Connector to integrate visual analysis services from JOANNEUM RESEARCH with PLUXBOX RadioManager, developed as part of the MARCONI project.
The connector consists of a subscriber for analysis jobs and a middleware to handle these analysis jobs and forward them to instances of the analysis service.
The subscriber app is a Node.js application which creates a GraphQL subscribtion for analysis jobs and forwards jobs to the job analysis middleware.
To build the subscriber, open a shell, cd into the create_job directory and execute:
npm install
To run the application execute:
node index.js
The middleware app is a Tomcat resteasy servlet that offers a REST API to handle analysis jobs
To build the servlet, open a shell, cd into the fims_ame directory and execute:
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
For installation, copy the war file:
mv target/swagger-jaxrs-resteasy-server-1.0.0.war target/fims2-middleware.war
sudo cp target/fims2-middleware.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
To run the server execute:
sudo $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
To test the fims workflow locally:
- Deploy and start your fims-ame-middleware on your local tomcat (port 8080) - should be done via script
- Start your examples/create-job node.js GraphQL subscriber listener on your local machine on another console
- Initiate an image file upload with examples/upload-image node.js application on your local machine on another console
- Get the _id and url of the uploaded image in the imageMedia JSON of your create-job output window
- Adjust the mediaid in this file by the content of _id
- Adjust the mediaurl in this file by the content of url
- Execute this file in a shell, which posts the content to your local middleware
Adjust these values after you have started an image upload mediaid="media/75011644" mediaurl=""
To test fault handling http://url-to-server:8081/fims/v2/notifyFault http://localhost:8080/fims2-middleware/v2/mediaAMENotificationService/notifyFault
Execute post to the URL at the end of this file, and watch the debug output of your middleware code
curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"mediaAMEJob": "{ \"resourceID\": \"1\", \"revisionID\": \"null\", \"resourceCreationDate\": \"Fri Mar 08 14:14:15 UTC 2019\", \"resourceModifiedDate\": \"Fri Mar 08 14:17:06 UTC 2019\", \"status\": \"completed\", \"bmObject\": { \"bmContents\": [{ \"resourceID\": \"'"${mediaid}"'\", \"location\": \"'"${mediaurl}"'\" }] }, \"priority\": \"medium\", \"jobStartedTime\": \"Fri Mar 08 14:14:15 UTC 2019\", \"jobCompletedTime\": \"Fri Mar 08 14:17:06 UTC 2019\", \"processed\": { \"percentageProcessedCompleted\": 100 }, \"profile\": { \"ameTemplate\": { \"ameAtom\": [], \"ameTemplateID\": \"fullanalysis\", \"ameTemplateName\": \"Proxy generation, faces, objects\" }, \"ameReport\": { \"bmContentReference\": { \"resourceID\": \"'"${mediaid}"'\", \"location\": \"'"${mediaurl}"'\" }, \"toolInformation\": { \"name\": \"MARCONI analysis service\" }, \"ameItemResult\": [{ \"ameItemID\": \"\", \"ameItemName\": \"Proxy Generation\", \"detectionMethod\": \"automatic\", \"ameItemOutputs\": [{ \"parameterName\": \"ProxyLocation\", \"value\": \"\" }] }, { \"ameItemID\": \"\", \"ameItemName\": \"Face Recognition\", \"detectionMethod\": \"automatic\", \"ameItemOutputs\": [{ \"parameterName\": \"ListOfNames\", \"value\": \"[ { \\\"m\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"p\\\" : { \\\"@confidence\\\" : \\\"1.0\\\", \\\"@id\\\" : \\\"e157070c-a4c3-46a8-a82a-787e97697ccf\\\", \\\"@type\\\" : \\\"face\\\", \\\"Box\\\" : [ 0.30781251192092896, 0.15992970764636993, 0.46562498807907104, 0.27504393458366394 ] }, \\\"s\\\" : \\\"836c145b7cf98767f138e012c87c97af93090edb996c92f9550ce5557cd4bb81\\\", \\\"st\\\" : \\\"dynamic\\\", \\\"t\\\" : \\\"18446744073709\\\" }, { \\\"m\\\" : \\\"proxy\\\", \\\"p\\\" : { \\\"@id\\\" : \\\"fkf1\\\", \\\"@objectref\\\" : \\\"e157070c-a4c3-46a8-a82a-787e97697ccf\\\", \\\"@type\\\" : \\\"keyframe\\\", \\\"MediaUri\\\" : \\\"data/1/facekeyframes/1/fkf1.png\\\" }, \\\"st\\\" : \\\"dynamic\\\", \\\"t\\\" : \\\"18446744073709\\\" }, { \\\"m\\\" : \\\"proxy\\\", \\\"p\\\" : { \\\"@id\\\" : \\\"fkf2\\\", \\\"@objectref\\\" : \\\"e157070c-a4c3-46a8-a82a-787e97697ccf\\\", \\\"@type\\\" : \\\"keyframe\\\", \\\"MediaUri\\\" : \\\"data/1/facekeyframes/1/fkf2.png\\\" }, \\\"st\\\" : \\\"dynamic\\\", \\\"t\\\" : \\\"18446744073709\\\" } ] \" }] }, { \"ameItemID\": \"\", \"ameItemName\": \"Concept Detection\", \"detectionMethod\": \"automatic\", \"ameItemOutputs\": [{ \"parameterName\": \"DetectedConcepts\", \"value\": \"[ { \\\"m\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"p\\\" : { \\\"@id\\\" : \\\"person\\\", \\\"@type\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"Box\\\" : [ 0, 0.6502636203866432, 0.25, 0.9815465729349736 ] }, \\\"s\\\" : \\\"836c145b7cf98767f138e012c87c97af93090edb996c92f9550ce5557cd4bb81\\\", \\\"st\\\" : \\\"dynamic\\\", \\\"t\\\" : \\\"18446744073710\\\" }, { \\\"m\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"p\\\" : { \\\"@id\\\" : \\\"person\\\", \\\"@type\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"Box\\\" : [ 0.028125000000000001, 0.58435852372583474, 0.21875, 0.76449912126537789 ] }, \\\"s\\\" : \\\"836c145b7cf98767f138e012c87c97af93090edb996c92f9550ce5557cd4bb81\\\", \\\"st\\\" : \\\"dynamic\\\", \\\"t\\\" : \\\"18446744073710\\\" }, { \\\"m\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"p\\\" : { \\\"@id\\\" : \\\"person\\\", \\\"@type\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"Box\\\" : [ 0.22500000000000001, 0.097539543057996489, 0.65312499999999996, 0.7785588752196837 ] }, \\\"s\\\" : \\\"836c145b7cf98767f138e012c87c97af93090edb996c92f9550ce5557cd4bb81\\\", \\\"st\\\" : \\\"dynamic\\\", \\\"t\\\" : \\\"18446744073710\\\" }, { \\\"m\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"p\\\" : { \\\"@id\\\" : \\\"laptop\\\", \\\"@type\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"Box\\\" : [ 0.23281250000000001, 0.77504393673110716, 0.60781249999999998, 0.9411247803163445 ] }, \\\"s\\\" : \\\"836c145b7cf98767f138e012c87c97af93090edb996c92f9550ce5557cd4bb81\\\", \\\"st\\\" : \\\"dynamic\\\", \\\"t\\\" : \\\"18446744073710\\\" }, { \\\"m\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"p\\\" : { \\\"@id\\\" : \\\"bottle\\\", \\\"@type\\\" : \\\"object\\\", \\\"Box\\\" : [ 0.7890625, 0.58699472759226712, 0.83125000000000004, 0.65114235500878737 ] }, \\\"s\\\" : \\\"836c145b7cf98767f138e012c87c97af93090edb996c92f9550ce5557cd4bb81\\\", \\\"st\\\" : \\\"dynamic\\\", \\\"t\\\" : \\\"18446744073710\\\"} ] \" }] }]}}, \"notifyAt\": { \"replyTo\": \"http://url-to-server:8081/fims/v2/notifymediaAMEResult\", \"faultTo\": \"http://url-to-server:8081/fims/v2/notifyFault\"}}"
}' \