This is custom implementation of Actions class functions for e2e testing using Protractor framework in Firefox browser. If you use it, ⭐️ it.
You can simply install it into your project using this command:
npm install protractor-firefox-support --save
Here are examples of custom functions usage. Functions presented as separated modules which can be imported in test files:
dragAndDrop (complete example here)
const support = require('protractor-firefox-support');
module.exports.performDnD = ({dragElmSelector = '.btn.btn-primary', dragElmIndex,
draggable = false} = {}) => {
const dropPoint = {x: 100, y: 100};
const options = {makeDraggable: draggable, dropLocation: dropPoint};
* You can define dragElement index if there are more than
* one element with specified selector.
(dragElmIndex) ? options.dragElemIndex = dragElmIndex : null;
* Also you can pass selector instead of null, if you want to specify
* drop element.
return browser.executeScript(support.dragAndDrop, dragElmSelector, null, options);
openContextMenu(rightMouseClick, complete example here)
const support = require('protractor-firefox-support');
module.exports.openElementContextMenu = ({selector, elemIndex} = {}) => {
const options = {location: {x: 100, y: 100}};
* If there are more elements which match specified selector, add elemIndex option.
* Property 'location' defines screen coordinates where context menu will be opened.
(elemIndex) ? options.elemIndex = elemIndex : null;
return browser.executeScript(support.rightMouseBtnClick, selector, options);
mouseUp (complete example here)
const support = require('protractor-firefox-support');
module.exports.mouseUp = (pointCoordinates = {x: 100, y: 100}) => {
return browser.executeScript(support.mouseUp, pointCoordinates);
mouseMove (complete example here)
const support = require('protractor-firefox-support');
module.exports.mouseMove = (pointCoordinates = {x: 100, y: 100}) => {
return browser.executeScript(support.mouseMove, pointCoordinates);
mouseDown (complete example here)
const support = require('protractor-firefox-support');
module.exports.mouseDown = ({selector, index} = {}) => {
* If there are more elements which match specified selector, add elementIndex option.
return browser.executeScript(support.mouseDown, {elementSelector: selector,
elementIndex: index});
mouseClick (complete example here)
const support = require('protractor-firefox-support');
module.exports.mouseClick = ({elemSelector, point, tgtIndex} = {}) => {
const options = {};
(elemSelector) ? options.selector = elemSelector : null;
(point) ? options.point = point : null;
(tgtIndex) ? options.elementIndex = tgtIndex : null;
return browser.executeScript(support.mouseClick, options);
changeInputText(beta, complete example here)
const support = require('protractor-firefox-support');
module.exports.changeInputText = (selector, text, {elemIndex} = {}) => {
* If there are more elements which match specified selector, add elemIndex option.
const options = {};
(elemIndex) ? options.elemIndex = elemIndex : null;
return browser.executeScript(support.changeInputText, selector, text, options);
dispatchEvent(complete example here)
const support = require('protractor-firefox-support');
module.exports.dispatchEvent = ({selector, tgtIndex, eventType, isMouseEvent, eventArguments} = {}) => {
* If there are more elements which match specified selector, add elementIndex option.
const options = {selector, eventType, isMouseEvent, eventArguments};
(tgtIndex) ? options.elementIndex = tgtIndex : null;
return browser.executeScript(support.dispatchEvent, options);
First of all you need to install necessary packages using next command:
npm run install-modules-tests
Then update webdriver-manager packages, start it and run tests:
npm run webdriver-update-windows
npm run webdriver-start-windows
npm run test-windows
for Windows or
npm run webdriver-update-linux
npm run webdriver-start-linux
npm run test-linux
for Linux/MacOS.