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SND Lua Commands
atirna edited this page Jul 25, 2024
16 revisions
Have you ever wondered how this command works? Ever just need some documentation on all the custom lua functions we have in our SND [Expanded Edition] Well... this is a general attempt to try and get it all in one place, that way maybe... making scripts is a lot more user friendly.
Right now, it's all under one section. But slowly we'll get it transferred over to it's own thing so if more detail is needed on them, it's accessable
PLEASE NOTE: This is mainly just updated by me as I have the free time, but it doesn't mean it's the most up to date. If you want to see all the current commands, please check out the lua tab in snd:
-- Leaves the duty that you are currently in, doesn't open any menus, just insta-leaves
-- (as long as you're not in combat)
Void LeaveDuty()
-- Teleports you to the Aetheryte of your Grand Company
Void TeleportToGCTown (Boolean useTickets = False)
-- Checks to see how much time as passed while casting that action.
-- actionID can be found w/ simple tweaks plugin, enable
-- "Show ID -> Show Resolved Action ID", and hover over an action to get said ID
Single GetRecastTimeElapsed(UInt32 actionId)
GetRealRecastTimeElapsed(UInt32 actionId)
-- Example: GetRecastTimeElapsed(7514) -- if casting vercure, will track the current recast time
-- Gets cast time of the spell you are currently casting
-- actionID can be found w/ simple tweaks plugin
-- enable "Show ID -> Show Resolved Action ID", and hover over an action to get said ID
Single GetRecastTime(UInt32 actionId)
Single GetRealRecastTime (UInt32 actionId)
-- Checks to see how much time is left before you can cast another action/spell
Single GetSpellCooldown (UInt32 actionId)
Single GetRealSpellCooldown (UInt32 actionId)
-- Example: GetRealRecastTime(7514) -- if casting vercure, will track the cast time of vercure
-- Info here!
Int32 GetSpellCooldownInt(UInt32 actionId)
-- Example: GetSpellCooldownInt(24298) -- Kerachole [SGE AOE Mit]
-- Example: yield("/e Spell CD: "..GetSpellCooldownInt(24298))
-- Echos back how much time is left on Kerachole [SGE AOE Mit]
Int32 GetActionStackCount(Int32 maxStacks, UInt32 actionId)
Void ExecuteAction (UInt32 actionID)
Void ExecuteGeneralAction (UInt32 actionID)
-- Open the duty roulette associated w/ the number.
-- All values/numbers casn be found under the help section of SND in: Game Data -> Duty Roulette
Void OpenRouletteDuty(Byte contentRouletteID)
-- Example: OpenRouletteDuty(6) -- Opens the duty finder directly to trial roulette
Void OpenRegularDuty(UInt32 cfcID)
Void SelectDuty(UInt32 dutyCode)
Void SetDFLanguageJ(Boolean state)
Void SetDFLanguageE(Boolean state)
Void SetDFLanguageD(Boolean state)
Void SetDFLanguageF(Boolean state)
Void SetDF JoinInProgress (Boolean state)
Void SetDFUnrestricted(Boolean state)
Void SetDFLevelSync(Boolean state)
Void SetDFMinILvl(Boolean state)
Void SetDFSilenceEcho(Boolean state)
Void SetDFExplorerMode(Boolean state)
Void SetDFLimitedLeveling(Boolean state)
Int32 GetDiademAetherGaugeBarCount()
Int32 GetDDPassageProgress()
-- Check if a game UI window is "visible". Becomes true as soon as the addon begins loading, before it's actually on screen and usable.
Boolean IsAddonVisible(String addonName)
-- Check if an element node is visible in game UI windows.
Boolean IsNodeVisible(String addonName, Int32[] ids)
-- Similar to IsAddonVisible, but waits for the addon to finish loading. Slower, but better to use if you're reading text nodes, as the text nodes are not populated immediately.
Boolean IsAddonReady(String addonName)
String GetToastNodeText(Int32 index, Int32[] nodeNumbers)
GetNodeText Guide
Getting text off a single node
Getting text off of a nested node
-- Used for reading text from game UI windows. Addon name needs to be in "quotes". Supports nested text nodes. Use the Node List in addon inspector, and the index you want is in [1] square brackets at the start of the line.
String GetNodeText(String addonName, Int32[] nodeNumbers)
Void SetNodeText(String addonName, String text, Int32[] ids)
String GetSelectStringText(Int32 index)
String GetSelectIconStringText (Int32 index)
Int32 GetNodeListCount(String addonName)
Boolean IsPlayerAvailable()
Boolean HasStatus(String statusName)
Boolean HasStatusId(UInt32[] statusIDs)
UInt32 GetStatusStackCount (UInt32 statusID)
Single GetStatusTimeRemaining (UInt32 statusID)
UInt32 GetStatusSourceID(UInt32 statusID)
Boolean GetCharacterCondition(Int32 flagID, Boolean hasCondition = True)
String GetCharacterName(Boolean include World = False)
Boolean IsInZone(Int32 zoneID)
Boolean IsLocalPlayerNull()
Boolean IsPlayerDead()
Boolean IsPlayerCasting()
Boolean IsMoving()
Boolean IsPlayerOccupied()
UInt32 GetGil()
UInt32 GetClassJobId()
UInt32 GetHP()
UInt32 GetMaxHP()
UInt32 GetMP()
UInt32 GetMaxMP()
Single GetPlayerRawXPos(String character = )
Single GetPlayerRawYPos(String character = )
Single GetPlayerRawZPos(String character = )
Int32 GetLevel(Int32 expArrayIndex = -1)
-- Example: CurrentLevel = GetLevel()
-- yield("/e Current Level = "..CurrentLevel)
-- spits back your current level in echo chat
Byte GetPlayerGC()
Int32 GetFCRank()
String GetFCGrandCompany()
Int32 GetFCOnlineMembers()
Int32 GetFCTotalMembers()
Void RequestAchievementProgress(UInt32 id)
UInt32 GetRequestedAchievementProgress()
Boolean IsAchievementComplete(Int32 id)
UInt32 GetCurrentBait()
UInt16 GetLimitBreakCurrentValue()
UInt32 GetLimitBreakBarValue()
Byte GetLimitBreakBarCount()
UInt32 GetPenaltyRemainingInMinutes()
Byte GetMaelstromGCRank()
Byte GetFlamesGCRank()
Byte GetAddersGCRank()
Void SetMaelstromGCRank(Byte rank)
Void SetFlamesGCRank(Byte rank)
Void SetAddersGCRank(Byte rank)
Boolean HasFlightUnlocked(UInt32 territory = 0)
Boolean IsCrafting()
Boolean IsNotCrafting()
Boolean IsCollectable()
String GetCondition(Boolean lower = True)
Boolean HasCondition(String condition, Boolean lower = True)
Int32 GetProgress()
Int32 GetMaxProgress()
Boolean HasMaxProgress()
Int32 GetQuality()
Int32 GetMaxQuality()
Boolean HasMaxQuality()
Int32 GetDurability()
Int32 GetMaxDurability()
Int32 GetCp()
Int32 GetMaxCp()
Int32 GetGp()
Int32 GetMaxGp()
Int32 GetStep()
Int32 GetPercentHQ()
Boolean NeedsRepair(Single below = 0)
Boolean CanExtractMateria(Single within = 100)
Boolean HasStats(UInt32 craftsmanship, UInt32 control, UInt32 cp)
UInt32 GetProgressIncrease(UInt32 actionID)
UInt32 GetQualityIncrease(UInt32 actionID)
Single GetDistanceToPoint(Single x, Single y, Single z)
String GetTargetName()
Single GetTargetRawXPos()
Single GetTargetRawYPos()
Single GetTargetRawZPos()
Boolean IsTargetCasting()
UInt32 GetTargetActionID()
UInt32 GetTargetUsedActionID()
Single GetTargetHP()
Single GetTargetMaxHP()
Single GetTargetHPP()
Single GetTargetRotation()
Nullable 1 GetTargetObjectKind()
Nullable`1 GetTargetSubKind()
Void TargetClosestEnemy(Single distance = 0)
Void ClearTarget()
Single GetDistanceToTarget()
Boolean TargetHasStatus(UInt32 statusID)
UInt32 GetTargetFateID()
Boolean IsTargetMounted()
Boolean IsTargetInCombat()
Byte GetTargetHuntRank()
Single GetTargetHitboxRadius()
Boolean HasTarget()
String GetFocusTargetName()
Single GetFocusTargetRawXPos()
Single GetFocusTargetRawYPos()
Single GetFocusTargetRawZPos()
Boolean IsFocusTargetCasting()
UInt32 GetFocusTargetActionID()
UInt32 GetFocusTargetUsedActionID()
Single GetFocusTargetHP()
Single GetFocusTargetMaxHP()
Single GetFocusTargetHPP()
Single GetFocusTargetRotation()
Void ClearFocusTarget()
Single GetDistanceToFocusTarget()
Boolean FocusTargetHasStatus(UInt32 statusID)
UInt32 GetFocusTargetFateID()
Single GetObjectRawXPos(String name)
Single GetObjectRawYPos(String name)
Single GetObjectRawZPos(String name)
Single GetDistanceToObject(String name)
Boolean IsObjectCasting(String name)
UInt32 GetObjectActionID(String name)
UInt32 GetObjectUsedActionID(String name)
Single GetObjectHP(String name)
Single GetObjectMaxHP(String name)
Single GetObjectHPP(String name)
Single GetObjectRotation(String name)
Boolean ObjectHasStatus(String name, UInt32 statusID)
UInt32 GetObjectFateID(String name)
Boolean DoesObjectExist(String name)
Boolean IsObjectMounted(String name)
UInt32 GetObjectDataID(String name)
Boolean IsObjectInCombat(String name)
Byte GetObjectHuntRank(String name)
Single GetObjectHitboxRadius(String name)
String GetPartyMemberName(Int32 index)
Single GetPartyMemberRawXPos(Int32 index)
Single GetPartyMemberRawYPos(Int32 index)
Single GetPartyMemberRawZPos(Int32 index)
Single GetDistanceToPartyMember(Int32 index)
Boolean IsPartyMemberCasting(Int32 index)
UInt32 GetPartyMemberActionID(Int32 index)
UInt32 GetPartyMemberUsedActionID (Int32 index)
Single GetPartyMemberHP(Int32 index)
Single GetPartyMemberMaxHP(Int32 index)
Single GetPartyMemberHPP(Int32 index)
Single GetPartyMemberRotation (Int32 index)
Boolean PartyMemberHasStatus(Int32 index, UInt32 statusID)
Boolean IsPartyMemberMounted(Int32 index)
Boolean IsPartyMemberInCombat(Int32 index)
Single GetBuddyTimeRemaining()
Nullable’1 PandoraGetFeatureEnabled(String feature)
Nullable’1 PandoraGetFeatureConfigEnabled(String feature, String config)
Void PandoraSetFeatureState(String feature, Boolean state)
Void PandoraSetFeatureConfigState(String feature, String config, Boolean state)
Void PandoraPauseFeature(String feature, Int32 ms)
Void SetAutoHookState(Boolean state)
Void SetAutoHookAutoGigState(Boolean state)
Void SetAutoHookAutoGigSize(Int32 size)
Void SetAutoHookAutoGigSpeed(Int32 speed)
Void SetAutoHookPreset(String preset)
Void UseAutoHookAnonymousPreset(String preset)
Void DeletedSelectedAutoHookPreset()
Void DeleteAllAutoHookAnonymousPresets()
Boolean DeliveroolsTurnInRunning()
Boolean IsVislandRouteRunning()
Boolean NavIsReady()
Single NavBuildProgress()
Void NavReload()
Void NavRebuild()
Void NavPathfind(Single x, Single y, Single z, Boolean fly = False)
Boolean NavIsAutoLoad()
Void NavSetAutoLoad(Boolean state)
Nullable’1 QueryMeshNearestPointX(Single x, Single y, Single z, Single halfExtentXZ, Single halfExtentY)
Nullable’1 QueryMeshNearestPointY(Single x, Single y, Single z, Single halfExtentXZ, Single halfExtentY)
Nullable’1 QueryMeshNearestPointZ(Single x, Single y, Single z, Single half€xtentXZ, Single halfExtentY)
Nullable’1 QueryMeshPointOnFloorX(Single x, Single y, Single z, Boolean allowUnlandable, Single halfExtentXZ)
Nullable’1 QueryMeshPointOnFloorY(Single x, Single y, Single z, Boolean allowUnlandable, Single halfExtentXZ)
Nullable’1 QueryMeshPointOnFloorZ(Single x, Single y, Single z, Boolean allowUnlandable, Single halfExtentXZ)
Void PathMoveTo(Single x, Single y, Single z, Boolean fly = False)
Void PathStop()
Boolean PathIsRunning()
Int32 PathNumWaypoints()
Boolean PathGetMovementAllowed()
Void PathSetMovementAllowed(Boolean state)
Boolean PathGetAlignCamera()
Void PathSetAlignCamera(Boolean state)
Single PathGetTolerance()
Void PathSetTolerance(Single t)
Void PathfindAndMoveTo(Single x, Single y, Single z, Boolean fly = False)
Boolean PathfindInProgress()
Void ARSetSuppressed(Boolean state)
List’1 ARGetRegisteredCharacters()
List’1 ARGetRegisteredEnabledCharacters()
List’1 ARGetRegisteredRetainers()
List’1 ARGetRegisteredEnabledRetainers()
Boolean ARAnyWaitingToBeProcessed(Boolean allCharacters = False)
Boolean ARRetainersWaitingToBeProcessed(Boolean allCharacters = False)
Boolean ARSubsWaitingToBeProcessed(Boolean allCharacters = False)
Void PauseYesAlready()
Void RestoreYesAlready()
Boolean IsQuestAccepted(UInt16 id)
Boolean IsQuestComplete(UInt16 id)
Byte GetQuestSequence(UInt16 id)
Nullable*1 GetQuestIDByName(String name)
String GetClipboard()
Void SetClipboard(string text)
Void CrashTheGame()
Void LogInfo(Object text)
Void LogDebug(Object text)
Void LogVerbose(Object text)
Boolean HasPlugin(String name)
Int32 GetZone1D()
Single GetFlagxCoord()
Single GetFlag¥Coord()
Single GetFlagZone()
Void SetMapFlag(UInt32 territory, Single worldX, Single worldZ)
Byte GetActiveWeather1D()
Int64 GetCurrentEorzeaTimestamp()
Int32 GetCurrentEorzeaSecond()
Int32 GetCurrentEorzeaMinute()
Int32 GetCurrentEorzeaHour()
List’1 GetActiveFates()
UInt16 GetNearestFate()
Boolean IsInFate()
Single GetFateDuration(UInt16 fateID)
Single GetFateHandInCount(UInt16 fateID)
Single GetFateLocationX(UInt16 fateID)
Single GetFateLocationY(UInt16 fateID)
Single GetFateLocationZ(UInt16 fateID)
Single GetFateProgress(UInt16 fateID)
Single GetContentTimeLeft()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingRoute()
Byte GetCurrentOceanFishingTimeOfDay()
Int32 GetCurrentOceanFishingStatus()
Byte GetCurrentOceanFishingZone()
Single GetCurrentOceanFishingZoneTimeLeft()
Ulnt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingTimeOffset()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingWeather1D()
Boolean OceanFishingIsSpectralActive()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingMission1Type()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingMission2Type()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingMission3Type()
Byte GetCurrentOceanFishingMission1Goal()
Byte GetCurrentOceanFishingMission2Goal()
Byte GetCurrentOceanFishingMission3Goal()
String GetCurrentOceanFishingMission1Name()
String GetCurrentOceanFishingMission2Name()
String GetCurrentOceanFishingMission3Name()
Ulnt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingMission1Progress()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingMission2Progress()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingMission3Progress()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingPoints()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingScore()
UInt32 GetCurrentOceanFishingTotalScore()
Single GetAccursedHoardRawX()
Single GetAccursedHoardRawY()
Single GetAccursedHoardRawZ()
List’1 GetBronzeChestLocations()
List’1 GetSilverChestLocations()
List’1 GetGoldChestLocations()
List’1 GetMimicChestLocations()
ValueTuple*3 GetPassageLocation()
List’1 GetTrapLocations()
```List'1 GetNearbyObjectNames(Single distance = 0, Byte objectKind = 0)