App creation feature for the DroneCast platform. Developed with React, Node.js and MongoDB
Web interface to create DroneCast apps and to upload content to the server.
Node.js and MongoDB are needed:
- Install dependencies
git clone
cd DroneCast-Main/
npm install
(cd client && yarn install)
- Set deployment variables
Change the variables in the file .env.example file and change its name to .env (Default variables are for local deployment)
mv .env.example .env
By default, the client access the api using the same host. Example: Client -> API ->
The API URL can be hardcoded in the file ./client/src/api-config.js if it is needed.
- Start the application
Start backend server (Default port: 8080, nohup can be used to run the task not attached to the session):
# nohup node server.js &
# or
# node server.js
The console should show the following message
Server listening at port 8080
Start React development server (npm or yarn)
# (cd client: nohup npm start &)
# or
# (cd client && npm start)
Now you can access the backend API at: http://HOST:8080/
and the frontend app at: http://HOST:3000/