Automatically disconnect guacamole sessions if no ping event has been received in 30 seconds
Use smallrye timers to send error report emails rather than scheduler so that they can be sent even if scheduler is disabled
Properly queue desktop events and ensure they are run sequentially for a specific desktop session
Use of partial (or dto) objects and simplified models to reduce sql select and update overheads
Remove preql library
Many SQL optimisations to reduce loading time of several pages and also to minimise time spent in remote desktop event handler
FIX #15 : Improve loading time of admin user page by removing calls to cloud provider for each user instance
FIX #14 : Ensure client forces user to re-authenticate when token is no longer valid
FIX #13 : Ensure that instance sessions members are deleted
FIX #12 : Bug fix on instance interactivity being stored during many consecutive remote desktop events rather than just one
FIX #11 : Set socket state to disconnected immediately on disconnect event to avoid further data being sent to client
FIX #10 : Avoid calls to cloud provider to ensure rapid response for admin instances page (ip address already in database)
FIX #9 : SQL optimisations to obtain instance data, rapid load of home page with many instances
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