This repository contains a few tools to study the CMS triggers and corresponding filters stored in miniAOD and nanoAOD.
To install the tool for reading the tau ID scale factors, do
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc700 # for CMSSW_10_3_3, check "scram list"
CMSSW_BASE=CMSSW_10_3_3 # or whichever release you desire
cmsrel $CMSSW_BASE
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone TauPOG/TriggerChecks
scram b -j4
each new session to make the python modules available:
The plugin plugins/
checks the available triggers per run (in TriggerChecks::beginRun
) and summarizes the last filter. Your favorite triggers can be defined in
. To run it, specify some files in python/
, and do
cmsRun python/
You can include a MiniAOD file from any year, data or MC.
The script python/
loops over events in a miniAOD events, and accesses the trigger objects. Run as
python python/
To find the connection between a trigger path and filter, rather use plugin/
To run over nanoAOD, first install nanoAOD-tools
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
scram b -j4
Once installed, you can match pre-selected objects to trigger objects python/
. This script shows how to use the TrigObjMatcher
tool from python/
, like one would in a nanoAOD-based analysis.
python python/
The script python/
creates per year one JSON file of trigger objects associated with the recommended tau triggers. The structure is as follows:
-> year
-> object type ('Electron', 'Muon', 'Tau', ...)
-> shorthand for filters patterns in nanoAOD
-> bits (powers of 2)
-> data type ('data' or 'mc')
-> tau trigger type (e.g. 'etau', 'mutau', 'ditau', 'SingleMuon', ...)
-> list of recommended HLT paths
-> HLT path ("HLT_*")
-> 'runrange': in case this path was only available in some data runs (optional)
-> 'filter': last filter associated with this trigger path ("hlt*")
-> object type ('Electron', 'Muon', 'Tau', ...)
-> 'ptmin': offline cut on pt
-> 'etamax': offline cut on eta (optional)
-> 'filterbits': list of shorthands for filter patterns
The files can be found in the json
The filter associated with some HLT path can be found using plugin/
The definition of the filter bits for the trigger objects can be found in the nanoAOD documentation and PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/python/
This JSON file can be read in by the loadTriggerDataFromJSON
method from python/
. See python/
on how to use this.
The full database can be accessed with the ConfDB GUI, see this page.