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Run RefCount tests in both IO and IOSim
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jorisdral committed Mar 4, 2025
1 parent 477dcf2 commit 1805ef5
Showing 1 changed file with 102 additions and 45 deletions.
147 changes: 102 additions & 45 deletions test-control/Test/Control/RefCount.hs
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Expand Up @@ -4,37 +4,81 @@
module Test.Control.RefCount (tests) where

import Control.Concurrent.Class.MonadMVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Exception (AssertionFailed (..))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadThrow
import Control.Monad.IOSim (IOSim, runSimOrThrow)
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.RefCount
import Data.Primitive.PrimVar
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck

import Data.IORef
import Data.Primitive

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Test.Control.RefCount" [
testProperty "prop_RefCounter" prop_RefCounter
testProperty "prop_RefCounter @IO" $
ioPropertyOnce prop_RefCounter
-- prop_RefCounter throws and catches AssertionFailed exceptions, but we
-- can only catch these exceptions in IO. In IOSim, these uncaught
-- exceptions will lead to property failures. So, we only run the property
-- in IOSim if assertions are turned off.
, testProperty "prop_RefCounter @IOSim" $
ioSimPropertyOnce prop_RefCounter
-- All of these tests below are checking that the debug implementation of
-- Ref does indeed detect all the violations (double-free, use-after-free,
-- never-free). But this obviously depends on the debug implementation
-- being in use. Hence only tested when NO_IGNORE_ASSERTS.
, testProperty "prop_ref_double_free" prop_ref_double_free
, testProperty "prop_ref_use_after_free" prop_ref_use_after_free
, testProperty "prop_ref_never_released0" prop_ref_never_released0
, testProperty "prop_ref_never_released1" prop_ref_never_released1
, testProperty "prop_ref_never_released2" prop_ref_never_released2
, testProperty "prop_release_ref_exception" prop_release_ref_exception
, testGroup "IO" [
testProperty "prop_ref_double_free" $
ioPropertyOnce prop_ref_double_free
, testProperty "prop_ref_use_after_free" $
ioPropertyOnce $ prop_ref_use_after_free True
, testProperty "prop_ref_never_released0" $
ioPropertyOnce prop_ref_never_released0
, testProperty "prop_ref_never_released1" $
ioPropertyOnce prop_ref_never_released1
, testProperty "prop_ref_never_released2" $
ioPropertyOnce prop_ref_never_released2
, testProperty "prop_release_ref_exception" $
ioPropertyOnce prop_release_ref_exception
, testGroup "IOSim" [
testProperty "prop_ref_double_free" $
ioSimPropertyOnce prop_ref_double_free
, testProperty "prop_ref_use_after_free" $
-- Exceptions thrown by the DeRef pattern can only be caught from
-- IO, so we do not test the DeRef pattern in IOSim.
ioSimPropertyOnce $ prop_ref_use_after_free False
, testProperty "prop_ref_never_released0" $
ioSimPropertyOnce prop_ref_never_released0
, testProperty "prop_ref_never_released1" $
ioSimPropertyOnce prop_ref_never_released1
, testProperty "prop_ref_never_released2" $
ioSimPropertyOnce prop_ref_never_released2
, testProperty "prop_release_ref_exception" $
ioSimPropertyOnce prop_release_ref_exception

ioPropertyOnce :: Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioPropertyOnce p = once $ ioProperty p

ioSimPropertyOnce :: Testable prop => (forall s. IOSim s prop) -> Property
ioSimPropertyOnce p = once $ property $ runSimOrThrow p

-- | Test for the low level RefCounter API
prop_RefCounter :: Property
prop_RefCounter = once $ ioProperty $ do
prop_RefCounter ::
(MonadMVar m, PrimMonad m, MonadMask m)
=> m Property
prop_RefCounter = do
obj <- newMVar False
ref <- newRefCounter (void $ modifyMVar_ obj (\x -> pure (not x)) )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,72 +147,83 @@ prop_RefCounter = once $ ioProperty $ do
-- is no way to reliably act on the information. It is only useful for tests or
-- debugging.
readRefCount :: RefCounter IO -> IO Int
readRefCount :: PrimMonad m => RefCounter m -> m Int
readRefCount (RefCounter countVar _) = readPrimVar countVar

data TestObject = TestObject !(RefCounter IO)
data TestObject m = TestObject !(RefCounter m)

instance RefCounted IO TestObject where
instance RefCounted m (TestObject m) where
getRefCounter (TestObject rc) = rc

data TestObject2 = TestObject2 (Ref TestObject)
data TestObject2 m = TestObject2 (Ref (TestObject m))

instance RefCounted IO TestObject2 where
instance RefCounted m (TestObject2 m) where
getRefCounter (TestObject2 (DeRef to1)) = getRefCounter to1

prop_ref_double_free :: Property
prop_ref_double_free = once $ ioProperty $ do
finalised <- newIORef False
ref <- newRef (writeIORef finalised True) TestObject
prop_ref_double_free ::
(PrimMonad m, MonadMask m, MonadFail m)
=> m Property
prop_ref_double_free = do
finalised <- newMutVar False
ref <- newRef (writeMutVar finalised True) TestObject
releaseRef ref
True <- readIORef finalised
True <- readMutVar finalised
Left e@RefDoubleRelease{} <- try $ releaseRef ref
-- Print the displayed exception as an example
pure $ tabulate "displayException" [displayException e] ()

prop_ref_use_after_free :: Property
prop_ref_use_after_free = once $ ioProperty $ do
finalised <- newIORef False
ref <- newRef (writeIORef finalised True) TestObject
prop_ref_use_after_free ::
(PrimMonad m, MonadMask m, MonadFail m)
=> Bool -- ^ Test the DeRef pattern
-> m Property
prop_ref_use_after_free testDeRef = do
finalised <- newMutVar False
ref <- newRef (writeMutVar finalised True) TestObject
releaseRef ref
True <- readIORef finalised
True <- readMutVar finalised
Left e@RefUseAfterRelease{} <- try $ withRef ref return
Left RefUseAfterRelease{} <- try $ case ref of DeRef _ -> return ()
when testDeRef $ do
Left RefUseAfterRelease{} <- try $ case ref of DeRef _ -> return ()
pure ()
Left RefUseAfterRelease{} <- try $ dupRef ref
-- Print the displayed exception as an example
pure $ tabulate "displayException" [displayException e] ()

prop_ref_never_released0 :: Property
prop_ref_never_released0 = once $ ioProperty $ do
finalised <- newIORef False
ref <- newRef (writeIORef finalised True) TestObject
prop_ref_never_released0 ::
(PrimMonad m, MonadMask m)
=> m ()
prop_ref_never_released0 = do
finalised <- newMutVar False
ref <- newRef (writeMutVar finalised True) TestObject
_ <- case ref of DeRef _ -> return ()
-- ref is still being used, so check should not fail
_ <- case ref of DeRef _ -> return ()
releaseRef ref

prop_ref_never_released1 :: Property
prop_ref_never_released1 ::
(PrimMonad m, MonadMask m)
=> m Property
prop_ref_never_released1 =
once $ ioProperty $
handle expectRefNeverReleased $ do
finalised <- newIORef False
ref <- newRef (writeIORef finalised True) TestObject
finalised <- newMutVar False
ref <- newRef (writeMutVar finalised True) TestObject
_ <- withRef ref return
_ <- case ref of DeRef _ -> return ()
-- ref is never released, so should fail
return (counterexample "no forgotten refs detected" $ property False)

prop_ref_never_released2 :: Property
prop_ref_never_released2 ::
(PrimMonad m, MonadMask m)
=> m Property
prop_ref_never_released2 =
once $ ioProperty $
handle expectRefNeverReleased $ do
finalised <- newIORef False
ref <- newRef (writeIORef finalised True) TestObject
finalised <- newMutVar False
ref <- newRef (writeMutVar finalised True) TestObject
ref2 <- dupRef ref
releaseRef ref
_ <- withRef ref2 return
Expand All @@ -177,19 +232,21 @@ prop_ref_never_released2 =
return (counterexample "no forgotten refs detected" $ property False)

expectRefNeverReleased :: RefException -> IO Property
expectRefNeverReleased :: Monad m => RefException -> m Property
expectRefNeverReleased e@RefNeverReleased{} =
-- Print the displayed exception as an example
return (tabulate "displayException" [displayException e] (property True))
expectRefNeverReleased e =
return (counterexample (displayException e) $ property False)

-- | If a finaliser throws an exception, then the 'RefTracker' is still released
prop_release_ref_exception :: Property
prop_release_ref_exception = once $ ioProperty $ do
finalised <- newIORef False
ref <- newRef (writeIORef finalised True >> error "oops") TestObject
_ <- try @SomeException (releaseRef ref)
prop_release_ref_exception ::
(PrimMonad m, MonadMask m)
=> m ()
prop_release_ref_exception = do
finalised <- newMutVar False
ref <- newRef (writeMutVar finalised True >> throwIO (userError "oops")) TestObject
_ <- try @_ @SomeException (releaseRef ref)

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