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ICC: September 23, 2022

Sarah Goldstein edited this page Oct 4, 2022 · 2 revisions


[please add attendees] [indicate Chair, notes]


  • Interest Group Updates
  • Open Meeting planning -- in addition to establishing repeating components, what would streamline this process for us?
  • Code of Conduct Committee planning update
  • Check in on draft documents: governance groups re Open Meeting, iterative development workshop
  • More discussion on Public Library Interest Group?
  • Islandora Events
  • Check-in with Kirsta

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Don)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil or Mirko)

Islandora Events

Action Items

  • Chair for next meeting:


Interest Group Updates
Waiting for install profile. Ready to get started but haven’t started just yet; they know what they need. Roadmap for a Delta Doc.
Now next steps:
Create a branch when repo is ready. Then maybe come to this group and ask… for a VM, like a sandbox so they could have a demo and not everyone would have to spin up a local. Discussed other modules? ASU?
Would be great if there was a process for the starter site so folks can work together.
Once you make a branch it is more permanent, not like gitlab. β€œPlay with-able." Make backwards compatible?
Leadership proposal? Can Don be system manager?
Funds available for server space; Don thinks that is ok.
Do anything in Open Meeting? Or wait till there is a sandbox site? Yes, maybe wait bc otherwise it’s a blank canvas.
For Open Meeting: ask the IG heads to be a slot in that meeting, perhaps quarterly.
Proposal about sweat equity for membership coming to Leadership. ICC would have to agree that an IG is of merit. And so the requirement for Open Meeting makes sense.
Support for the IG’s taking some participation in the Open Meeting

Metadata IG
Talking about taxonomy; not the controlled vocabularies that you might expect.
Will make requests:
Adding a new module called taxonomy manager to be added to starter site.
Also looking at term merge (using Workbench to manage taxonomies)? Yes, on to-do’s!
Thinking about how to make a formal/informal proposal from an IG? How to communicate value?
Like: the MIG wants to call attention to a thing? How does the ICC help here? IG needs features that need code but they don’t have coding resources; what is the process by which we help do that?

Open Meeting planning -- in addition to establishing repeating components, what would streamline this process for us?
Big picture goals: Build engagement with Islandora Foundation and community.
Create opportunities to hear from the community, esp those we don’t see all the time.
Create opportunities to onboard new members/Pulling in new users.
Create transparency.

Space for repeated content:
1-2 sessions per year to remind/onboarding/refreshers.
To help new folks put pieces together.
Last opening meeting of the year the outgoing intern gives a presentation.

Topics: Talk about fundraising and projects. Basically view as a calendar, themed sections, can plug in content. If you would like to propose a topic…there’s a form! And then in these meetings (ICC) we can review.
What are we trying to accomplish?
During covid we couldn’t have camps, so made the open meetings. Also spawned from the idea of a user group: why does it take 50 clicks to do a thing? Module of the week: cool module from the cookbook (like Drupal community).
Specific features: like, derivatives? User experience? Who are they? Don’t want to maintain two themes!
Checking accessibility: Islandora is giving the user the crayons to build what you want. Don’t want to bake in a certain way of doing things.

Other things we want to accomplish:
Build engagement. Pull in folks to the community. Bring them into the conversation.
New user onboarding: to help folks who might be new or thinking of joining.
Some next steps: Big picture plan for the year rather than scramble. A sub-committee to try that?
A few weeks of homework, we could get a yearly calendar together.
Ask the new intern to make a wiki page for each month and then this will help us build it out.
Promotion of the meeting/events. List of lists, etc. A channel through Drupal and also Fedora spaces too.
Kirsta will get the page built out in the wiki, please use the template that Rosie started.

Code of Conduct Committee planning update
Send some folks to incident training via Ottertek. Board is supportive, adopt β€œtrain the trainer” the model, but we should be careful about asking those volunteers to do that. Committee members would get training.
Isabella had volunteered to be on the committee and help? If we are having a new intern, should we provide to all interns?
CFP to develop a CoC training for Islandora, to reuse content?
Think about it as the β€œnext good thing”; go to training and find out what it has to offer, and what is the benefit to the training to the larger community?
Next steps:
Email to volunteers about the training, and the expectations for those who take the training and service to the Foundation (2 year commitment)

Check in on draft documents: governance groups re Open Meeting, iterative development workshop
Open Meeting and IG drafts are ready to go. Last call for further edits on these.
Iterative development workshop proposal: homework is to review it and discuss at next meeting.

More discussion on Public Library Interest Group?
We haven’t heard anything specific from Carey, so no actions right now. Kirsta will start a draft for us to look at that specs out the IG support process that the ICC is meant to manage.

Islandora Events
(discussed events earlier in the meeting)

Check-in with Kirsta
Documents to review forthcoming; they will be in the ICC folder. Islandora Ambassadors: more soon.

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