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tx-generator : remove inputsPerTx outputsPerTx txCount and minValuePe…
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MarcFontaine committed Apr 22, 2022
1 parent 72833b0 commit e7e7600
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Showing 8 changed files with 94 additions and 80 deletions.
36 changes: 30 additions & 6 deletions bench/tx-generator/src/Cardano/Benchmarking/Compiler.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,11 +54,7 @@ compileToScript = do

initConstants :: Compiler ()
initConstants = do
setN TNumberOfInputsPerTx _nix_inputs_per_tx
setN TNumberOfOutputsPerTx _nix_outputs_per_tx
setN TNumberOfTxs _nix_tx_count
setN TTxAdditionalSize _nix_add_tx_size
setN TMinValuePerUTxO _nix_min_utxo_value
setN TFee _nix_tx_fee
setN TLocalSocket _nix_localNodeSocketPath
setConst TTTL 1000000
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,7 +144,7 @@ benchmarkingPhase wallet = do
plutusMode <- askNixOption _nix_plutusMode
plutusAutoMode <- askNixOption _nix_plutusAutoMode
targetNodes <- askNixOption _nix_targetNodes
tx_count <- askNixOption _nix_tx_count
extraArgs <- evilValueMagic
tps <- askNixOption _nix_tps
era <- askNixOption _nix_era
let target = if debugMode then LocalSocket else NodeToNode targetNodes
Expand All @@ -164,7 +160,7 @@ benchmarkingPhase wallet = do
<*> (ScriptDataNumber <$> askNixOption _nix_plutusData)
<*> (ScriptDataNumber <$> askNixOption _nix_plutusRedeemer)
(False,False) -> return SpendOutput
emit $ RunBenchmark era wallet target spendMode (ThreadName "tx-submit-benchmark") tx_count tps
emit $ RunBenchmark era wallet target spendMode (ThreadName "tx-submit-benchmark") extraArgs tps
unless debugMode $ do
emit $ WaitBenchmark $ ThreadName "tx-submit-benchmark"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,3 +223,31 @@ newWallet n = do
name <- WalletName <$> newIdentifier n
emit $ InitWallet name
return name

-- Approximate the ada values for inputs of the benchmarking Phase
evilValueMagic :: Compiler RunBenchmarkAux
evilValueMagic = do
(NumberOfInputsPerTx inputsPerTx) <- askNixOption _nix_inputs_per_tx
(NumberOfOutputsPerTx outputsPerTx) <- askNixOption _nix_outputs_per_tx
(NumberOfTxs txCount) <- askNixOption _nix_tx_count
-- (NumberOfInputsPerTx numInputs) <- getUser TNumberOfInputsPerTx
-- (NumberOfOutputsPerTx numOutputs) <- getUser TNumberOfOutputsPerTx
fee <- askNixOption _nix_tx_fee
minValuePerUTxO <- askNixOption _nix_min_utxo_value
(Quantity minValue) = lovelaceToQuantity $ fromIntegral outputsPerTx * minValuePerUTxO + fee

-- this is not totally correct:
-- beware of rounding errors !
minValuePerInput = quantityToLovelace $ fromIntegral (if m==0 then d else d+1)
(d, m) = minValue `divMod` fromIntegral inputsPerTx
return $ RunBenchmarkAux {
auxTxCount = txCount
, auxFee = fee
, auxOutputsPerTx = outputsPerTx
, auxInputsPerTx = inputsPerTx
, auxInputs = inputsPerTx * txCount
, auxOutputs = inputsPerTx * txCount
, auxMinValuePerUTxO = minValuePerInput
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ action a = case a of
Delay t -> delay t
ImportGenesisFund era wallet submitMode genesisKey fundKey -> importGenesisFund era wallet submitMode genesisKey fundKey
CreateChange era sourceWallet dstWallet payMode submitMode value count -> createChange era sourceWallet dstWallet payMode submitMode value count
RunBenchmark era sourceWallet submitMode spendMode thread count tps -> runBenchmark era sourceWallet submitMode spendMode thread count tps
RunBenchmark era sourceWallet submitMode spendMode thread auxArgs tps -> runBenchmark era sourceWallet submitMode spendMode thread auxArgs tps
WaitBenchmark thread -> waitBenchmark thread
CancelBenchmark thread -> cancelBenchmark thread
WaitForEra era -> waitForEra era
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions bench/tx-generator/src/Cardano/Benchmarking/Script/Aeson.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ instance ToJSON Action where
instance FromJSON Action where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptionsUnTaggedSum

instance ToJSON RunBenchmarkAux where
toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptionsUnTaggedSum
toEncoding = genericToEncoding jsonOptionsUnTaggedSum
instance FromJSON RunBenchmarkAux where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptionsUnTaggedSum

scanScriptFile :: FilePath -> IO Value
scanScriptFile filePath = do
input <- BS.readFile filePath
Expand Down
82 changes: 32 additions & 50 deletions bench/tx-generator/src/Cardano/Benchmarking/Script/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import Cardano.Benchmarking.PlutusExample as PlutusExample
import Cardano.Benchmarking.Tracer as Core
( createLoggingLayerTracers, btTxSubmit_, btN2N_, btConnect_, btSubmission2_)
import Cardano.Benchmarking.Types as Core
(NumberOfInputsPerTx(..), NumberOfOutputsPerTx(..),NumberOfTxs(..), SubmissionErrorPolicy(..)
(NumberOfTxs(..), SubmissionErrorPolicy(..)
, TPSRate, TxAdditionalSize(..))
import Cardano.Benchmarking.Wallet as Wallet hiding (keyAddress)
import Cardano.Benchmarking.FundSet as FundSet (getFundTxIn)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,74 +239,58 @@ makeMetadata = do
Right m -> return m
Left err -> throwE $ MetadataError err

runBenchmark :: AnyCardanoEra -> WalletName -> SubmitMode -> SpendMode -> ThreadName -> NumberOfTxs -> TPSRate -> ActionM ()
runBenchmark era sourceWallet submitMode spendMode threadName txCount tps
runBenchmark :: AnyCardanoEra -> WalletName -> SubmitMode -> SpendMode -> ThreadName -> RunBenchmarkAux -> TPSRate -> ActionM ()
runBenchmark era sourceWallet submitMode spendMode threadName extraArgs tps
= case spendMode of
SpendOutput -> withEra era $ runBenchmarkInEra sourceWallet submitMode threadName txCount tps
SpendOutput -> withEra era $ runBenchmarkInEra sourceWallet submitMode threadName extraArgs tps
SpendScript scriptFile scriptBudget scriptData scriptRedeemer
-> runPlutusBenchmark sourceWallet submitMode scriptFile scriptBudget scriptData scriptRedeemer threadName txCount tps
SpendAutoScript scriptFile -> spendAutoScript sourceWallet submitMode scriptFile threadName txCount tps
-> runPlutusBenchmark sourceWallet submitMode scriptFile scriptBudget scriptData scriptRedeemer threadName extraArgs tps
SpendAutoScript scriptFile -> spendAutoScript sourceWallet submitMode scriptFile threadName extraArgs tps

runBenchmarkInEra :: forall era. IsShelleyBasedEra era
=> WalletName
-> SubmitMode
-> ThreadName
-> NumberOfTxs
-> RunBenchmarkAux
-> TPSRate
-> AsType era
-> ActionM ()
runBenchmarkInEra sourceWallet submitMode (ThreadName threadName) txCount tps era = do
runBenchmarkInEra sourceWallet submitMode (ThreadName threadName) shape tps era = do
tracers <- get BenchTracers
networkId <- getUser TNetworkId
fundKey <- getName $ KeyName "pass-partout" -- should be walletkey
(NumberOfInputsPerTx numInputs) <- getUser TNumberOfInputsPerTx
(NumberOfOutputsPerTx numOutputs) <- getUser TNumberOfOutputsPerTx
fee <- getUser TFee
minValuePerUTxO <- getUser TMinValuePerUTxO
protocolParameters <- getProtocolParameters
walletRefSrc <- getName sourceWallet
let walletRefDst = walletRefSrc
metadata <- makeMetadata
(Quantity minValue) = lovelaceToQuantity $ fromIntegral numOutputs * minValuePerUTxO + fee

-- this is not totally correct:
-- beware of rounding errors !
minValuePerInput = quantityToLovelace $ fromIntegral (if m==0 then d else d+1)
(d, m) = minValue `divMod` fromIntegral numInputs

-- fundSource :: FundSet.Target -> FundSet.FundSource
-- fundSource target = mkWalletFundSource walletRef $ FundSet.selectInputs ConfirmedBeforeReuse numInputs minTxValue PlainOldFund target

fundSource <- liftIO (mkBufferedSource walletRefSrc
(fromIntegral (unNumberOfTxs txCount) * numInputs)
PlainOldFund numInputs) >>= \case
(auxInputs shape)
(auxMinValuePerUTxO shape)
PlainOldFund (auxInputsPerTx shape)) >>= \case
Right a -> return a
Left err -> throwE $ WalletError err

inToOut :: [Lovelace] -> [Lovelace]
inToOut = FundSet.inputsToOutputsWithFee fee numOutputs
inToOut = FundSet.inputsToOutputsWithFee (auxFee shape) (auxOutputs shape)

txGenerator = genTx protocolParameters (TxInsCollateralNone, []) (mkFee fee) metadata (KeyWitness KeyWitnessForSpending)
txGenerator = genTx protocolParameters (TxInsCollateralNone, []) (mkFee (auxFee shape)) metadata (KeyWitness KeyWitnessForSpending)

toUTxO :: FundSet.Target -> FundSet.SeqNumber -> ToUTxO era
toUTxO target seqNumber = Wallet.mkUTxO networkId fundKey (InFlight target seqNumber)

fundToStore = mkWalletFundStore walletRefDst

walletScript :: FundSet.Target -> WalletScript era
walletScript = benchmarkWalletScript walletRefSrc txGenerator txCount (const fundSource) inToOut toUTxO fundToStore
walletScript = benchmarkWalletScript walletRefSrc txGenerator (NumberOfTxs $ auxTxCount shape) (const fundSource) inToOut toUTxO fundToStore

case submitMode of
NodeToNode targetNodes -> do
connectClient <- getConnectClient
coreCall :: AsType era -> ExceptT TxGenError IO AsyncBenchmarkControl
coreCall eraProxy = GeneratorTx.walletBenchmark (btTxSubmit_ tracers) (btN2N_ tracers) connectClient
threadName targetNodes tps LogErrors eraProxy txCount walletScript
threadName targetNodes tps LogErrors eraProxy (NumberOfTxs $ auxTxCount shape) walletScript
ret <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ coreCall era
case ret of
Left err -> liftTxGenError err
Expand All @@ -321,15 +305,12 @@ runPlutusBenchmark ::
-> ScriptData
-> ScriptRedeemer
-> ThreadName
-> NumberOfTxs
-> RunBenchmarkAux
-> TPSRate
-> ActionM ()
runPlutusBenchmark sourceWallet submitMode scriptFile scriptBudget scriptData scriptRedeemer (ThreadName threadName) txCount tps = do
runPlutusBenchmark sourceWallet submitMode scriptFile scriptBudget scriptData scriptRedeemer (ThreadName threadName) extraArgs tps = do
tracers <- get BenchTracers
(NumberOfInputsPerTx numInputs) <- getUser TNumberOfInputsPerTx
(NumberOfOutputsPerTx numOutputs) <- getUser TNumberOfOutputsPerTx
networkId <- getUser TNetworkId
minValuePerUTxO <- getUser TMinValuePerUTxO
protocolParameters <- getProtocolParameters
executionUnitPrices <- case protocolParamPrices protocolParameters of
Just x -> return x
Expand All @@ -347,7 +328,7 @@ runPlutusBenchmark sourceWallet submitMode scriptFile scriptBudget scriptData sc
Right c -> return c
Left err -> throwE $ WalletError err
baseFee <- getUser TFee
_minValuePerUTxO <- getUser TMinValuePerUTxO -- TODO:Fix
-- _minValuePerUTxO <- getUser TMinValuePerUTxO -- TODO:Fix
metadata <- makeMetadata

let costsPreRun = preExecuteScript protocolParameters script scriptData scriptRedeemer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,27 +362,27 @@ runPlutusBenchmark sourceWallet submitMode scriptFile scriptBudget scriptData sc
p = executionUnitPrices
times w c = fromIntegral w % 1 * c

totalFee = baseFee + fromIntegral numInputs * scriptFee
(Quantity minValue) = lovelaceToQuantity $ fromIntegral numOutputs * minValuePerUTxO + totalFee
totalFee = baseFee + fromIntegral (auxInputsPerTx extraArgs) * scriptFee
(Quantity minValue) = lovelaceToQuantity $ fromIntegral (auxOutputsPerTx extraArgs) * (auxMinValuePerUTxO extraArgs) + totalFee
-- this is not totally correct:
-- beware of rounding errors !
minValuePerInput = quantityToLovelace $ fromIntegral (if m==0 then d else d+1)
(d, m) = minValue `divMod` fromIntegral numInputs
(d, m) = minValue `divMod` fromIntegral (auxInputsPerTx extraArgs)

-- fundSource :: FundSet.Target -> FundSet.FundSource
-- fundSource target = mkWalletFundSource walletRef $ FundSet.selectInputs ConfirmedBeforeReuse numInputs minTxValue PlainOldFund target

fundSource <- liftIO (mkBufferedSource walletRefSrc
(fromIntegral (unNumberOfTxs txCount) * numInputs)
(auxInputs extraArgs)
(PlutusScriptFund scriptFile scriptData) numInputs) >>= \case
(PlutusScriptFund scriptFile scriptData) (auxTxCount extraArgs)) >>= \case
Right a -> return a
Left err -> throwE $ WalletError err

inToOut :: [Lovelace] -> [Lovelace]
inToOut = FundSet.inputsToOutputsWithFee totalFee numOutputs
inToOut = FundSet.inputsToOutputsWithFee totalFee (auxOutputsPerTx extraArgs)
-- inToOut = FundSet.inputsToOutputsWithFee totalFee 1

PlutusScript PlutusScriptV1 script' = script
Expand All @@ -423,13 +404,13 @@ runPlutusBenchmark sourceWallet submitMode scriptFile scriptBudget scriptData sc
toUTxO target seqNumber = Wallet.mkUTxO networkId fundKey (InFlight target seqNumber)

walletScript :: FundSet.Target -> WalletScript AlonzoEra
walletScript = benchmarkWalletScript walletRefSrc txGenerator txCount (const fundSource) inToOut toUTxO fundToStore
walletScript = benchmarkWalletScript walletRefSrc txGenerator (NumberOfTxs $ auxTxCount extraArgs) (const fundSource) inToOut toUTxO fundToStore

case submitMode of
NodeToNode targetNodes -> do
connectClient <- getConnectClient
ret <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ GeneratorTx.walletBenchmark (btTxSubmit_ tracers) (btN2N_ tracers) connectClient
threadName targetNodes tps LogErrors AsAlonzoEra txCount walletScript
threadName targetNodes tps LogErrors AsAlonzoEra (NumberOfTxs $ auxTxCount extraArgs) walletScript
case ret of
Left err -> liftTxGenError err
Right ctl -> setName (ThreadName threadName) ctl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -593,16 +574,17 @@ It is intended to be used with the the loop script from cardano-node/plutus-exam
loopScriptFile is the FilePath to the Plutus script that implements the delay loop. (for example in /nix/store/).
spendAutoScript relies on a particular calling convention of the loop script.
spendAutoScript :: WalletName -> SubmitMode -> FilePath -> ThreadName -> NumberOfTxs -> TPSRate -> ActionM ()
spendAutoScript sourceWallet submitMode loopScriptFile threadName txCount tps = do
spendAutoScript :: WalletName -> SubmitMode -> FilePath -> ThreadName -> RunBenchmarkAux -> TPSRate -> ActionM ()
spendAutoScript sourceWallet submitMode loopScriptFile threadName extraArgs tps = do
protocolParameters <- getProtocolParameters
perTxBudget <- case protocolParamMaxTxExUnits protocolParameters of
Nothing -> throwE $ ApiError "Cannot determine protocolParamMaxTxExUnits"
Just b -> return b
traceDebug $ "Plutus auto mode : Available budget per TX: " ++ show perTxBudget

numInputs <- fromIntegral <$> getUser TNumberOfInputsPerTx
let budget = ExecutionUnits
numInputs = fromIntegral $ auxInputsPerTx extraArgs
budget = ExecutionUnits
(executionSteps perTxBudget `div` numInputs)
(executionMemory perTxBudget `div` numInputs)
traceDebug $ "Plutus auto mode : Available budget per script run: " ++ show budget
Expand All @@ -617,7 +599,7 @@ spendAutoScript sourceWallet submitMode loopScriptFile threadName txCount tps =
redeemer <- case startSearch isInLimits 0 searchUpperBound of
Left err -> throwE $ ApiError $ "cannot find fitting redeemer :" ++ err
Right n -> return $ toLoopArgument n
runPlutusBenchmark sourceWallet submitMode loopScriptFile PreExecuteScript (ScriptDataNumber 0) redeemer threadName txCount tps
runPlutusBenchmark sourceWallet submitMode loopScriptFile PreExecuteScript (ScriptDataNumber 0) redeemer threadName extraArgs tps
-- This is the hardcoded calling convention of the loop.plutus script.
-- To loop n times one has to pass n + 1_000_000 as redeemer.
Expand Down
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions bench/tx-generator/src/Cardano/Benchmarking/Script/Selftest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,11 +42,8 @@ printJSON = BSL.putStrLn $ prettyPrint $ testScript "/dev/zero" DiscardTX
testScript :: FilePath -> SubmitMode -> [Action]
testScript protocolFile submitMode =
[ SetProtocolParameters (UseLocalProtocolFile protocolFile)
, Set (TNumberOfInputsPerTx ==> 2)
, Set (TNumberOfOutputsPerTx ==> 2)
, Set (TTxAdditionalSize ==> 39)
, Set (TFee ==> Lovelace 212345)
, Set (TMinValuePerUTxO ==> Lovelace 1000000)
, Set (TTTL ==> SlotNo 1000000)
, Set (TNetworkId ==> Testnet (NetworkMagic {unNetworkMagic = 42}))
, InitWallet wallet
Expand All @@ -63,7 +60,7 @@ testScript protocolFile submitMode =
, RunBenchmark era wallet
(ThreadName "walletBasedBenchmark") 4000 (TPSRate 10.0)
(ThreadName "walletBasedBenchmark") extraArgs (TPSRate 10.0)
era = AnyCardanoEra AllegraEra
Expand All @@ -72,3 +69,12 @@ testScript protocolFile submitMode =
addr = PayToAddr key
createChange val count
= CreateChange era wallet wallet submitMode addr (Lovelace val) count
extraArgs = RunBenchmarkAux {
auxTxCount = 4000
, auxFee = 1000000
, auxOutputsPerTx = 2
, auxInputsPerTx = 2
, auxInputs = 8000
, auxOutputs = 8000
, auxMinValuePerUTxO = 10500000
16 changes: 0 additions & 16 deletions bench/tx-generator/src/Cardano/Benchmarking/Script/Setters.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,11 +24,7 @@ import Cardano.Benchmarking.Types

-- Some boiler plate; ToDo may generate this.
data Tag v where
TNumberOfInputsPerTx :: Tag NumberOfInputsPerTx
TNumberOfOutputsPerTx :: Tag NumberOfOutputsPerTx
TNumberOfTxs :: Tag NumberOfTxs
TFee :: Tag Lovelace
TMinValuePerUTxO :: Tag Lovelace
TTTL :: Tag SlotNo
TTxAdditionalSize :: Tag TxAdditionalSize
TLocalSocket :: Tag String
Expand All @@ -43,11 +39,7 @@ deriving instance Show (Tag v)
deriving instance Eq (Tag v)

data Sum where
SNumberOfInputsPerTx :: !NumberOfInputsPerTx -> Sum
SNumberOfOutputsPerTx :: !NumberOfOutputsPerTx -> Sum
SNumberOfTxs :: !NumberOfTxs -> Sum
SFee :: !Lovelace -> Sum
SMinValuePerUTxO :: !Lovelace -> Sum
STTL :: !SlotNo -> Sum
STxAdditionalSize :: !TxAdditionalSize -> Sum
SLocalSocket :: !String -> Sum
Expand All @@ -56,23 +48,15 @@ data Sum where

taggedToSum :: Applicative f => DSum Tag f -> f Sum
taggedToSum x = case x of
(TNumberOfInputsPerTx :=> v) -> SNumberOfInputsPerTx <$> v
(TNumberOfOutputsPerTx :=> v) -> SNumberOfOutputsPerTx <$> v
(TNumberOfTxs :=> v) -> SNumberOfTxs <$> v
(TFee :=> v) -> SFee <$> v
(TMinValuePerUTxO :=> v) -> SMinValuePerUTxO <$> v
(TTTL :=> v) -> STTL <$> v
(TTxAdditionalSize :=> v) -> STxAdditionalSize <$> v
(TLocalSocket :=> v) -> SLocalSocket <$> v
(TNetworkId :=> v) -> SNetworkId <$> v

sumToTagged :: Applicative f => Sum -> DSum Tag f
sumToTagged x = case x of
SNumberOfInputsPerTx v -> TNumberOfInputsPerTx ==> v
SNumberOfOutputsPerTx v -> TNumberOfOutputsPerTx ==> v
SNumberOfTxs v -> TNumberOfTxs ==> v
SFee v -> TFee ==> v
SMinValuePerUTxO v -> TMinValuePerUTxO ==> v
STTL v -> TTTL ==> v
STxAdditionalSize v -> TTxAdditionalSize ==> v
SLocalSocket v -> TLocalSocket ==> v
Expand Down

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