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Lord_Quadrato edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 3 revisions

The spamming module is used to automatically send messages with a given delay. You are able to setup multiple configurations, each one with a corresponding id.

Impact uses .json files to save your configurations.

Follow these steps

Everything should be typed into normal chat, Impact will prevent your messages from being seen by other players as long as you are in the setup

1. Setup messages belonging to an id

  • Type .spam setup
  • Enter any word or number (e.g. myPerfectSpammer), this will be your id
  • Enter a delay between the messages in miliseconds (1000 for one second), needs to be an integer
  • Then start adding as many words and sentences as you want, each chat message for a new line
  • Save the configuration by typing :finish or cancel the setup by typing :cancel

2. Start the spammer with a given configuration

  • Use .spam set yourID to select the configuration you want
  • Start with .spam start
  • Stop with .spam stop

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