[x] Autoupload all new Handshakes, which will be listed in /handshakes in your pwnamap WebUI
[ ] Send information about Stats (Sessions, Epochs, seen Networks,...)
[ ] More soon™
ssh into your pwnagotchi
sudo su
cd /usr/local/share/pwnagotchi/custom-plugins/
nano /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
Append the following lines to your config
main.plugins.pwnamap.enabled = true
main.plugins.pwnamap.api_key = "" # Found in your pwnamap instance under /settings
main.plugins.pwnamap.api_url = "" # Change this to your URL (Format: http://DOMAIN_or_IP)
main.plugins.pwnamap.api_port= "1337"
Add your API key from the Settings of pwnamap Edit the api_url to match your public facing pwnamap instance and the api_port. (80 for Plain HTTP, 443 for HTTPS/SSL)
Save and close:
Ctrl+S (Check for "Wrote * Lines" message at the bottom)