So far the live demo is served by static files built by Webpack which interacts with a mock express server.
npm install
npm start
This runs Webpack dev server and Express mock server concurrently. Notice that Webpack dev server receives all requests and proxys API requests to mock server.
npm install
npm run build
Build static assets to build/
npm install
npm run test
Test with Jest. There are basic unit tests for components and reducers.
GET api/talks
Returns all talks. Success would be status code 200 with a JSON array. For example:
"author": "j",
"title": "Hello world!",
"description": "Hello world!",
"id": 12345,
"created": 1515419178895,
"votes": 2333,
"voted": true
POST api/talks
Creates a new talk, receives the created talk and returns it. Success would be status code 201 with a JSON object. Error may be status code 400 with a violation
field pointing out which part is invalid in the post body.
Requires a JSON object including the following fields:
- author: string
- title: string
- description: string
- isPublic: boolean
- publishDate: number
For example:
"author": "j",
"title": "Hello world!",
"description": "Hello world!",
"isPublic": false,
"publishDate": 1515670520437
Success return for example:
"author": "j",
"title": "Hello world!",
"description": "Hello world!",
"id": 12345,
"created": 1515419178895,
"votes": 0,
"voted": false,
"isPublic": false,
"publishDate": 1515670520437
Failure return for example:
"violation": {
"title": "title exists"
POST api/talks/:id/vote
Votes for a talk. Success would be status code 204 with no content.
- create-react-app: fast bootstrap the project
- Redux + redux-thunk: manage state and async actions
- Express + faker.js: provide a mock server
- Sass + Autoprefixer: process CSS
- Jest + enzyme: unit test
- Advanced Redux middleware, high-order reducers and normalizr
- Pagination / Infinite scrolling
Stuffs like above may be added or abstracted when the project becomes larger or for better cross-browser compatibility, but I prefer to keep it simple for now.