It's a telegram bot for custom stickers tags.
The main idea is to write own custom descriptions for telegram stickers and to use them via inline mode like @cnamebot joy
and it will show you stickers which you marked as "joy". If added .
before tags, it will search stickers with all tags, otherwise -- stickers with any specified tag.
- Inline mode
- Fuzzy search
Requires 1.12.0 docker-compose, to be installed separately
docker-compose -f etc/test/docker-compose-test.yml --project-directory . up
- set BOT_TOKEN env variable for inservice to fetch updates from the bot
- can set LOGGING_LEVEL, default is TRACE but with no HTTP logging
- can set TELEGRAM_API (e.g. for CI), default is
Env vars:
- DOCKER_USERNAME (for docker hub)
- DOCKER_PASSWORD (for docker hub)
- APP_ID (for delivery phase)
- BOT_TOKEN (for delivery phase)
- SSH_CREDENTIALS (for delivery phase)
- SENTRY_DSN (for delivery phase)
There's SSH private key for delivery phase: deployment_key.enc. It's deciphered by travis.
See etc/test/ for continious delivery details.
All scripts are designed to be ran from root dir.
- Docker
- Open ports 10000 (inservice), 10001 (blservice) and 10002 (outservice) for healthchecks