A minimal program for your daily use of reading manga continously in one page. An alternative to the popular DomDomSoft Manga Reader.
- Continous-scrolling one page reader.
- Support chapter as folder and archive file (rar, zip, cbz, cbr, tar, and 7zip*).
- Fast zooming capability.
- Faster performance.
- Configurable (Scrolling speed, background, margin per images, etc).
* 7zip performance is significantly slower compared to other archive types
- Required : Download and Install .NET Core 3.1 Desktop Runtime for your OS architecture.
- Download and extract the latest release build at /Releases.
- Open Minimal CS Manga Reader.exe
- Enable/check "Integrate Minimal CS Manga Reader with File Explorer Context" in Setting to integrate MCS Manga Reader with Windows Explorer, adding a context menu whenever you right-click on a folder.
- If you are using Free Manga Downloader or any other program that support opening app with custom parameter, target to "Minimal CS Manga Reader.exe" in the extracted folder, then add "%PATH%" as parameter (%PATH% is the folder path pattern of the manga).
.NET Core 3.1 SDK or later.
- Application Startup is slow, can take up to 1-3 second or more (reference).