Hello this is my personal dotfiles, tho it's very much copied from another user.
Put the "icons" folder in ".local/share/icons/"
On the ".config" file you need to put the inside of the folder, so you need to copy the contents inside then paste them to your .config folder located in ur home directory.
To install the themes, you need to copy the "TokyoNight" file on your ".themes" folder located in /usr/share.themes
To install oh-my-bash type this commands via curl:sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmybash/oh-my-bash/master/tools/install.sh)", then after you should be good to go.
And finally put ur ".bashrc" on ur home directory.
Credits to: https://github.com/revaldy-30. This is originaly his/her theme, but i have done some few tweaks to my liking, will be updating this so it's still not final. And sorry for my bad grammar pls don't hurt me im only 13 😅️.
Note: Still working on the final touch.