arbitrary tokens like the original placeholder plugin, but that isn't something I needed in the initial version.
A list of tokens the user can select from the dropdown in the format:
[ [ "Display Text", "form_value"], [ "Display Text 2", "form_value_2" ] ]
A string that designates the beginning of a token (${
by default).
A string that deginates the end of a token (}
by default).
So given the configuration above, a user would be presented with a dialog that has a dropdown with the items 'Display Text' and 'Display Text 2' in it. When they select 'Display Text 2' and hit OK, the token ${form_value_2}
will be inserted at the caret.
The user can also double-click any of the tokens to change their value.