The goal of this project was to upgrade the existing MVP of a company named ToDo&Co.
The company has been able to present a shortly-made project of a ToDoList application to
a group of investors, and now that the concept has been validated, we had to upgrade it to
a full-grown modern application.
As a newly hired developer for this company, I had to work on the quality of the app, by namely:
- Implementing new features
- Fix a few bugs
- Set up automated tests, which in turn enabled me to
- Upgrade the version of the framework used
- Upgrade the version of the language used
The back end has been realised in PHP 8.1, Symfony 6.1 and Twig
To be able to locally use this project, you will need to install Git on your machine.
Follow the installation instructions here depending on your Operating system.
This project runs 3 separate applications each in their own containers:
- The PostgreSql DataBase
- The Nginx Server
- The PHP/Symfony application itself
Each is based upon its own Docker Image.
To have them run locally, you will need to install Docker on your machine.
Follow the installation instructions here for most OS
or here for Archlinux.
As defined on the documentation:
Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.
Since it is our case in this project, we also chose to use compose to build the complete project.
You can see how to install it here
Move to the parent directory where you wish to clone the project.
git clone
Then move into the newly cloned directory
cd projet8-TodoList
This project relies on the use of environment variables, which act as secrets. These are for instance the database
connection information.
To override the examples given in .env
or .env.dist
, create your local file:
cp .env.dist .env.local
Then open your newly created .env.local with your favorite text editor and replace the different " CHANGEME" values by your own.
Now that everything has been configured, let us get into it !
Still at the root of p7_oc_bilemo, run :
make install
This will:
- Check that Docker and Docker-Compose are installed on your machine.
- Check that the necessary ports ( 80 and 443 for the web server, and 49154 for the database) are not already used.
- Build the Docker image.
- Start the containers.
- Wait for the containers to accept TCP connection.
- Create the database and fill it with fixtures.
If everything went fine, you should be able to navigate to localhost and start interacting with the API.
If not, please do not hesitate to submit an issue and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Note: |
If somehow the database ran into an issue (sometimes the make install command is too fast for |
the db container to be up already, |
make db-reset
might help.
To contribute to the project, please read the guide.