- Day 1
- Day 2
aoc2023.rb is the quine. Once you run it, it will print the answer to day 1 as well as the code to the next quine. When you run this quine, it will output the answer to day 2 as well as the code to the next quine, and so on... until we come back to day 1.
I have also included original code to the individual days before I stuffed them into the quine.
My hope is that I can not only stuff everything together, but optimize the quine to save on variables, code, etc -- hopefully reducing the size and making it run faster.
- CPU: Intel i7-8700 (2) @ 3.192GHz
- GPU: 00:02.0 VMware SVGA II Adapter
- Memory: 563MiB / 5932MiB