Create a variable called Temperature and set a number to its value, then create a conditional that measures this temperature. If the temperature is above 75, log "it is warm" to your console. If not, log "it is cold"
Create an array of names for your softball team. Then run a conditional to test the length of the array. If the array's length is 9 or more, log "Play ball!" to the console. If it is less than 9, log "not enough players" to the console.
Create an if/else if/else conditional that takes in a numeric grade and assigns it a letter value, logging the letter to your console. If a grade is a 90 or above, it returns an A. If it is between 80 and 89, the student recieves a B. 70-79 will give you a C. From 65 to 69 gives a D, and below a 65 returns a Failing mark. Finally, you should have a catching message that returns "Please enter a valid grade" if the inputed value is not a number
Create 3 values, a checkingAccount, a savingsAccount, and an action type, then assign each account to have any amount of $$$ in it. Then, make a switch statement that has at least 3 different actions: Withdraw, Deposit, and Transfer. If you have a case of Withdraw, subtract $100 from one of your accounts. If your case is Deposit, add $100 to an account. If you choose Transfer, take away 100 from one account and add it to the other.
Create a for loop that starts at 0, ends at 50, and logs a number that increases by 5 each time it is run.
Run a For Loop that starts at 0, ends at 10, and logs each number squared (your answer should be 0, 1, 4, 9, 25....)
Create an array of foods, then loop through them. Run a conditional in your loop with the charAt[0] method so that you are only logging to your console foods that start with the letter F
Run a loop that goes between 20 and 40, but only logs Even numbers. Then create a new loop that does the same for Odds
A coding classic, run a loop that counts and logs every number between 1 and 30. If a number is divisible by 3, log "Fizz", if it is divisible by 5, log "Buzz", and if it is divisible by 3 and 5, log "FizzBuzz"