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Test that flipping a bit in snapshot files gets detected as corruption
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jorisdral committed Jan 24, 2025
1 parent c1e2f71 commit f74efac
Showing 1 changed file with 121 additions and 4 deletions.
125 changes: 121 additions & 4 deletions test/Test/Database/LSMTree/Internal/Snapshot/FS.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Tests for snapshots and their interaction with the file system
module Test.Database.LSMTree.Internal.Snapshot.FS (tests) where

import Codec.CBOR.Read (DeserialiseFailure)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadThrow
import Control.Monad.IOSim (runSimOrThrow)
import Control.Tracer
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Word
import Database.LSMTree.Extras (showPowersOf10)
import Database.LSMTree.Extras.Generators ()
import Database.LSMTree.Internal
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Config
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.CRC32C
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Entry
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Paths
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Serialise
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Snapshot
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Snapshot.Codec
import qualified System.FS.API as FS
import System.FS.API
import System.FS.Sim.Error hiding (genErrors)
import qualified System.FS.Sim.MockFS as MockFS
import Test.Database.LSMTree.Internal.Snapshot.Codec ()
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (genDouble)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Util.FS

tests :: TestTree
Expand All @@ -20,6 +39,7 @@ tests = testGroup "Test.Database.LSMTree.Internal.Snapshot.FS" [
, testProperty "prop_fault_fsRoundtripSnapshotMetaData"
, testProperty "prop_flipSnapshotBit" prop_flipSnapshotBit

-- | @readFileSnapshotMetaData . writeFileSnapshotMetaData = id@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,12 +76,12 @@ prop_fault_fsRoundtripSnapshotMetaData testErrs metadata =
ioProperty $
withSimErrorHasFS propNoOpenHandles MockFS.empty emptyErrors $ \hfs _fsVar errsVar -> do
writeResult <-
try @FsError $
try @_ @FsError $
withErrors errsVar (writeErrors testErrs) $
writeFileSnapshotMetaData hfs metadataPath checksumPath metadata

readResult <-
try @SomeException $
try @_ @SomeException $
withErrors errsVar (readErrors testErrs) $
readFileSnapshotMetaData hfs metadataPath checksumPath

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,3 +157,100 @@ instance Arbitrary TestErrors where
[ TestErrors writeErrors' readErrors'
| (writeErrors', readErrors') <- shrink (writeErrors, readErrors)

Snapshot corruption

-- | A 'Double' in the @[0, 1)@ range.
newtype Double_0_1 = Double_0_1 Double
deriving stock (Show, Eq)

instance Arbitrary Double_0_1 where
arbitrary = Double_0_1 <$> genDouble
shrink (Double_0_1 x) = [Double_0_1 x' | x' <- shrink x, 0 <= x', x' < 1]

prop_flipSnapshotBit ::
Positive (Small Int)
-> V.Vector (Word64, Entry Word64 Word64)
-> Double_0_1 -- ^ Used to pick which file to corrupt
-> Double_0_1 -- ^ Used to pick which bit to flip in the file we picked
-> Property
(Positive (Small bufferSize))
(Double_0_1 pickFile)
(Double_0_1 pickBit) =
runSimOrThrow $
withSimHasBlockIO propNoOpenHandles MockFS.empty $ \hfs hbio _fsVar ->
withSession nullTracer hfs hbio root $ \s ->
withTable s conf $ \t -> do
-- Create a table, populate it, and create a snapshot
updates resolve es' t
createSnap t

-- Pick a random file from the named snapshot directory
files <- listDirectoryRecursiveFiles hfs (getNamedSnapshotDir namedSnapDir)
let i = round (fromIntegral (Set.size files - 1) * pickFile)
let file = Set.elemAt i files
let path = getNamedSnapshotDir namedSnapDir </> file
-- Pick a random bit from the file that we want to corrupt
n <- withFile hfs path ReadMode $ hGetSize hfs
let j = round (fromIntegral (n * 8 - 1) * pickBit)

-- Some info for the test output
tabCorruptedFile = tabulate "Corrupted file" [show path]
counterCorruptedFile = counterexample ("Corrupted file: " ++ show path)
tabFlippedBit = tabulate "Flipped bit" [showPowersOf10 j]
counterFlippedBit = counterexample ("Flipped bit: " ++ show j)

let isUncheckedFile =
path == getNamedSnapshotDir namedSnapDir </> FS.mkFsPath ["0.keyops"]
|| path == getNamedSnapshotDir namedSnapDir </> FS.mkFsPath ["0.blobs"]
|| path == getNamedSnapshotDir namedSnapDir </> FS.mkFsPath ["0.checksums"]

-- TODO: remove once write buffer files have checksum verification
if isUncheckedFile then
pure discard
else if n <= 0 then -- file is empty
pure $ tabulate "Result" ["No corruption applied"] True
else do -- file is non-empty

-- Flip a bit and try to open the snapshot
flipFileBit hfs path j
t' <- try @_ @SomeException $ bracket (openSnap s) close $ \_ -> pure ()

pure $
tabCorruptedFile $ counterCorruptedFile $ tabFlippedBit $ counterFlippedBit $
case t' of
-- If we find an error, we detected corruption. Success!
Left e ->
["Corruption detected: " <> getConstructorName e]
-- The corruption was not detected. Failure!
Right _ -> property False
root = FS.mkFsPath []
namedSnapDir = namedSnapshotDir (SessionRoot root) snapName

conf = defaultTableConfig {
confWriteBufferAlloc = AllocNumEntries (NumEntries bufferSize)
es' = fmap (bimap serialiseKey (bimap serialiseValue serialiseBlob)) es

resolve (SerialisedValue x) (SerialisedValue y) =
SerialisedValue (x <> y)

snapName = fromJust $ mkSnapshotName "snap"
snapLabel = SnapshotLabel "label"

createSnap t =
createSnapshot snapName snapLabel SnapFullTable t

openSnap s =
openSnapshot s snapLabel SnapFullTable configNoOverride snapName resolve

getConstructorName e = takeWhile (/= ' ') (show e)

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