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Tu-Tho Thai edited this page Nov 6, 2023 · 12 revisions

This wiki covers the following topics:

  1. What is SIRI
    • Overview
    • Relationship with NeTEx
    • Upcoming work
  2. SIRI framework
    • SIRI functional services
    • SIRI XML model
    • Structure LEADER
  3. Versioning
    • Versioning
    • Releases notes
  4. SIRI XML schema
    • SIRI XML document structure
    • SIRI schema overview
    • SIRI XML document validation
  5. Structure & compatibility
    • SIRI schema structure
    • Ensuring compatibility in SIRI schema evolution
  6. Using SIRI
    • SIRI formats
    • How to use example files
    • Published profiles
  7. Software & tools
    • Data production tools
    • Mapping & Conversion tools
    • XML editors
  8. References

What is SIRI? ℹ️

Developed under the guidance of CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation), SIRI (Service Interface for Real-Time Information) simplifies and harmonizes the exchange of real-time information across Europe. It is one of the data standards mandated by the European Commission under the ITS directive.

SIRI provides a means to exchange information about the current or projected performance of real-time public transport operations between different computer systems. It can be used to collect and integrate date from many different stakeholders, and to reintegrate it as it evolves through successive versions.

SIRI in a nutshell

🌐 Data exchange: SIRI enables the seamless exchange of real-time transport information between pairs of server computers, promoting efficient communication and data sharing.

🚍 Real-Time insights: It provides invaluable real-time insights, such as departure information, vehicle progress updates, and operational notifications, making it a vital tool for enhancing passenger experiences.

🤝 Integration with NeTEx: SIRI complements NeTEx, where NeTEx primarily handles planned (or scheduled) information, and SIRI focuses on real-time data. Together, they create a comprehensive data description of transport services.

The developer's role

As a developer, you play a vital role in the SIRI environment. You create, managed, and/or consume files that are using SIRI format within the public transport industry. In this way, you contribute to better interoperability and seamless travel for all, thanks to a high-quality real-time flow of information of a given public transport service. This GitHub is designed to enable you to use and understand SIRI, but also to share your feedback and/or get involved in the changes.

Relationship with NeTEx

Complementary nature

SIRI and NeTEx are often used together in the public transport domain. NeTEx provides the planned (scheduled) information, while SIRI its real-time updates. Together, they offer a comprehensive system that covers both planned and real-time aspects of public transport services.

They are both based on Transmodel, making them fully consistant with each other. For example, the lines and the stops in NeTEx are exactly the same as in SIRI.

Upcoming work