Adds PHP preg functions as Twig filters.
This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0-beta.23 or later.
To install the plugin, search for Expressive in the Plugin Store or follow these instructions.
Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
cd /path/to/project
Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
composer require IndigoViking/expressive
In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Expressive.
Adds PHP preg functions as Twig filters. preg_filter
Twig will remove backslashes so double backslash your regex patterns.
{{ entry.field|preg_filter(pattern, replacement, limit) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_grep(pattern) }}
This filter returns the last error given on any preg function. The preg function to test with must be specified and the appropriate parameters needed for that function to work.
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('filter', pattern, replacement, limit) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('grep', pattern) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('match', pattern) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('matchfirst', pattern) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('matchall', pattern) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('quote', delimiter) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('replace', pattern, replacement, limit) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('callback', pattern, callback) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('callbackarray', pattern, limit, count) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_last_error('split', pattern) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_match(pattern) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_match_first(pattern) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_match_all(pattern) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_quote(delimiter) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_replace(pattern, replacement, limit) }}
Example: Replace email addresses with mailto links:
{{ entry.field|preg_replace('/(\S+@\S+\.\S+)/', '<a href=mailto:"$1">$1</a>')|raw }}
Adding the |raw filter will render the HTML.
{{ entry.field|preg_replace_callback(pattern, callback) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_replace_callback_array(pattern, limit, count) }}
{{ entry.field|preg_split(pattern) }}
Brought to you by The Indigo Viking