ISO/TC 211 ad hoc group to develop a structure for machine-readable normative statements and study model-driven documentation of standards
Normative statements, conformance classes and test are often written in pure text, not as executable code. Questions have been raised whether they should be machine-readable and possibly also machine-testable. however, not all statements can be machine-testable. Machine readable statements would require a structured model for statements. OGC has defined a Requirements model for their standards. This ad hoc group shall develop a draft «statements» model. The model shall be linked to the ISO 19105 model and serve as input for future standardization.
An ad hoc group (ref ISO/TC 211 resolution 633) studied model-driven documentation of ISO/TC 211 standards in 2013. Templates for Enterprise Architext and ShapeChange were devloped and are available on The template has not been much used, probably only by ISO 19135-1. However, the ISO 19170-1 document was generated from EA using: EA => ShapeChange => Metanorma => ISO document. This ad hoc group will study approaches for MDD and how we to facilitate for use in ISO/TC 211 standardization projects.