Firaxis removed the 2K Launcher from Civ 6 installs on Aug 15th, 2024.
A simple LaunchPad/Take2Launcher replacement for Civ VI
Place f2k.exe in [PATH_TO_STEAM]/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization VI
In Steam:
- Select the game
- Gear icon > Properties
- Under General, set launch options to the following:
"[PATH_TO_STEAM]\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\f2k.exe" %command%
Right-click f2k.exe and click on properties.
At the bottom of the window there should be a checkbox to unblock it.
Hit Apply and OK.
Nothing about f2k is written to be Steam-specific, with the exception of the hidden launch option cleaning,
which might eliminate some EGS-specific launch options.
- Windows
- Python >=3.10
- Git
- Highly recommended for reducing filesize
# If you have Python2 (why), make sure to substitute python for python3
# Clone the repository
git clone && cd f2k
# Creating a virtual environment
python -m venv venv --update-deps
# Activate the virtuakl environment
call venv/Scripts/activate
# Installing dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Check for UPX
# If your UPX isn't in PATH, you should edit to
# point PyInstaller to your UPX install
where upx
# Build
# Optionally, add 'clean' as an argument to force a clean build
python [clean]
# Build output should be located in ./dist/
- Python (PSFL2)
- Qt (LGPL3)
- PySide6 (LGPL3)
f2k is licensed under the permissive MIT (Expat)
Despite that, I humbly ask you to open source your own changes to f2k.