Definit Is a set of libraries aiming to help streamline working on common tasks such as Options/Configuration, Endpoints, Dependencies, Primitives, Errors/Results, Validation etc.
Definit.Result Is a library aiming to help with exception handling by using a Result/Error pattern with a easy to use API.
private static Result<string> HelloWorld(bool isError)
return new Error("Hello Error");
return "Hello World";
catch(Exception exception)
return exception;
private static async Task<Result<string>> HelloWorldAsync(bool isError)
return new Error("Hello Error");
return "Hello World";
catch(Exception exception)
return exception;
private static void Example()
.Is(out Error error)
.Else(out var success))
private static Task ExampleAsync()
if((await HelloWorldAsync(true))
.Is(out Error error)
.Else(out var success))
private static void Example()
var result = HelloWorld(true);
.Is(out Error error)
.Else(out var success))
private static async Task ExampleAsync()
var result = await HelloWorldAsync(true);
.Is(out Error error)
.Else(out var success))
private static Result Example(bool isError)
return new Error("Hello Error");
return Result.Success;
private static Result.Or<string> Example(int value)
if(value == -1)
return new Error("Hello Error");
else if(value == 1)
return "string";
return Result.Success;
private static Result<string, int> Example(int value)
if(value == -1)
return new Error("Hello Error");
else if(value == 1)
return "string";
return 5;
Definit.Validation Is a library aiming to help adding Validation to classes, it also supports FluentValidation out of the box.
public sealed class DefaultValidation : IValidate<string>
public static ValidationResult Validate(Validator<string> context)
if(context.Value.Length > 2)
return ValidationResult.Success;
return new ValidationErrors("Length <= 2");
public sealed class FluentValidation : IValidate<string>
public static ValidationResult Validate(Validator<string> context)
return context.FluentRule(r => r.NotEmpty().MinimumLength(3).MaximumLength(3));
internal class FluentValidationClass : IValidate<ExampleClass>
public required string Value0 { get; init; }
public required string Value1 { get; init; }
public required int Value2 { get; init; }
public static ValidationResult Validate(Validator<ExampleClass> context)
return context.Fluent(validator =>
validator.RuleFor(x => x.Value0).NotEmpty();
validator.RuleFor(x => x.Value1).NotEmpty();
validator.RuleFor(x => x.CommaArray).NotNull();
private static void Check(FluentValidationClass validate)
.IsValid(out var validValue)
.Else(out var errors))
.Is(out ValidationErrors validationErrors)
.Else(out Error error))
//print validationErrors
//print error;
private static void Run(Valid<FluentValidationClass> valid)
//only accepts validated values
Definit.Primitives Is a library aiming to help working with Primitives, making them Validatable by default.
public sealed record IsConnectionString : ValidationMethod<IsConnectionString, string>
protected override ValidationResult Validation(Validator<string> context)
return context.FluentRule(r => r.NotEmpty().MinimumLength(4));
public sealed record IsEmail : ValidationMethod<IsEmail, string>
protected override ValidationResult Validation(Validator<string> ruleBuilder)
return ruleBuilder.FluentRule(r => r.NotEmpty().MinimumLength(4));
internal class ExampleClass : IValidate<ExampleClass>
public required Value<string, IsConnectionString> ConnectionString { get; init; }
public required Value<string, IsEmail> Email { get; init; }
public static ValidationResult Validate(Validator<ExampleClass> context)
return context.Fluent(validator =>
validator.RuleFor(x => x.ConnectionString).ValidateSelf();
validator.RuleFor(x => x.Email).ValidateSelf();
private static void Check(string validate)
.IsValid<string, IsConnectionString>(out var validValue)
.Else(out var errors))
.Is(out ValidationErrors validationErrors)
.Else(out Error error))
//print validationErrors
//print error;
Definit.Configuration Is a library helping to work with Configuration, making them Validatable by default.
private sealed class Value : ConfigValue<Value, string, IsConnectionString>
protected override string SectionName => "Name";
private sealed class Section : ConfigSection<Section>
protected override string SectionName { get; } = "ExampleConfigSection";
public string Value1 { get; } = string.Empty;
public string Value2 { get; } = string.Empty;
protected override ValidationResult Validate(Validator<Section> context)
return context.Fluent(validator =>
validator.RuleFor(x => x.Value1).IsConnectionString();
validator.RuleFor(x => x.Value2).IsConnectionString();
private sealed class Feature : IFeatureName
public static string FeatureName => "Test";
private record Dependnecy(Section.Get Section, Value.Get Value, FeatureToggle<Feature>.Get Feature)
private static async Task Get()
var section = Section();
var value = Value();
var isEnabled = await Feature();
private static void Register(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
Value.Register(services, configuration);
FeatureToggle<Feature>.Register(services, configuration);
private static async Task Create(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
var section = Section.Create(configuration);
var value = Value.Create(configuration);
var isEnabled = await FeatureToggle<Feature>.Create(services);
Definit.Dependencies Is a library helping to work with Dependencies, similar to how MinimalApi works.
private static Result Handle(FromServices<Dependency1, Dependency2> dependencies)
var (dep1, dep2) = dependencies;
return Result.Success;
private static void Run(IServiceProvider provider)
Definit.Endpoint Is a library helping to work with MinimalApi.
private static Endpoint Endpoint => Map.Get("test", (int age) =>
return Results.Ok();
Definit.Json Is a library helping to work with Json, by forcing objects to describe how they should be Serialized.
public sealed record Example(string Value) : IJsonStaticConvertable<Example>
public static string ToJson(Example value) => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value!.Value);
public static bool CanConvert(Type type) => type == typeof(Example);
public static Example FromJson(string json)
var value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(json)!;
return new Example(value);
The code in this repo is licensed under the MIT license.