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goolord committed Nov 30, 2021
1 parent 80e73e4 commit 18d2239
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 44 deletions.
81 changes: 37 additions & 44 deletions eras/babbage/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Babbage/TxBody.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ import NoThunks.Class (InspectHeapNamed (..), NoThunks)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)

data TxOut era
= TxOutCompact
= TxOutCompact'
{-# UNPACK #-} !(CompactAddr (Crypto era))
!(CompactForm (Core.Value era))
| TxOutCompactDH
| TxOutCompactDH'
{-# UNPACK #-} !(CompactAddr (Crypto era))
!(CompactForm (Core.Value era))
!(DataHash (Crypto era))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ viewCompactTxOut ::
TxOut era ->
(CompactAddr (Crypto era), CompactForm (Core.Value era), StrictMaybe (DataHash (Crypto era)))
viewCompactTxOut txOut = case txOut of
TxOutCompact addr val -> (addr, val, SNothing)
TxOutCompactDH addr val dh -> (addr, val, SJust dh)
TxOutCompact' addr val -> (addr, val, SNothing)
TxOutCompactDH' addr val dh -> (addr, val, SJust dh)
TxOutCompactDatum addr val datum -> (addr, val, SJust $ hashData datum)
TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly stakeRef a b c d adaVal
| Just Refl <- sameNat (Proxy @(SizeHash (CC.ADDRHASH (Crypto era)))) (Proxy @28) ->
Expand All @@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ viewTxOut ::
Era era =>
TxOut era ->
(Addr (Crypto era), Core.Value era, StrictMaybe (DataHash (Crypto era)))
viewTxOut (TxOutCompact bs c) = (addr, val, SNothing)
viewTxOut (TxOutCompact' bs c) = (addr, val, SNothing)
addr = decompactAddr bs
val = fromCompact c
viewTxOut (TxOutCompactDH bs c dh) = (addr, val, SJust dh)
viewTxOut (TxOutCompactDH' bs c dh) = (addr, val, SJust dh)
addr = decompactAddr bs
val = fromCompact c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,11 +262,40 @@ pattern TxOut addr vl dh <-
let v = fromMaybe (error "Illegal value in txout") $ toCompact vl
a = compactAddr addr
in case mdh of
SNothing -> TxOutCompact a v
SJust dh -> TxOutCompactDH a v dh
SNothing -> TxOutCompact' a v
SJust dh -> TxOutCompactDH' a v dh

{-# COMPLETE TxOut #-}

-- TODO deprecate
pattern TxOutCompact ::
( Era era,
) =>
CompactAddr (Crypto era) ->
CompactForm (Core.Value era) ->
TxOut era
pattern TxOutCompact addr vl <-
(viewCompactTxOut -> (addr, vl, SNothing))
TxOutCompact cAddr cVal = TxOut (decompactAddr cAddr) (fromCompact cVal) SNothing

-- TODO deprecate
pattern TxOutCompactDH ::
( Era era,
) =>
CompactAddr (Crypto era) ->
CompactForm (Core.Value era) ->
DataHash (Crypto era) ->
TxOut era
pattern TxOutCompactDH addr vl dh <-
(viewCompactTxOut -> (addr, vl, SJust dh))
TxOutCompactDH cAddr cVal = TxOut (decompactAddr cAddr) (fromCompact cVal) . SJust

{-# COMPLETE TxOutCompact, TxOutCompactDH #-}

-- ======================================

type ScriptIntegrityHash crypto = SafeHash crypto EraIndependentScriptIntegrity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,12 +550,6 @@ instance
<> toCBOR addr
<> toCBOR cv
<> toCBOR dh
toCBOR x =
let (addr, cv, dh) = viewCompactTxOut x
in encodeListLen 3
<> toCBOR addr
<> toCBOR cv
<> toCBOR dh

( Era era,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -761,45 +784,15 @@ instance HasField "txnetworkid" (TxBody era) (StrictMaybe Network) where
instance (Era era, Crypto era ~ c) => HasField "compactAddress" (TxOut era) (CompactAddr c) where
getField (TxOutCompact a _) = a
getField (TxOutCompactDH a _ _) = a
getField (TxOutCompactDatum a _ _) = a
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly stakeRef a b c d _)
| Just Refl <- sameNat (Proxy @(SizeHash (CC.ADDRHASH (Crypto era)))) (Proxy @28) =
compactAddr (decodeAddress28 stakeRef a b c d)
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly_DataHash32 stakeRef a b c d _ _ _ _ _)
| Just Refl <- sameNat (Proxy @(SizeHash (CC.HASH (Crypto era)))) (Proxy @32),
Just Refl <- sameNat (Proxy @(SizeHash (CC.ADDRHASH (Crypto era)))) (Proxy @28) =
compactAddr (decodeAddress28 stakeRef a b c d)
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly {}) = error "Impossible: Compacted and address or hash of non-standard size"
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly_DataHash32 {}) = error "Impossible: Compacted and address or hash of non-standard size"

instance (Era era, CC.Crypto c, Crypto era ~ c) => HasField "address" (TxOut era) (Addr c) where
getField (TxOutCompact a _) = decompactAddr a
getField (TxOutCompactDH a _ _) = decompactAddr a
getField (TxOutCompactDatum a _ _) = decompactAddr a
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly stakeRef a b c d _)
| Just Refl <- sameNat (Proxy @(SizeHash (CC.ADDRHASH (Crypto era)))) (Proxy @28) =
decodeAddress28 stakeRef a b c d
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly_DataHash32 stakeRef a b c d _ _ _ _ _)
| Just Refl <- sameNat (Proxy @(SizeHash (CC.HASH (Crypto era)))) (Proxy @32),
Just Refl <- sameNat (Proxy @(SizeHash (CC.ADDRHASH (Crypto era)))) (Proxy @28) =
decodeAddress28 stakeRef a b c d
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly {}) = error "Impossible: Compacted and address or hash of non-standard size"
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly_DataHash32 {}) = error "Impossible: Compacted and address or hash of non-standard size"

instance (Era era, Core.Value era ~ val, Compactible val) => HasField "value" (TxOut era) val where
getField (TxOutCompact _ v) = fromCompact v
getField (TxOutCompactDH _ v _) = fromCompact v
getField (TxOutCompactDatum _ v _) = fromCompact v
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly _ _ _ _ _ adaVal) = inject $ fromCompact adaVal
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly_DataHash32 _ _ _ _ _ adaVal _ _ _ _) = inject $ fromCompact adaVal

instance (Era era, c ~ Crypto era) => HasField "datahash" (TxOut era) (StrictMaybe (DataHash c)) where
getField (TxOutCompact _ _) = SNothing
getField (TxOutCompactDH _ _ d) = SJust d
getField (TxOutCompactDatum _ _ d) = SJust $ hashData d
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly _ _ _ _ _ _) = SNothing
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly_DataHash32 _ _ _ _ _ _ e f g h)
| Just Refl <- sameNat (Proxy @(SizeHash (CC.HASH (Crypto era)))) (Proxy @32),
Just Refl <- sameNat (Proxy @(SizeHash (CC.ADDRHASH (Crypto era)))) (Proxy @28) =
SJust $ decodeDataHash32 e f g h
getField (TxOut_AddrHash28_AdaOnly_DataHash32 {}) = error "Impossible: Compacted and address or hash of non-standard size"

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