ATTENTION. Arch Hyprland Install Script has been moved to a newer and updated Script. CLICK
here for the link.
- Archived in favor of
See more screenshots in the screenshots folder
you can also watch on the youtube link for a short show case Youtube Link
- Dotfiles are based on my previous Hyprland dots and script is based on my Hyprland-v2.1
- Improvements on script
- a.) nvidia-dkms nvidia-utils nvidia-settings libva libva-nvidia-driver-git are optional - These are applicable to those who wanted different different nvidia drivers as nvidia-dkms only support GTX 900 series or newer nvidia GPU's. Older gen nvidia owners, need to find a proper nvidia driver for your cards.
- b.) Optional GTK themes (Catppuccin or MacOS styles) - note that switching dark to light needs GTK themes. However, this is still optional
- From Hyprland-v2.1 dots added and changes are the following:
- a.) Screenshot with swappy is now introduced
- b.) Clipboard Manager (cliphist)
- c.) scripts are renamed but functions are same as previous dotfiles
- d.) Auto close of inactive apps (by default pavucontrol)
- e.) Added emoji selector (super alt e) thanks to @U-L-M-S
- f.) Added quick editor of configs using nano (super e)
- g.) removal of micro in lieu of mousepad for opening of help file (super h)
- i.) Added nvtop (for monitoring gpu resources usage) - right click on cpu temp on waybar
- j.) Added wlsunset, however, disabled by default. Thanks to @yamanmucahit . Edit ~/.config/hypr/configs/Execs.conf to enable.
NOTE! This is for any GPU. You may think its for nvidia only but its not. More steps are only needed for nvidia.
This can be use for Laptop or Desktop.
The script is mainly for Arch Linux minimal installation, however, can also be used for any existing arch based linux. It can also be used for Arch Linux with Hyprland installed. Script is design to create a backup of your config files (~/.config) and will check if packages are already installed and will skip if it detects that package is already
your previous hyprland configs will be backed up so you can always copy it over to new dotfiles
-if you opt to copy dotfiles, you can launch helpfile by pressing super h . Its a helpfile Ive created to assist you with some basic faq's
- By default, Catppuccin Mocha Theme for Hyprland is enabled
- Themes:
Catppuccin Mocha GTK Theme
orMojave GTK Theme
- Cursor Themes:
Catppuccin Cursors
orMcMojave Cursors
- Icon Themes:
Shiny Icons (Dark and Light
orMcMojave Circle Icon
- A guide to install using the install script:
Youtube Link
- a.) You can install one by one packages or choose the automatic installer script.
- b.) If you want to add or edit packages, edit install-hyprland-3 script (lines 280-296). Ensure packages are present on AUR or official else the script will fail.
- c.) Installation of Asus-ROG-utilities are entirely optional.
- d.) Thunar and necessary plugins are entirely optional
- yay or paru (will be asked if not installed)
- NVIDIA GPU (nvidia-dkms, hyprland-nvidia-git nvidia-settings nvidia-utils libva libva-nvidia-driver-git)
- foot swaybg swaylock-effects wofi wlogout mako grim slurp wl-clipboard cliphist swappy polkit-kde-agent nwg-look-bin swww mousepad pipewire-alsa playerctl wlsunset
- qt5ct btop nvtop jq gvfs gvfs-mtp ffmpegthumbs python-requests pamixer brightnessctl xdg-user-dirs viewnior mpv network-manager-applet micro cava pavucontrol
- otf-font-awesome ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-jetbrains-mono otf-font-awesome-4 ttf-droid ttf-fantasque-sans-mono adobe-source-code-pro-fonts noto-fonts-emoji
- waybar
- More wallpapers can be downloaded from my Hyprland-v2.1
. Download and copy over to ~/Pictures/
- easy way, ran script, script will create back-up of your files and folders (which needed for the config-dots) so you can easily copy over.
- long way,
- a.) copy the folders in config/ and copy to your ~/.config/. Make sure to make scripts in ~/.config/hypr/scripts executable after copied. By running chmod +x ~/.config/hypr/scripts/*
- b.) copy the wallpapers to your ~/Pictures . Wallpaper scripts are checking those folder. If not, modify the scripts, DarkLight-swaybg (if decide to use swaybg),, in your ~/.config/hypr/scripts to your actual wallpapers.
- c.) extract icons in assets/ to ~/.icons/
clone this repo by using git. Change directory, make executable and run the script
cd Hyprland-v3
chmod +x install-hyprland-v3
Optional stuff you can do using the script includes choices of the following:
a.) you can choose either yay or paru (if they are not installed)
b.) whether to install none-nvidia patch hyprland package if nvidia gpu detected, and wether to install nvidia-dkms or not
c.) whether to install GTK themes and cursors. Note this is needed for Switching to dark and light themes.
d.) whether to install thunar and necessary plugins
e.) whether to install bluetooth including blueman
f.) whether to install and use SDDM as login manager. Optional to install Catppuccin SDDM theme
g.) whether to install asusctl and supergfxctl (for ASUS rog laptops)
h.) whether to disable wifi powersave
i.) whether to install xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland
- kindly note, on configs I added all the nvidia variables from Hyprland wiki
but by default they are not enabled apart from env = WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS,1. I've had issues like OBS not recording, or intermittent crashing etc, on my laptop. Check the ~/.config/hypr/configs/ENVariables.conf and uncomment one by one to try. You can read through Hyprland-Wiki for some guidance.
you can copy, create, change, however, would appreciate to submit like a pull request or issues if you have a better solution / changes so we will all improve :)
Please note, Only provided are configs. Any Hyprland-related issues to be reported on Hyprland Github
a.) Copy / Move files / folders in your ~/.config
a.1) by default, no kb_layout set up in ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf . It will be set during script install. If you manually copy, ensure to put a value ie, us, gb, pl, es, kr, jp.... etc
a.2) by default there are no border color set up in ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf . It will be set during script install depending on which theme you select. If you manually copied, ensure to uncomment line 23 (neon color) or line 24 (blueish color) or it will be defaulted to white.
a.3) If you manually copied the config in dotfiles, ensure to uncomment Themes and Icons part on the script. Which is located in ~/.config/hypr/scripts/ . And copy over the dark style waybar from ~/.config/hypr/waybar/style/dark-styles/ to ~/.config/hypr/waybar/style/ and rename as style-dark.css or the script wont work. -a.4) Extract the icons in assets/ to ~/.icons/
b.) Copy wallpapers to your ~/Pictures/ or you need to edit the scripts.
c.) if you have azerty keyboard
might help
- change the values of pavucontrol on
. Recommended to move the window manually where you want and then run the commandhyprctl clients
to show the current size and position, as shown in the Assets/PavuExample.jpg
- fractional scaling breaks swww. Switch to swaybg as your wallpaper renderer if you use fractional scaling
- cant get cava module to work on waybar
- weather data sometimes does not give data. This is because module is not receiving data from weather server. Deleting the rbn folder in your ~/.cache sometimes help
- background not rendering (black background) after forced shutdown. Deletig the swww folder in your ~/.cache should fix it after reboot
- jqtmviyu
- for his contributions to my Hyprland v2.1, which inspires me to follow his script names and idea of MacOS theme.