This is a repository that unifies different official repository for ROS2 and the Universal Robot robots. Simulation with Ignition Gazebo is integrated. Both real robot and simulated ones work with Moveit2 (including moveit servo). I did not managed to use git submodules since I made little modification in almost every package.
- ROS2 Humble. (I'm using Ubuntu 22.04)
- Gazebo Ignition (Fortress Version)
- ROS2 control and controllers:
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-ros2-control ros-humble-ros2-controllers
- MoveIt2
- Moveit2 Servo:
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-moveit-servo
Launch moveit, moveit_servo and collisions.
cd <your_ros2_ws>
git clone
mv Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver-Moveit-Simulation src
colcon build
IMPORTANT: If you cannot build because you get error of the missing "SuppressWarning" library for gazebo, you have to comment the include lines in those files in the ros installation folders. Check the path of those files in the compilation error output.
Connect to the robot using drivers:
ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_type:=ur5e robot_ip:= launch_rviz:=false
Open a new terminal and launch moveit, moveit_servo and collisions:
ros2 launch ur_moveit_config ur_type:=ur5e
ros2 launch ur_simulation_ignition
You can obviously change the robot type (ur3e, ur5e,...)
To use moveit servo you have to check if the forward_position_controller is active. You can do it with:
ros2 control list_controllers
If it is inactive you can activate them using:
- Real robot:
ros2 control switch_controllers --activate forward_position_controller --deactivate scaled_joint_trajectory_controller --strict
- Simulation:
ros2 control switch_controllers --activate forward_position_controller --deactivate joint_trajectory_controller --strict
After doing that you will be able to control the robot by publishing messages through these topics:
I added two ways of controlling robot similarly to the Moveit2 tutorial (take a look at the documentation).
In a new terminal type:
- Joypad control:
ros2 run joystick_controller joystick_controller
- Keyboard control:
ros2 run servo_interface ur_servo_keyboard_input_node
These two nodes publish messages in the two previously mentioned topics according to your input.
- If you don't want to use my planning scene you can:
- Disable my collisions:
comment the part when I load thecollision_node
in the launch
- Create you own collisions:
according to your preferences. - Change robot's base position and orientation:
modify tagorigin
- Change or remove gripper:
modify the end of
and collisions inUniversal_Robots_ROS2_Driver/ur_moveit_config/srdf/ur_macro.srdf.xacro
- Disable my collisions: