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@moclojer @Work-ly @revoapp @j0suetm-com @organizaai @emerauth @java-noroeste

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Rapha Amorim raphamorim

@charmbracelet Stockholm, Sweden

Eduardo Dourado eduardoDC101
Information Systems - IFSP

Eduardo D. da Cruz

Gustavo_An7 GuAncete
Studying Fourth Semester of Information Systems
Barbara Amanda Fialho de Souza barbarafialho
Information Systems Student at the Federal Institute of São Paulo

Votuporanga, São Paulo

Vinicius Mesel vmesel
Founder @talkdai, gen-ai and python dev

@talkdai & @buserbrasil São Paulo

Camilo Cunha de Azevedo Camilotk
Passionate Software Engineer with expertise in full-stack development and cloud technologies. Advocate for open-source education & innovative solutions in tech.

@Universidade-Livre Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil

Husani Santos husanisantos
Designer, front and back-end developer with extensive experience in PHP, studying systems analysis and development.

Criativi São Carlos, SP

Tiago Temporin tiaguinho
Married. SRE @acesso-io. Google Developer Expert in Go.


Marcel Secco MarcelSecco1
Software Developer and Web Developer in technologies PHP & Laravel

Lumiun São Paulo, Brazil

Rafael Callegari De Oliveira CALLEGARii
I am a student at BSI Instituto Federal IFSP VTP

São Paulo, Brasil

Douglas Carneiro Douglas-Carneiro
Software Engineer

Fundação Escola Politécnica da Bahia Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Tony Kay awkay

Fulcrologic, LLC Eugene, OR

Karen Nanamy Kamo karen-kamo
I'm a computer technician


Samuel Araújo Silveira Samuel-Araujo-Silveira
C ; Html/CSS ;Java ; JavaScript; Mysql; Git/GitHub; Inglês nivel médio ; Java Web.

Instituto Federal Baiano Guanambi - BA

Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Ariel André Aio ArielAio
19 anos, Cursando Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação, São João das Duas Pontes, SP

EnterScience Brasil


FormDev Software GmbH Munich, Germany

Sean Corfield seancorfield
Veteran software architect, focusing on web / JVM / Clojure these days.

Bay Area, California

Rafal Dittwald rafd

@bloomventures Toronto, ON

Pekka Enberg penberg
Founder and CTO at Turso. Software engineer interested in distributed systems, cloud/edge computing, and databases. Previously @scylladb & Linux kernel.


Bruno PoorlyDefinedBehaviour
Things I've read this year
Zeno Rocha zenorocha
Founder & CEO @ Resend

@resend San Francisco, California

Rodolfo Silva RodolfoSilva
Software Engineer

@infleet Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

Ingy döt Net ingydotnet
Ingy döt Net is an open source hacker who adheres to the tenets of @acmeism.

YAML LLC Seattle

Michiel Borkent borkdude
Clojure developer, author and maintainer of clj-kondo, babashka, SCI and squint.


Gabriel Nunes gabrnunes
DevRel & Developer Experience | Organizador de eventos para comunidade

@asaasdev Joinville, SC


Three Elements Design

Peter Eisentraut petere
PostgreSQL developer, Debian developer

@EnterpriseDB Dresden

Peter Taoussanis ptaoussanis
Clojure/Script open source llama

Taoensso Berlin, Chiang Mai, Johannesburg

Matheus Francisco matheusfrancisco
A nice guy.

@Nubank Florianópolis, Brazil

moclojer moclojer
Simple and efficient HTTP mock server with specification in yaml, edn or OpenAPI
Cherry Ramatis cherryramatisdev
A trans woman who likes code 🧙‍♀️ Member at @he4rt
Felipe Gomes da Silva Felipe-gsilva
@moclojer product engineer and a computer science student trying to become a good swe and a better professional at all

@moclojer São José do Rio Preto

Marius Vollmer mvollmer

Red Hat, Inc. Europe

Adam Sorrenti mbrotos

Toronto, ON, Canada

José Lucas lucas404x
I'm studying to better understand the world.

@Technoserv-Dev Brazil

Andrew Kelley andrewrk
Lead developer & president of Zig Software Foundation

@ziglang Portland, Oregon

Andrej Marinchenko BEPb
I make simple things with neural networks.

prohibited by employment contract Belarus

Ana Lívia Magalhães Garbin analiviagarbin
Undergraduate student at ICMC - USP

São Carlos - SP | Brazil

Sofia Rodrigues algebraic-dev
I work for @leanprover, I love this language :P