CodeOps Is a set of libraries aiming to move as much DevOps work from yamls etc. into C# as part of your application code.
It is Cloud agnostic and can be extended to support any Cloud Provider, for now it focues on Azure.
This project and samples are still WORK IN PROGRESS.
CodeOps.EnvironmentAsCode Is a library for programmatically expressing environments for your app
such as Development, Test, Staging, Production etc.
Recomended approach is to create a partial Environment class in a separate folder /Environment/Environment.cs at the Program.cs level. This Environment class will be a base for most of CodeOps setup, stored in a different files extending the partial class.
public sealed partial class Environment : EnvironmentAsCode<
public sealed record Prod : IEnvironmentVersion
public static string Name => "Prod";
public sealed record Test : IEnvironmentVersion
public static string Name => "Test";
private IHostApplicationBuilder Builder { get; }
private string[] Args { get; }
public Environment(IHostApplicationBuilder builder, string[] args) : base(GetSettingFromConfiguration(builder.Configuration))
Builder = builder;
Args = args;
CodeOps.InfrastructureAsCode Is a library for programmatically designing your Cloud Infrastructure.
Recommended approach would be to extend the partial Environment class with a new file /Environment/InfraAsCode.DbConnection.cs.
This class will be creating an SqlServerConnection with different setups based on current Environment.
public sealed partial class Environment :
public InfraAsCode.Entry<SqlServerConnection> InfrastructureAsCode(InfraAsCode.Context<SqlServerConnection> context)
return MatchEnvironment(
prod =>
new Sql.ServerName("SQL-P"),
new Sql.DbName("sql-db"),
new SqlSku("Standard")),
test =>
new Sql.ServerName("SQL-T"),
new Sql.DbName("sql-db"),
new SqlSku("Basic")));
InfraAsCode.Entry<SqlServerConnection> Create(Sql.ServerName serverName, Sql.DbName dbName, SqlSku sku)
return new Sql(serverName, dbName, sku, _ => {})
.InfraAsCode(this.GetArgument<AzureOptions>(), context);
CodeOps.ConfigurationAsCode Is a library for managing configuration inside the application code,
with the ability to validate and deploy it to an external source of Configuration such as Azure AppConfiguration.
It supports Values, Sections and FeatureToggles.
It supports Manual entries which values should already exist in the External Configuration Source and then it's only validated.
It supports Reference entries which values should be taken from other source such as Azure KevVault or different value in the Source.
public sealed partial class Environment :
public ConfigAsCode.Entry<FeatureToggle<Feature>> ConfigurationAsCode(ConfigAsCode.Context<FeatureToggle<Feature>> context)
return MatchEnvironment(
prod =>
new FeatureToggle.Percentage(50),
new FeatureToggle.TimeWindow(
test =>
new FeatureToggle.TimeWindow(
public ConfigAsCode.Entry<Section> ConfigurationAsCode(ConfigAsCode.Context<Section> context)
return MatchEnvironment(
prod =>
.Value(section => section.Value1, "ProdSectionValue1")
.Manual(section => section.Value2)
.Reference(section => section.Value3, "ConnectionString"),
test =>
.Value(section => section.Value1, "TestSectionValue1")
.Manual(section => section.Value2)
.Reference(section => section.Value3, "ConnectionString"));
public ConfigAsCode.Entry<Value> ConfigurationAsCode(ConfigAsCode.Context<Value> context)
return MatchEnvironment(
prod => context.Value("ProdValue"),
test => context.Manual());
CodeOps.DeploymentAsCode Is a library helping with easier application code deployment into
for example Azure Containers Registry as a Docker and then into Azure App Serivice.
The code in this repo is licensed under the MIT license.