- Kawasaki, JP
Vagrant plugin that configures the virtual machine to use proxies
Jupyter notebook extension - accumulate multiple outputs from a code cell into tabs
Jupyter Notebook extension to run cells contained in a section with one click, then freeze them
Ansible modules to work with Fujitsu K5
Literate Computing for Reproducible Infrastructure - Basic Practice
Dockerfile for Literate Computing(for Reproducible Infrastructure)
Windows Secure Shell Client With Support For Smart Cards, Certificates, & FIDO Keys
Agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices
windows secure shell client with support for smartcards (such as DoD Common Access Card - CAC)
alminium / alminium
Forked from mikoto20000/railsgunRedmine、DVCS(Git/VMercurial)、Backlogs、コードレビュープラグインなど、開発に必要な環境を簡単にセットアップします。