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ICC: August 26, 2022

Sarah Goldstein edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 8 revisions


[please add attendees] [indicate Chair, notes]


  • IslandoraCon Report
  • August 30 Open Meeting odds and ends to confirm
  • Code of Conduct Committee training update
  • Interest Group Questions (Rosie)
  • Some co-work time on Migration Pathways ideas?

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan or Don)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil or Mirko)

Islandora Events

Action Items

  • Chair for next meeting:


IslandoraCon report (Isabella)

  • total of 115 registrants; 38 in person.
  • some of the Eventbrite notifications/messaging got missed, maybe due to spam filters.
  • Used Zoom meetings; did have issues with audio quality stream to virtual attendees, and worth noting mike issues on the podium was also sometimes an issue in that the questions in the room not always picked up; a mike that travels around the room would be a good thing to do next time.
  • Using Zoom chat for questions meant that the questions went away after. Slack may have been a good option (export history?).
  • The parallel conversations within the virtual and physical event are challenges to ensuring the same experience.
  • Scholarships: 9 in total and one person could attend in person.
  • Food and Social Activities: inaccessibility was an issue and some care needs to be taken with outside venues; and overall with tightening up the events planning.
  • Scheduling: paying attention to allowing time for Use-A-Thon and when attendees need to catch flights; technical talks could use more time for Q&A.
  • Feedback Form: 29 responses overall. Time slots on the lightning talks needed to be more clear. Language of technical vs. non-technical: coming up with better naming.
  • Future Events thoughts: More opportunities for social events for virtual attendees. Ensuring there's a single point of contact for technical issues for the event space. Clarity on food choices for dinner venues. Getting bio and presenter info at the time they submit.
  • Editing and uploading the recordings: Close captions take a little while to appear; making sure resources mentioned in the chat are available. Policy for adding names to the recordings? Names of presenters are in descriptions and tags. Presenters gave consent. Before announcing they are up, send emails to presenters and ask; if not up, ask. Note to add info about this in the overall presenter process and collect/inform right at that moment.
  • It has been a long time since we have done in-person meetings, and the report and documentation is a huge contribution to success in the future, and hybrid conferences are always a challenge! Super helpful to have the report.
  • This report can be made publicly available, where and how to promote? It's on the agenda for the Open Meeting; a GDoc to share with links out to appropriate places. Anything else to prompt?

Open Meeting on Tuesday

  • Islandora Migrations Form: Rebel will introduce the form and guide discussion.
  • Current list of Monthly Open Meetings in the calendar event? With agendas? Brainstorming topics on a shared Google Doc? At the beginning of each meeting we can point to that as a resource.
  • The wiki page doesn't have upcoming agendas, just past ones. Could there be something like a landing page for Open Meetings that describes them and the process? Isabella offered to build out the wiki page as it is a little sparse.
  • Offer a shared/community Google Notes Form, and one of us can keep an eye on it.
  • Newspapers: Rosie is going to go into some detail and explain the install profile; for Newspapers, it is an accordion view that makes use of a module to show various structural entities like years, etc.

Currently, this is not deployed with the standard package. Do we want that? Do we want to put it in Islandora Defaults? Right now, not an easy way to implement it.

ICC role: used to assess new modules to be taken ownership for the Foundation. This code is in Islandora DevOps. Does it require the same legal process? When you add new functionality to an existing module, you don't have to go through LSAP. What is role of this committee in this process?

What is most helpful for Rosie: ICC's opinion if the views should be a sep module to maintain? Does IF want to take that over? If we are ok with that, perhaps we just use the LSAP and get that figured out. Use Open Meeting to frame take on Newspapers; Rosie is coming from the software focus; but what is the user focus? What does the community want and expect from newspapers module: what we have and how it works, and how do we move forward for stability?

For ICC: we need to go back and look at process and think about who we need to discuss/pull in.

There are multiple licenses for different things already. As a contributor to the project, it is under whatever your code is.

How do we get the different installation methods in sync? The licensing question is important.

Code of Conduct Committee update:

  • Not an answer yet about training, coming soon.

Interest Group Questions:

  • The ICC used to be Roadmap Committee. We don't do it the same way, but could be in our scope. Funnel from the IGs to the overall direction and committers. Do we have the perspective to see that?
  • Have the IG leads go first with their report outs. Possibly have a conversation to get a larger state of the IGs and what they may need to be successful. Do some outreach and get a "state of the IGs" and go from there.

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