Creator: Michael Seidl aka Techguy
CreationDate: 21.01.2014
LastModified: 31.03.2020
Version: 1.5
PSVersion tested: 3 and 4
PowerShell Self Service Web Portal at
Copies the Bakupdirs to the Destination You can configure more than one Backupdirs, every Dir wil be copied to the Destination. A Progress Bar is showing the Status of copied MB to the total MB Only Change Variables in Variables Section Change LoggingLevel to 3 an get more output in Powershell Windows
FIX: Github: Symbolic Links are now supported
FIX: Github: Sibling Folders
FIX: Github: Backup Duration
NEW: Rewrite Loggign Function
DIF: Some Code write ups
NEW: 7ZIP Support
FIX: Ordering at old Backup deletion
FIX: Exclude Dir is now working
NEW: Staging folder for ZIP
NEW: Send Mail Function
NEW: Backup Destination will be zipped
NEW: Exclude Dir
FIX: Logging Level
FIX: Delete old Folder by CreationTime
FIX: Delete last Backup dirs, changed to support older PS Version
FIX: Fixed the Count in the Statusbar
FIX: Fixed Location Count in Statusbar
CHANGE: Enhanced the Logging to a Textfile and write output, copy Log file to Backupdir
FIX: Renamed some Variables an have done some cosmetic changes
CHANGE: Define the Log Name in Variables
[email protected]